Hello! Part 2 appointment?!


Hi there, I got a letter from my GP today saying I had missed a ‘Part 2 diabetes appointment’. I did have blood tests recently for something unrelated but I have never been diagnosed with diabetes. Does anybody have any idea what a ‘Part 2’ appointment is? Google is being no help! Thank you
Hi there, new here for advice! I got a letter from my GP today saying I had missed a ‘Part 2 diabetes appointment’. I did have blood tests recently for something unrelated but I have never been diagnosed with diabetes. Does anybody have any idea what a ‘Part 2’ appointment is? Google is being no help! Thank you
How confusing for you @JG123 !

It’s not terminology that I’ve heard before, but people on the forum often get an initial appointment where they get a diagnosis, and then a follow-up appointment perhaps 3 months later.

Are you aware of having had an HbA1c check done?

Do you think it could simply be a mix-up?
Hiya, thanks for your reply! Very confusing indeed and not a great thing to open on a Friday night when I’ll be worrying all weekend now!
I have no idea what tests they did, it was follow up bloods from an auto-immune diagnosis. But now I’ve looked at the symptoms it seems that I have all but weight loss…
It’s going to be a long weekend hoping it is a mix up, but seems unlikely as the appointments are also on the NHS app when I’ve looked (but I was never told about them!)

Thank you again, Jade
@JG123 - defo not one I've heard of either - an auto-immune test would bring up diabetic results but it is a very specific test as far as I'm aware, so strange why you'd be given one - hope it's just a mix up - try not to worry
People will often have a appointment or be told in a very abrupt way over the phone and then be given another appointment with the diabetic nurse at the surgery to discuss and do a foot check, blood pressure, weight and give leaflets and dietary advice. However I would be pretty vocal in saying that that earlier appointment or contact had never happened.
Don't worry and you could start by using the time to look around the forum and at the Learning Zone to prepare you for monday
I’ve merged your threads @JG123 to keep your replies in one place 🙂
I know this won’t help you over this weekend but might it be worth asking if your practice can add to your current access on the NHS app. I am able to see test results as soon as they come in.
Do you use the Patient Access website, as some GP surgeries put test results on that? Cheers
Hey, yeah I already have done but they said each surgery decides how much info goes on the app and that’s all they release. That was a while ago though so I’ll ask again for the future! Thank you x
So - you had tests for an auto-immune condition but have not as yet been told the result thereof. You don't think your GP surgery 'text system' simply assumes the auto-immune test was actually for diabetes and nothing else? Without knowing what symptoms you had that caused you to ask the surgery what could cause them, I think it's a bit unwise for anyone including you to read too much into the wording of the text.
It literally says diabetes appointment, I’ve also looked at the surgery website and the nurse the appointment was with is the specialist diabetic clinician. So I believe it’s a fair assumption. I do hope you’re right though! I was just asking if anybody had had experience with a ‘part 2’ appointment and if they knew what it was. Thanks.
Wishing you all the very best Jade @JC123 - and try not to worry this weekend - if you need any help and support you are in the right place here :care:
Wishing you all the very best Jade @JC123 - and try not to worry this weekend - if you need any help and support you are in the right place here :care:
Thank you so much! I am hoping it’s just clerical error but it’s fab to know this site is here should it not be. I’ll let you know on Monday morning once I get to the bottom of it 🙂
It literally says diabetes appointment, I’ve also looked at the surgery website and the nurse the appointment was with is the specialist diabetic clinician. So I believe it’s a fair assumption. I do hope you’re right though! I was just asking if anybody had had experience with a ‘part 2’ appointment and if they knew what it was. Thanks.
I’d suspect part 1 is the blood test and part 2 is the discussion about the results
Hi and welcome.

Sorry to hear you are in such a confusing and worrying situation. You could pop into a pharmacy today and explain the situation and ask them to do a finger prick BG reading for you. It will not confirm a diagnosis but it might give you some idea of whether your levels are unusually inflated.
Make a note of when you last ate before the test and what you ate, if you manage to get one done. Ideally have it done at least 2 hours after your last food intake.

I too am curious about the autoimmune test you had done. Do you mind saying what that was for?
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition and if you have one autoimmune condition, you are more at risk of developing others. I am just wondering if, you are experiencing diabetic symptoms, then you may also be developing Type 1 as well as whatever that test was actually for.

It isn't clear if you have found a record of the missed appointment with the diabetic nurse on your GP system and you simply hadn't been informed about it or if there is no record of the appointment on the system.
When did you have the blood test and when was the missed appointment?