Help weigh loss is not happening!

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The first thing I would do is a really careful audit of how many calories you're actually eating.

It's very easy to get this wrong! And it's highly unlikely you could be eating less than 1000 cal per day for any length of time & not seeing weight loss.
good advice. I was on '800 calories a day' then I forgot the three coffees I'd had with milk and some other bits like nuts and it was actually 1000 a day. For me, 89/90kg and 5'6 tall and aged 50s I need to eat 800 cals and no more a day to lose weight, 1000 calories is a maintenance figure for me. I have slow metabolism and I'm quite lazy = i might do 9000 steps a day max.
good advice. I was on '800 calories a day' then I forgot the three coffees I'd had with milk and some other bits like nuts and it was actually 1000 a day. For me, 89/90kg and 5'6 tall and aged 50s I need to eat 800 cals and no more a day to lose weight, 1000 calories is a maintenance figure for me. I have slow metabolism and I'm quite lazy = i might do 9000 steps a day max.
Sorry, but I think it's just *really* unlikely that 1000 kcals is maintenance for you.

I suggest checking out the discussion in this recent thread: and paying particular attention to comments from Kevin Hall, leading obesity/weight-loss researcher.

Eg: Just to benchmark this: a very sedentary 4 feet, 10 inch tall, 60 year old female weighing 90 pounds would be estimated to require just a little over 1200 kcal/d to maintain her weight.

He refers to the US govt National Institutes for Health body weight planner tool which his team developed: Recognised as a gold-standard tool by researchers, much superior to the little tools you find on-line or in food tracker apps, which try to do the same thing but without the undertanding. In particular, those tools often seem to take your base metabolic rate as "maintenance" or something along those lines, leading to big underestimates. If you plus your numbers into Hall's tool, picking 1.4 for activity level = sedentary, it estimates your daily burn at 2,000+ kcals.

Also this, from Herman Pontzer, leading human metabolism researcher:

In the big international gold-standard doubly-labelled water project he is leading, There are no adults at/below 3.3 MJ [800 kcal] and the only adults below 5 MJ [1200 kcal] are on the extreme small body size of the adult distribution.

Studies repeatedly show that almost everybody is really bad at estimating how many calories they eat - a typical error seems to be around 40% ...
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