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:D😉If I have more than the one, okay every time I have a drink I would finish with a biscuit or two to help soak the booze up, unless it was all with a meal.

PS For clarification I'm not suggesting drinking helps keep numbers down, be responsible people!

PPS The reasearch is inconclusive and I'm still working on it😛😉
Just checking if you are driving to work?

I think it is unusual to have such low readings in the morning, I'd be interested to hear what your GP says. I wonder if the meter is out, can you phone the company and ask them to send a new one out then you can rule out it being the meter.
These levels are very low - do you think you could set your alarm for an hour earlier and check your levels? I just worry that you may go even lower than the 1.7 especially if drinking a lot tonight. Also make sure you have some lucozade or similar for when waking as this just isnt safe. I hope you get to see your GP asap.🙂Bev
Thanks ever so much for your help everyone. I've been away all week and didn't take any control solution with me (I think its still in the box) so thats the first thing I will do when I get home. I had 2 glasses of wine last night and when I tested this morning I was 6.1 - so like you Rossi - research inconclusive at the moment!

I do drive Nikki - and I understand that I will have no hypo awareness but to be honest I didn't feel any different this morning to the last 3 (apart from a little less tired maybe? I have been working 11 and 12 hour days though (and been on my feet all day) up until yesterday so am now thinking that this may have had an effect. Anyway - off to see the GP/DSN next week so will show her all my results and see if she has an answer - although to be honest, given the advice so far, I'm not sure she will do! Anyway - for now I'm glad that things are back to normal!
I've recently being trying to be a good diabetic and use my Freestyle Lite so I can find out what and how food/exercise/wine affect me. The good news is that I haven't seen anything above 6.9 so far (and that was 2 hours after eating) but the bad news is that I have seen a couple of real lows first thing in the morning. First time was 1.7 (at work, about 2 hours after waking, one coffee, no food) that I decided to ignore as I was up to 7.2 half an hour later, which was 10 mins after eating. I thought I'd try again this morning - woke up, washed hands and it was 2.1. I don't understand - am I hypo-ing in the night or am I just naturally low in the mornings? Is it normal to be that low in the mornings?

Any advice gratefully received!

THat is low. The lowest I've recorded in the morning is 3.7!
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