Help ! Discovery sheet - a weeks all day finger pricks, with food list . 2 Query

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi My first attempt @ a weeks readings 7 times a day with food list . Could some practised DB UK users answer this.. Query 1
-Im probably Type 2 but possibly LADA - type 1.5. - Is it a good idea to eat / test lowish carb on some days whilst doing this sheet and some higher carbs on others? I cant enter the message board for local GP practice . Sooooo cant ask the nurse.
Query 2 Test 2 hours after food. Is that exactly 2 hrs after START of meal , or can it be say up to 30 mins after. How critical is this?
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My feeling would be that if your diabetes type is still uncertain, it might be helpful just to see what your usual menu would provide in terms of BG responses.

As for timings, I’m not sure it needs to be millisecond-accurate, but there are quite a few variables in play already, so the more consistent you can make the timings, I think the easier you will feel able to interpret them. Within 10-15 minutes either way would be my aim.
@everydayupsanddowns Shall i put the results of the sheet up?
I'm not sure Im eating enough carbs. I looked @ the recipes UK - they have quite a lot of carbs but no portion size. No one has really told me what / how much to eat. I had keytones urine tests - all negative. Blood tests soon.
Hope the results of the blood test give you some clarity @Jenny105 🙂
I'm upping my food intake in order to put on some weight.
I sent my Nurse a history of my weight from 1971 to date and noted I wasn't sure of what i should and shouldn't be eating. My GP sent a message to say she will discuss this in a phone call in 10 days which will be after the blood test result.

After a week of testing by finger prick the chart seems to suggest I'm generally 1pt above acceptable. 5 -8 instead of 4- 7. With an occasional 9 and 3 spikes of 2x 10 and a 14 (possibly an error on my part). That's out of 21 meals
@everydayupsanddowns Shall i put the results of the sheet up?
I'm not sure Im eating enough carbs. I looked @ the recipes UK - they have quite a lot of carbs but no portion size. No one has really told me what / how much to eat. I had keytones urine tests - all negative. Blood tests soon.

Have you looked at the Diabetes U.K. Meal Plans @Jenny105 ? They contain the nutritional info per serving eg this one:

https://diabetes-resources-producti...21-03/0995 DUK_MealPlanner 1800 B 11_3_21.pdf

Thanks for that i hadn't found those. It looks interesting. Easy to compare with the weeks menu I did for discovery week.I The portion sizes on the recipies appear when one clicks on one.
Asimple question (hope it is) My 2 blood tests (LADA) are on Weds. pm. At midday I'm out for lunch. There are 2 items on the menu that might be ok. Fish pie & veg or ham, egg and bubble and squeak (mash with veg). Or should I be cautious and cancel the arrangement and go for a low carb lunch?
Thanks for that i hadn't found those. It looks interesting. Easy to compare with the weeks menu I did for discovery week.I The portion sizes on the recipies appear when one clicks on one.
Asimple question (hope it is) My 2 blood tests (LADA) are on Weds. pm. At midday I'm out for lunch. There are 2 items on the menu that might be ok. Fish pie & veg or ham, egg and bubble and squeak (mash with veg). Or should I be cautious and cancel the arrangement and go for a low carb lunch?
You should probably check with the surgery or doctor who is doing the tests what the preparation requirement is for those tests.
@Jenny105 That depends what the tests are. You say they’re LADA tests - are they the GAD and C Peptide tests? If so, I doubt the first of those will be affected by your lunch, and the C Peptide is sometimes done after food. Mine was. My blood sugar had to reach a certain number in order to see what insulin response was produced.
Hmmmmmm those posts are interesting . I thought these tests were the 2 mentioned . They have to be done @ hospital for time frame reasons......... No one has given any advice. I will use their Engage Consult online system for a reply early tomorrow, Monday.
Have you looked at the Diabetes U.K. Meal Plans @Jenny105 ? They contain the nutritional info per serving eg this one: DUK_MealPlanner 1800 B 11_3_21.pdf

@Inka Hi Inka, these menus look interesting , The only query I have is whether they are aimed at both controlling diabetes and also weight loss. @ 54 kg I'd like to know what to eat to gain 14kg!! and be the weight I was b4 taking lithium meds. 25yrs ago to date.
As mentioned Ive lost 12kg in 12months with minimal effort. Or rather the failed method I've been using for 20yrs. !!
@Jenny105 That depends what the tests are. You say they’re LADA tests - are they the GAD and C Peptide tests? If so, I doubt the first of those will be affected by your lunch, and the C Peptide is sometimes done after food. Mine was. My blood sugar had to reach a certain number in order to see what insulin response was produced.
Maybe I've jumped to conclusion re LADA tests. I'll write to the doc to ask if I need to make any preparation. Ta
Hmmmmmm those posts are interesting . I thought these tests were the 2 mentioned . They have to be done @ hospital for time frame reasons......... No one has given any advice. I will use their Engage Consult online system for a reply early tomorrow, Monday.

My tests were done at a major hospital so it’s possible yours are the same, but you won’t know for definite so it’s best to check with your GP.

Get the names of the tests, and also if any preparation is needed eg fasting, fasting for 12 hours before the test, eating two hours before, eating immediately before, etc etc
Maybe I've jumped to conclusion re LADA tests. I'll write to the doc to ask if I need to make any preparation. Ta

Maybe - perhaps it’s a different combination eg a C Peptide and an HbA1C.

Be a bit pushy - ask exactly what tests you’re having, and afterwards ask exactly what results you got - ie numbers, not “Fine”, “Doctor says they’re ok”. Write things down if you need to.
Hi I left the papers near front door in readness, but re read them .
Page 1 says new dx diabetes? type 1/LADA. normal BMI, wt l Additional glucose (grey . additional glucose)
C-peptide, level , blood (CPEP)
Immediately to LAB Z- special Sample 1
page 2
Anti GAD antibody
Im about to write a note Doc re preaparation
Yep, mine had to go to the lab immediately too. Good news then - you’re having the tests we thought. All you need to do now is check if you need any preparation for the C Peptide with regard to food. If they confirm you can eat, eat a normal meal unless told otherwise. Normal - ie sufficient carbs.
Hope the test results bring some clarity to your classification @Jenny105 - and help you get access to an appropriate treatment plan / meds / tech.
Hope the test results bring some clarity to your classification @Jenny105 - and help you get access to an appropriate treatment plan / meds / tech.
@everydayupsanddowns Thanks for the best wishes and support.
Our GPS messaging service is good . But notes from 4 clinicians' wasnt . My first visit to a nurse was unsatisfactory. I knew nothing about diabetes except ''one had to give up sugar'' . And being a possible '' 1.5 '' was beyond me.
Still I've survived thus far..
Have you looked at the Diabetes U.K. Meal Plans @Jenny105 ? They contain the nutritional info per serving eg this one: DUK_MealPlanner 1800 B 11_3_21.pdf


Have you looked at the Diabetes U.K. Meal Plans @Jenny105 ? They contain the nutritional info per serving eg this one: DUK_MealPlanner 1800 B 11_3_21.pdf

looking at the sheet in more detail , it seems I'm not eating enough. I don't have snacks and certainly not much fruit. I luv fruit . My diet has improved since reading this and your posts. There was misunderstanding about my diet from the beginning 4 months ago.
Lets hope Monday will sort this. I'll ask or find a dietician who can put me on the right road.
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