
Dietician appointment done, he was great, worked with my diabetes nurse and we agreed at the appointment that I would get the Libre fitted and onto basal bolus.

I’m less than 24 hours in and I can already see a flattening of my blood sugar within range.

Next appt with the nurse is tomorrow and already have questions!!! All good though. Still no type yet and upped Metformin too.

That’s great news @Bazarama

I’m sure you’ll fund basal bolus much more flexible and adaptable.

Great that you can see a reduction in glucose variation and glucose instability already!

You might find some helpful tips on basal:bolus insulin therapy in Gary Scheiner’s book Think Like a Pancreas

It’s written from a US perspective, but many find it full of helpful, detailed information, presented in a chatty style.
Hi again, just off the phone to my nurse and confirmed I am Type 1. Need to let that sink in for a while I think.

Agreed to stop the metformin for a week and see how my BG does. Had gone to 4x500mg as of yesterday and my tummy did not like it in the slightest!!!

Got that book ordered too!
Another book I found useful @Bazarama was Type 1 Diabetes in Children, Adolescents and Young Adults by Ragnar Hanas. Ignore the age reference - I was 53 at diagnosis. Just miss out the chapter on starting school.
@Bazarama I'm pleased you know what is wrong. I joined the forum a month ago and have read all the newbies posts as I get my head around having diabetes. There seem to be a lot of people in their 40s and 50s who have had a very high reading and an unexpected diagnosis of diabetes initially 2 but ultimately 1. At least your friends encouragement got you dealt with quickly. I wonder how much covid may feature.

I've been impressed on here by the knowledge and empathy shown by particularly a band of type 1s. I'm sure they will answer all your questions. You seem so resilient. Good luck.
I, also, am pleased you've now got a clear diagnosis, @Bazarama. Right now you are already in the safe hands of your Hospital Care Team. They will most likely guide you into some optimum doses for the basal / bolus regime of Multiple Daily Injections (MDI). There is a huge amount of information about so many things that you'll find "flashing" past; sometimes provided a bit hastily and leaving you thinking "I was told something about .... whatever .... but can't remember what was said". Don't fret, people on this forum all understand, have each been where you are and have each found in their own various ways appropriate answers.

The main message now is ASK. No question is stupid. Tap into the hive-like mind of the forum and take advantage of the wealth and depth of experience about living with MDI for treating your T1 Diabetes. Good luck.
@Bazarama Glad you finally know your correct diagnosis - mine was a bit up in the air for a few weeks (also on the lovely Metformin and its wonderful side-effects) but as soon as the lab tests came back I knew where I stood (and came off the Metformin!) - Insulin therapy is very daunting to start out with (I'm only 2yrs in) but as stated several times earlier, you really are in the best place on here, as many many people have gone through a similar experience, and whilst we're not medical professionals and won't give actual medical advice, we can give you the benefit of our experiences, which is invaluable (It has been to me anyway) - wishing you all the best
@Bazarama I'm pleased you know what is wrong. I joined the forum a month ago and have read all the newbies posts as I get my head around having diabetes. There seem to be a lot of people in their 40s and 50s who have had a very high reading and an unexpected diagnosis of diabetes initially 2 but ultimately 1. At least your friends encouragement got you dealt with quickly. I wonder how much covid may feature.

I've been impressed on here by the knowledge and empathy shown by particularly a band of type 1s. I'm sure they will answer all your questions. You seem so resilient. Good luck.
I did wonder about Covid too! Was my body too busy fighting it that this appeared? Who knows! Maybe it had been going on for a long time and this just happened to allow this to rear itself?!
First week in of basal bolus, definitely getting steadier readings overnight but seem to get hypos after breakfast so think I was bolusing too quickly before eating (recommended 15 mins) going to try the next few days 5 mins before eating and see how that goes.
First week in of basal bolus, definitely getting steadier readings overnight but seem to get hypos after breakfast so think I was bolusing too quickly before eating (recommended 15 mins) going to try the next few days 5 mins before eating and see how that goes.
All sounds like a good plan. Just take things step by step, with small adjustments until you find what works for you.