Hi again - New Pump

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Hey matchless, nice photo, if I was planning another bike it would be a cafe racer style machine, I can only dream lol.
I live I Germany so we are lucky to being able to get our hands on the latest and greatest equipment. Did you not get libre2, if you can ge it you can do away with the maio maio
I am not aware that libre 2 is available here in france yet but i thought what i have seen on line that it does not transmit readings constantly to a mobile phone ,if it does perhaps you can enlighten me ,i am in the middle of changing my diabetic doctor at the moment i have appointment in a couple of months ,my present doctor suggest i find another doc because she could not keep up with the way i use the libre and my Miao Miao on my chest where i get very good control ,AS for the bikes i would have another tomorrow if i had the money preferably a single 500-600cc .
I am not aware that libre 2 is available here in france yet but i thought what i have seen on line that it does not transmit readings constantly to a mobile phone ,if it does perhaps you can enlighten me ,i am in the middle of changing my diabetic doctor at the moment i have appointment in a couple of months ,my present doctor suggest i find another doc because she could not keep up with the way i use the libre and my Miao Miao on my chest where i get very good control ,AS for the bikes i would have another tomorrow if i had the money preferably a single 500-600cc .
I thought the Libre 2 had been available in some parts of Europe for a couple of years.
I thought the Libre 2 had been available in some parts of Europe for a couple of years.
To be quite honest i have not inquired hear in un as i have been happy with the first one also i thought it was not much better than the libre 1 with Miao Miao and xdrip+ app but i will be interested with libre 3 which transmits to a phone making my MM obsolete.
The Libre2 gives you the possibility to have alarms sent to you phone, I used to use it for 18months and never knew it could do that then I did a test a couple of months ago with one I had in the cupboard, you need the latest phone app and you have to start it with the phone and then you can set up alarms for going high and going low, for the graph etc. you still need to swipe it but having the alarms is more than useful and less stuff stuck to you if your using the maio maio
The Libre2 gives you the possibility to have alarms sent to you phone, I used to use it for 18months and never knew it could do that then I did a test a couple of months ago with one I had in the cupboard, you need the latest phone app and you have to start it with the phone and then you can set up alarms for going high and going low, for the graph etc. you still need to swipe it but having the alarms is more than useful and less stuff stuck to you if your using the maio maio
Hi again Paul yes i looked it up yesterday it does have alarms but with MM and with xdrip+ app on my phone i get alarms of high and low which i set for any figure i like which go of every 5 mins or what ever i adjust it too ,i have my lows set at 80 and highs at 150 which give me time to do corrections before i go hypo or hypa also i have a graph 24/7 without manually scanning, with blue tooth it predicts which my BS will be at a given time ,The MM 2 is so small i do not know its there , I am very happy with what i have at the moment but like i have said i would like to have a tube less pump or a pump that i can control from my phone or PDM with closed loop well i will keep my fingers crossed for my next pump in june.
Hi again Paul yes i looked it up yesterday it does have alarms but with MM and with xdrip+ app on my phone i get alarms of high and low which i set for any figure i like which go of every 5 mins or what ever i adjust it too ,i have my lows set at 80 and highs at 150 which give me time to do corrections before i go hypo or hypa also i have a graph 24/7 without manually scanning, with blue tooth it predicts which my BS will be at a given time ,The MM 2 is so small i do not know its there , I am very happy with what i have at the moment but like i have said i would like to have a tube less pump or a pump that i can control from my phone or PDM with closed loop well i will keep my fingers crossed for my next pump in june.
I think that's how the Libre 2 works, when I tested it a couple of months ago I set the alarms at 80 and 160 and as long as the phone was near the sensor i.e. in my pocket or in the same room it pinged me as it got to those numbers.
I just had the rep from Ypso MyLife pump here today and had a good conversation with him about their system with the Dexcom G6 which is just about to start delivery, in March the will have the app connected to the pump but only one way coms from the pump to the phone but in May they will send out a new pump that has 2 way coms and you will be able to bolus from your phone. beginning of next year they will upgrade the software again to make it a closed loop system.

I have the Tandem Tslim rep coming next then I will decide which way to go, I sort of like the idea of that on because the IQ software can give a bolus on its own if you start to go high so we will see what they say next week, of course I'll post what I hear.
I think that's how the Libre 2 works, when I tested it a couple of months ago I set the alarms at 80 and 160 and as long as the phone was near the sensor i.e. in my pocket or in the same room it pinged me as it got to those numbers.
I just had the rep from Ypso MyLife pump here today and had a good conversation with him about their system with the Dexcom G6 which is just about to start delivery, in March the will have the app connected to the pump but only one way coms from the pump to the phone but in May they will send out a new pump that has 2 way coms and you will be able to bolus from your phone. beginning of next year they will upgrade the software again to make it a closed loop system.

I have the Tandem Tslim rep coming next then I will decide which way to go, I sort of like the idea of that on because the IQ software can give a bolus on its own if you start to go high so we will see what they say next week, of course I'll post what I hear.
high again The tandem looks more impressive with the large screen and multi colors and the closed loop working all ready still its great you have the reps visiting you ,here in france we have Prestataire de sante that look after all your needs ,and they will come with a variety of pumps in june for me to choose but i dont think i will be legible for dexcom because my HBA1c 6.2 is not bad enough still i can hope . the chose here is medronic 780, Tandem T slim X2 ,Mylife Ypsp, and omnipod dash.

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I am not aware that libre 2 is available here in france yet but i thought what i have seen on line that it does not transmit readings constantly to a mobile phone ,if it does perhaps you can enlighten me
Officially Libre 2 does not transmit the values and Bluetooth is only used for alerts.
However, it is possible to patch the LibreLink app to send the readings to xDrip and you can do away with your Miaomiao.
I still have a few Libre 1 sensors but when these run out I will migrate to Libre 2.
I already have approval to do so but will use up my Libre 1s first - I am incredibly privileged that the NHS funds them for me and I do not want to abuse this privilege by wasting taxpayers money.
Officially Libre 2 does not transmit the values and Bluetooth is only used for alerts.
However, it is possible to patch the LibreLink app to send the readings to xDrip and you can do away with your Miaomiao.
I still have a few Libre 1 sensors but when these run out I will migrate to Libre 2.
I already have approval to do so but will use up my Libre 1s first - I am incredibly privileged that the NHS funds them for me and I do not want to abuse this privilege by wasting taxpayers money.
Hi Helli does the patch make librelink a connecting by bluetooth to Xdrip+,i am interested to see how librelink app connects to libre 2 every 5 mins without scanning with a phone .
Hi Helli does the patch make librelink a connecting by bluetooth to Xdrip+,i am interested to see how librelink app connects to libre 2 every 5 mins without scanning with a phone .
I believe (but apologies if I am wrong), without the patch LibreLink does get the data by bluetooth and the app uses the data to determine whether to alert or not. However, it does not seem to store the readings until it is scanned.
The patch allows LibreLink to pass the data to xDrip when it receives it.

The data is definitely coming direct from LibreLink because xDrip will not have access to the raw data which it uses for calibration with Libre 1 and MiaoMiao.
I believe (but apologies if I am wrong), without the patch LibreLink does get the data by bluetooth and the app uses the data to determine whether to alert or not. However, it does not seem to store the readings until it is scanned.
The patch allows LibreLink to pass the data to xDrip when it receives it.

The data is definitely coming direct from LibreLink because xDrip will not have access to the raw data which it uses for calibration with Libre 1 and MiaoMiao.
I think i will stick with libre 1 and MM and xdrip+ for the time being it is not costing me any thing and wait for libre 3 ,in my experience patches sometimes work and sometimes not but but i will ask my diabetes doctor if libre 2 is free here in France but thanks for your imfo .
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