Help with unusual bg readings

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
So I'm a type 2 and generally have a stable reading of 7+/-1, but in the last week or so my after eating levels (2hour later)have been dropping from 7-8 DOWN to 4-5 instead of the expected rise of 1-2mmol, but its not everytime. I've not changed my activity or amount/type of food or even timing of it.
So does anyone have any ideas why this might be happening? As I start to feel off when it gets that low a hypo maybe? But t2s aren't supposed to get them are we.
When I started my low carb diet after diagnosis, I used to sometimes feel really awful - so bad I’d have to go and sit down somewhere as I was a bit dizzy. I’d sometimes eat some dark chocolate and felt better. I have read that the body gets used to high BG and when it drops you get ‘fake’ hypos. I don’t get them now, but it was a bit worrying when i started to happen. (Not sure if this is fact or not about the fake hypos.)
How interesting @Stuvart

I don’t think you are currently taking any glucose-lowering meds are you? So the risk of hypoglycaemia should be very low.

I have just needed to put my insulin rates down a little, which I have put down to either ‘just one of those things’ or possibly the turn of the year and beginnings of longer daylight hours.

Is your weight pretty stable?

As it’s happened more than once it may be the start of a trend, but as always BG meters can have a bit of variability, so if a reading isn’t what you are expecting or doesn’t match how you feel, meter handbooks always recommend rechecking with another strip.
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Yep weight is stable no meds that lower sugars and not a false hypo (I've had a couple of those in the first 6 months after diagnosis) and a recheck even using a different finger gives the same lows. Its just wierd.
Saying that out of 11 checks this week (from Monday morning) 10 of them have showed drops after eating down to 5 ish from 7ish, if I injected I'd say my long term( Bolas?) insulin isn't working but the dump after food is all very strange.
Longer acting insulin = Basal Shorter acting = Bolus.
Longer acting insulin = Basal Shorter acting = Bolus.
Thanks, I don't know if a t2 can have faulty basal without having to inject, even todays tests show a 7 before and a 5 after, then climbing again till next food when it drops just very strange as all last year it was the other way round.
It just might be that your insulin resistance is better due to a lower carb diet and those lower readings are indeed "false hypos".
No you said 'if you injected your long-acting insulin' and queried if that would be Bolus insulin - I answered and said No it wouldn't be. That's all.
Sorry for the confusion trophywench, I couldn't remember which was which, thanks for setting me right.
I suspect that your metabolism might be recovering, but your pancreas is a bit hysterical and over producing insulin. It should settle down before too long. What you had before was most likely a diabetic response, and now you are working towards an in remission response.
Cheers drummer, that makes sense. As I'm Not due for the docs for 5 months I'll keep an eye on it and hope it settles into the new 'normal' (as much as the d does anyway lol).
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