Help needed ,lots of it

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
i was diagnosed about nine years ago, but over the last couple of months i have tested and my numbers have all been between 19and 28 im so tired all the time when i sleep i wake up and my mouth is so dry even my toungue is bone dry and the thirst is just beyond me just dont seem to be able to quench it no matter how much i drink.
thanks for listening
Hi Caroleann you need to get yourself pronto to the doctors you cant go all the time with numbers as high as that in no way shape or form is that good for you when you are that high do you get hypers?, constantly being high is like being low all the time both are dangerous.If your care is so bad you need to see about changing surgeries in kent, if these people are letting you carry on like this they ought to be ashamed, please ring up your surgery and make an appointment asap, like i have said in your other thread your care is of the upmost importance and your far from getting the care you not only are entitlied to but deserve xx
Hello and welcome to the forum. You have to get in touch with your GP now, today, this minute. Your BG's are dangerously high. The chances of complications are increased enormously at these levels.

Back now as I excited to check on any other posts. Metformin does not appear to be the right drug for you and to be blunt your GP sounds as bad as your BG's. It may be that you need a change of medication. Is there another GP more knowledgeable in diabetes in the practice? Or could they make you an emergency appointment at the local diabetes clinic? At the end of the day Type II is neither mild nor "a touch of diabetes" but a serious medical condition.

Let us know how you get on. Those BG's need to come down!

Best of luck, Falcon.
This is not good. Get an emergency appointment today with your gp and tell him your numbers. If he doesnt think its too bad, walk out and go to A&E asap! These levels are causing damage and it sounds like you need to double your meds or go onto insulin. Your GP is **** if he thinks its ok to have levels like this!!!!!!!!!!I am horrified that you have been left like this without any advice.😱

p.s. Welcome to the forum - I am glad you joined as you need to get your GP to take you seriously - we will all be here to help you!🙂Bev
Welcome to the forum.

Your numbers do sound dangerously high. I can only echo what others have said and get a doctors appointment immdeiately or even sooner. If you can't get a doctors appointment go to A&E or phone up NHS direct for advice, but get help. My doctor is a bit of (well alot of) a twit most of the time, but every time one of his diabetics goes above 8.5 he almost has a fit and changes the medication or does something to bring it down again.

I hope you get the help you need and everything sorts itself out and you feel better.
You definitely need to make an emergency appointment asap or failing that go to hospital. Don't panic though! you've obviously been dealing with this awhile, you just need to sort things out TODAY!
Hope things are going well and you have got things sorted. Pleas let us know how you get on.
Carole i hope you saw these replies and get yourself sorted we are worried for you xx pleasse let us know how things go hun xx
Hi sweetie, please get yourself down to your GP now! As Bev says, if they won't listen then get to A&E. Your numbers are dangerously high hon so please get yourself to see someone right this second xxx
'Kin 'Ell...

Get help now.... Turn up at the doctors and insist on being seen or go to Casualty / A&E.
When I was diagnosedI was "only" 24.1 and immediately put on Metformin.
You must get medical treatment.

i was diagnosed about nine years ago, but over the last couple of months i have tested and my numbers have all been between 19and 28 im so tired all the time when i sleep i wake up and my mouth is so dry even my toungue is bone dry and the thirst is just beyond me just dont seem to be able to quench it no matter how much i drink.
thanks for listening

Carole-Ann, with BG's that high you must feel like crap!😱
You definately need to get yourself to a Doctor a.s.a.p. or better still go to A & E.

Hope you get things sorted and are feeling better soon, please let us know how you get on.

Take care

hi there just seen this hope you have see someone by now lets us know how you got on {{{hugs}]]
Thank you for all your replies i have an appointment this afternoon,i will let you know what happens.
Thank you for all your replies i have an appointment this afternoon,i will let you know what happens.

Oh so pleased to hear that Caroleann please tell him/her everything about your numbers and tiredness etc etc xx
I am pleased you have an appointment. I hope it all gets sorted and you feel better.

Now my levels are a more normal number I feel heaps better, but it is difficult sometimes.
Back from docs,she has put me on glimepride 1mg to take as well as metformin,i have to go back next monday have to go for my hba1c and other blood test next friday,i actualy had to ask for this.
Thank you again for all your help.
Back from docs,she has put me on glimepride 1mg to take as well as metformin,i have to go back next monday have to go for my hba1c and other blood test next friday,i actualy had to ask for this.
Thank you again for all your help.

Phew least you asked though, shows how important this forum is x well i hope the glimepride does the job for you hun and helps lower those numbers, i was thinking is your doctors in a group practice , if so id serioulty think about putting in a complaint. Pleased you got back to us been worrying abut you since this mornin.
Back from docs,she has put me on glimepride 1mg to take as well as metformin,i have to go back next monday have to go for my hba1c and other blood test next friday,i actualy had to ask for this.
Thank you again for all your help.

I am pleased you have got some different meds, but your doc needs shooting!
If you *have* to ask for your hba1c - this is not good. Can you change surgeries - or is there another doc at the practice? There are guidelines in the NICE guidelines that say that you should have your hba1c checked regularly - not whenever your doc agrees to it because youve asked! Lets hope your levels start decreasing on these new meds.🙂Bev
I just cant thank you all enough you have all helped me more in just a few hours then anyone else has in the last nine years,i am so so glad i found you.
I have got so many questions going around in my head i realy dont know where to start.
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