Help please :(

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Hi Sam,

My best advice in the pump learning curve is try not to tackle everything at once. In attempting to sort out daytime basals at the same time as night time basals, you can have problems with upping insulin too much too quickly, & this combined with stress can make you yo-yo (speaking from experience!). I'm a complete stressball and was freaking out on my first couple of weeks. Tackle a bit at a time - definitely start with night-time by testing every 2 hours. Once this is sorted out & you can get a decent night's sleep without hypos or highs, you're much better rested to focus on the daytime.

With the airbubbles and sets - practice definitely makes perfect. If your healthcare trust pay for your reservoirs & sets, don't hesitate to use up a few by practicing. You'll get more and more confident every time.

Switching to a pump takes a lot of adjusting. I had several days where I hated the damn thing, & hated myself for deciding to go for it. Take your basals in bitesize chunks, take your time changing basals/bolus ratios, talk to everyone on here and don't be too hard on yourself. It will take a little while to notice a difference, but when you do it will be well worth it.

Take care, keep us posted & feel free to PM.

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