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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone, I'm Robin, but my friends call me Bob.

I was diagnosed with T2 in 2013, and manage the condition with weight loss (about 50kg so far, a little more to go), Metformin (down to 500mg) a low GI diet and lots of exercise.

I'm a keen parkrunner, occasional marathoner and slave to an argumentative cat called Katniss.

I am often on Twitter (@Fractis) and occasionally write a blog at http://www.fractis.net

I look forward to chatting with you all.
Hi Robin, or Bob, welcome to the club nobody wanted to join. I'm also Robin, and had to endure a lot of 'but you're a girl!' comments when I was at school, until it became more common as a girls name as well.
Hi Bob

Welcome to the forum.

Grief - congratulations, cos I've just worked that out in old money - 7 stone 12 lbs (I thought 8st = 112lbs, but I was a tad gobsmacked LOL)

And Hell - methinks twas a good job you WERE diagnosed and got the very rude awakening you did. If only more middle aged overweight T2s could get the same mindset - you could make a fortune if you could bottle it! LOL
Welcome to the forum, Fractis / Bob, from a fellow parkrunner. Congratulations on your weight loss and running success. So far I have failed to persuade my lovely, but overweight GP of South Asian origin (thus at higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes) or any of the surgery staff from taking part, although he willingly put up a poster I made in the waiting room. Also slave to a cat, although not an argumentative one.
Hi Bob, welcome aboard :D
Hello Bob and welcome to the forum. 🙂
Hi everyone, I'm Robin, but my friends call me Bob.

I was diagnosed with T2 in 2013, and manage the condition with weight loss (about 50kg so far, a little more to go), Metformin (down to 500mg) a low GI diet and lots of exercise.

I'm a keen parkrunner, occasional marathoner and slave to an argumentative cat called Katniss.

I am often on Twitter (@Fractis) and occasionally write a blog at http://www.fractis.net

I look forward to chatting with you all.
Hi Bob, welcome to the forum 🙂 Fabulous job with the weight loss - well done! 🙂 Good to see another person who has got the running bug! 🙂
Hi Bob
And Hell - methinks twas a good job you WERE diagnosed and got the very rude awakening you did. If only more middle aged overweight T2s could get the same mindset - you could make a fortune if you could bottle it! LOL

Absolutely; I't was a complete life changing event, and whilst I'd never say having T2 is a good thing, there are certainly some positive aspects of it. Nothing needs bottling - it's just good information and good peer support!
Welcome to the forum, Fractis / Bob, from a fellow parkrunner. Congratulations on your weight loss and running success. So far I have failed to persuade my lovely, but overweight GP of South Asian origin (thus at higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes) or any of the surgery staff from taking part, although he willingly put up a poster I made in the waiting room. Also slave to a cat, although not an argumentative one.

Always a pleasure to find another parkrunner! I was at the Diabetes UK Professional Conference a few weeks ago, and the fun run whilst well attended, had very few clinicians attending (mainly DUK staff and external companies). I was a bit shocked, as there were plenty who would have benefited from a 5k run rather than an extra half an hour in bed!
Hi and welcome Bob :D
Hi Bob and welcome to the forum.
Always a pleasure to find another parkrunner! I was at the Diabetes UK Professional Conference a few weeks ago, and the fun run whilst well attended, had very few clinicians attending (mainly DUK staff and external companies). I was a bit shocked, as there were plenty who would have benefited from a 5k run rather than an extra half an hour in bed!
Sometimes health professionals like / need a bit of time off. Perhaps half an hour in bed was more beneficial for them - or longer than 30 minutes, as that's a decent time for 5km plus getting changed and showered. An overweight running newbie would probably take at least 45 mins for 5km. Although it would be an ideal start to a day sitting and listening to talks.
Not entirely unrelated topic: Many years ago, my Mum had a job demonstrating bandages and leg ulcer products to practice nurses, and used to provide sandwiches for lunch. She always asked for prefences, and was often asked for white bread as a treat, as the nurses said they always ate granary / wholemeal bread with their families.
Just been having a read of your blog Bob, very good stuff 🙂 One slight criticism though would be that the font is very pale and a little difficult to see well - could be a problem for anyone with vision problems.
Just been having a read of your blog Bob, very good stuff 🙂 One slight criticism though would be that the font is very pale and a little difficult to see well - could be a problem for anyone with vision problems.

Thanks you, that's very kind (I'm very new to this and still a bit surprised when anyone reads it!)

Unfortunately the font varies depending on the browser used; I hope to have a new version up shortly that will be clearer to read on all platforms (as soon as I have finished work, done my training run, cooked dinner, done the washing etc...!)
Hi Robin and well done on losing so much weight. I am slowly working on it but only been diagnosed three weeks still getting my head and brain into gear with it 🙂
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