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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi I have been in the pre diabetic range the last 2 yrs,3 weeks ago my blood test was 51,repeat test yesterday was 50,diabetic nurse informed me ,I am now diabetic and will go on diabetic register and also metaformin medication,very surprised as I thought they would let me go on a diet to get numbers down
That's only a smidgeon over, but it is still over. Reading through the forum it seems to me that Metaformin is prescribed for much higher levels than yours. Mine was 92. , lots of people seem to be given time to rethink their diet and see how they go before being put onto it. That said, I am sure someone with .it's more experience will pop up and give you more advice.
Hi I have been in the pre diabetic range the last 2 yrs,3 weeks ago my blood test was 51,repeat test yesterday was 50,diabetic nurse informed me ,I am now diabetic and will go on diabetic register and also metaformin medication,very surprised as I thought they would let me go on a diet to get numbers down
There are Surgeries who reach for the prescription pad automatically, alas. Some discussion with you would have been appropriate, including exploring how you might alter your lifestyle and avoid medications.

ALSO, there is an increasing medical view that those of us at a certain age could be given some leeway in where the diabetic threshold of above 47 might sensibly be, as we get older. If there are no other factors that you haven't explained here, I think you could courteously "push back" and ask for advice on how you could avoid medications at this stage.

This Forum is full of suggestions and guidance from (non-medically qualified) people who have loads of real experience on sensibly managing their Diabetes. You might also find a great deal of information and help from Diabetes UK's Learning Zone, which you'll find on the orange tab hiding beneath the drop down menu at top left of this screen.

I'm wholly insulin dependent so not well placed to comment on managing T2, but others will be along I'm sure.
Hi I have been in the pre diabetic range the last 2 yrs,3 weeks ago my blood test was 51,repeat test yesterday was 50,diabetic nurse informed me ,I am now diabetic and will go on diabetic register and also metformin medication, very surprised as I thought they would let me go on a diet to get numbers down.
@Proud to be erratic is right - some surgeries are a little quick to put people on medication, despite NICE guidelines saying that everyone should have an individualised treatment plan. Was the lifestyle changes option not offered? If not perhaps you could raise it with them yourself?
Thanks for the replies,I think I will raise it with them,some people say go on the tablets its easier than watching your diet all the time,but reading forum, medication can cause lots of unwanted side effects,any thoughts?
Thanks for the replies,I think I will raise it with them,some people say go on the tablets its easier than watching your diet all the time,but reading forum, medication can cause lots of unwanted side effects,any thoughts?
My personal thoughts are that any medication that introduces more chemiicals into your body should not be seen as an easy solution. Pharmaceutical testing to gain acceptance and approval requires 2 yrs of evidence and inevitably is in isolation of other medications that we might need. So, despite my total dependence on a medication (insulin - keeps me alive) I have an instinctive resistance to taking other meds for long periods.
Well, it's my understanding that Metaformin alone will not lower your blood glucose, it helps utilise the insulin your pancreas is making but you still have to watch those carbs, so you still have to watch your diet....as you put it. My surgery put me straight on pills, I was in shock so really did not argue. I take two in the morning and two at night. Very occasionally I have an upset bowel, but I cannot put it down to the pills. Nurse really was not listening to the low carbs that I ate, and I wish now that I had argued the odds with her. Blood test, appt with doctor, nurse all within a couple of days. Now having found the forum, I have much more understanding. Have a read through some of the suggested zones and make up your own mind. Good luck.
With an HbA1C just over the threshold then some dietary changes which would still need to be made anyway would be a good place to start and if after 3 months your HbA1C has not improved then try the medication, It is always your choice.
Have a look at this link for some ideas for some changes you can make. It is a low carb approach but is one which many have found successful. https://lowcarbfreshwell.com/
Thank you for the information, I will have a look.Appointment with Diabetic nurse tomorrow to find out next steps.
Morning all,I have had the meeting with Diabetic nurse to discuss my HbA1c blood results,as I said 3 weeks ago it was 51,2nd test a few days ago 50,she suggested i should now take metaformin,but if I wanted to try with diet and lifestyle changes, could also do that and get tested again in 3 months time,a part of me would rather avoid medication at this stage,but if I took the meds route,would my diet need to be so strict,in other words cheat a bit,reading on here about metaformin side effects,I am undecided, thoughts anyone please.
Thanks for the replies,I think I will raise it with them,some people say go on the tablets its easier than watching your diet all the time,but reading forum, medication can cause lots of unwanted side effects,any thoughts?
Hello and welcome. I would heartily endorse asking for the 3 month opportunity to try lifestyle changes first, politely but firmly, but you will need to keep these up for life. Metformin works WITH dietary changes, NOT alone. It's side effects can cause tummy and bowel issues which often settle, but not always. When I was first diagnosed at 69 I reduced my HcA1c from 57 to 48 simply by reducing my daily carb intake. Then I became ill with an unrelated issue causing my HbA1c to rise and need medication, but that's another story.
Morning all,I have had the meeting with Diabetic nurse to discuss my HbA1c blood results,as I said 3 weeks ago it was 51,2nd test a few days ago 50,she suggested i should now take metaformin,but if I wanted to try with diet and lifestyle changes, could also do that and get tested again in 3 months time,a part of me would rather avoid medication at this stage,but if I took the meds route,would my diet need to be so strict,in other words cheat a bit,reading on here about metaformin side effects,I am undecided, thoughts anyone please.
where you are at it should be very possible to reduce your HbA1C with dietary changes so I would definitely give it a shot before the medication route. The link I posted would be a good start.
With an HbA1c of 50/51 I suspect that you will not have to make significant dietary changes but they will need to be for life. There is no hardship in trying those changes now and then in 3 months time if your HbA1c hasn't dropped enough, making the decision whether you want to add Metformin or make some further slight dietary changes. Many of us found it easier to go hammer and tongs at it initially when we were feeling really motivated to get to grips with it and then perhaps ease off a bit once it came down, but then many of us started from a much higher HbA1c that you and probably needed to make much more serious dietary changes.

Did you make any dietary changes between the two readings? Just wondering if that very slightly lower reading of 50 is reflecting some changes you have already made?
I blindly took the Metformin, did not know any difference, and dropped from 94 to 52 in the three months allowed, but did not really change my way of eating that much. I hate the word diet, it's not, it's a way of eating. BUT I did drop the alcohol, in particular the sherry......a very bad habit picked up during COVID, he and I are retired. I was not a huge carb eater but Mr Booze did not help
I think what I am trying to say that it is not strict as such, others may disagree, you just have to think about finding alternatives to carbs, which can be done. I had no problems with the pills , but that could just be me.. personally, I would push for three months trial and go from there. Use the forum, the Carbs and Calorie book, and anything other sources of info you find. You are just you, the nurse/GP have far more patients to deal with at any one time
With an HbA1c of 50/51 I suspect that you will not have to make significant dietary changes but they will need to be for life. There is no hardship in trying those changes now and then in 3 months time if your HbA1c hasn't dropped enough, making the decision whether you want to add Metformin or make some further slight dietary changes. Many of us found it easier to go hammer and tongs at it initially when we were feeling really motivated to get to grips with it and then perhaps ease off a bit once it came down, but then many of us started from a much higher HbA1c that you and probably needed to make much more serious dietary changes.

Did you make any dietary changes between the two readings? Just wondering if that very slightly lower reading of 50 is reflecting some changes you have already made?
Thanks for the reply, I expected it to be higher,as I went on and all inclusive holiday for 7 nights in-between blood tests, so no didn't make any changes.
Morning all,I have had the meeting with Diabetic nurse to discuss my HbA1c blood results,as I said 3 weeks ago it was 51,2nd test a few days ago 50,she suggested i should now take metaformin,but if I wanted to try with diet and lifestyle changes, could also do that and get tested again in 3 months time,a part of me would rather avoid medication at this stage,but if I took the meds route,would my diet need to be so strict,in other words cheat a bit,reading on here about metaformin side effects,I am undecided, thoughts anyone please
One thing I would suggest is moderation, not abstinence, as you are only just into the diabetic range, so need only make a few tweaks. If you choose to make a reduction in your carbs, you can plan to include treats within your daily carb allowance. Suggested maximum is 130gm a day in total. Planned, not cheating and that way you won't feel deprived. I have an app where I plan my day in advance and know exactly how many carbs I am having, and what I have available for a treat
Thanks for the reply, I expected it to be higher,as I went on and all inclusive holiday for 7 nights in-between blood tests, so no didn't make any changes.
Were you also more active on holiday as might have offset the food and drink?
Yes I probably was more active,loads of fried foods,but no bread.
Fried foods as such are not likely to do too much harm unless you are talking of things in batter or thickly coated in breadcrumbs.
Fats do not convert to glucose but carbs do.