Help! 25.6!!!!

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Sorry you're feeling so rough, Sam. (((HUGS)))

I do love that you said numberwang though, I thought I was the only one who did that.

Keep drinking, hon

XD numberwang is one of my favourite words!!!!!

Thanks hun, I think another glass of water is in order...but maybe with a bit of squash in. Normal water is soooo boring!
19.1 and feeling better. Starting to feel hungry so that HAS to be a good sign?

I think bed might be in order.

Thanks everyone :D you're all fabulous!!
So glad to read it's coming down now. Could it have been made worse by the stress you had earlier with hobo man?
just got back from the pub! sorry to hear about the random high, but glad it's coming down.

Hope you have a nice sleep and wake up to a perfect level! we can but hope 🙂

Hi, I am late in as I have been out and only just seen this...

Hope you are feeling better and everything went ok overnight.

Hope you are not up all night on the pee with those levels and you get a good snooze.

Feel better, pls let us know how you are in the morn.

Lots of love xx
I feel awful. Just had 10 units. Thirsty, really thirsty. Dont understand why so high as did the correct dose for my dinner time carbs. I feel awful! Just about to check for ketones...

Hiya, Just woke up and read your post last night - how are you this morning ? Hope things are going the right way for you. Sending Hugs.......
How are you doing today lass? Are things back to normal now?
Hi everyone. I must have overcorrected last nights as the levels went all scewiff on me again. Nothing I would eat would get them normal :confused: so matt forcefed me cereal at half 1 this morning 😱 Woke up at 3.4 feeling very very rough and sorry for myself, just drained and yucky so phoned work and said I need today off but will go in tomorrow

i think a duvet day is needed
poor you - thats awful. God i hate having to eat sugary stuff during the night makes me feel sick the next day all by itself!

Dont blame you at all for the duvet day. hope it makes you feel a bit better 🙂
Sam, hope you can get some stability in your levels today, it's been a real rollercoaster for you lately.
Sam, hope you can get some stability in your levels today, it's been a real rollercoaster for you lately.

thanks northe

it blummin well has hasnt it??? And I have no idea why. Mr doctor man who I saw the other day reckons maybe its my insulin rather than the amount im injecting, and maybe i need to be on a new type?

hi sam hope things become alot more settled for you , having a duvet day is just the trick

enjoy! x
That must have made you feel really terrible don't blame you for having a duvet day I think it's well deserved after those numbers! hope you feel better soon!

Emma x
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