• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Hello - New T2 here :-(

Watch out - even though sugar free they are 87% carbohydrate!!

I only have a few in the car going to work, a whole bag has lasted over two weeks.

but thanks for the heads up.
Not sure if you can connect the cheap BG monitors to a pc/laptop, have not checked my own one!
I keep a spreadsheet of my own stats anyway, just so I have a record and I can check back, eg: date, BG levels, how many cals, weight, waist measurement, etc. Initially I updated daily, but now its every few days.....
Plus there's plenty of apps to keep check of stats, etc. Free ones tend to only do basic stuff, you tend to have to pay for the more advanced ones.
Not a science teacher, but used spreadsheets a lot in my old job! 😎

EDIT: just checked my BG monitor (GlucoRX) and it keeps data which can be DL'd, but looks like you have to use their own app/program, no info on whether it can export to Excel, etc, as I don't use their app.
So I assume most monitors will have their own app, as I assume it would be too much to hope that they all used the same system!

The £15 (Amazon) TEE2+ Blood Glucose Meter has Bluetooth connectivity to their own app, prints graphs and you can add an icon so show if it's pre-meal, post-meal, fasting and a few others, I think.

The strips are about 27p each, I'm not sure how that compares to other strips for other devices.

I am also considering the GlucoNavii GDH STANDARD (£16) strips are about 29p each.

I don't know what the shelf-life of strip is, but there is an out of date function on the meters, so they must have some short of shelf life.

I don't want to bulk buy a lot for a discount if i am going to waste a lot of them because they exipre.

The photo of the GlucoNavii GDH STANDARD in its case looks professional but unfortunately there is no photo of the TEE2+ in its case, this doesn’t have Bluetooth. They have certainly done a better marketing job than TEE2+.

All the TEE2e photos show is the meter and a photo of the box.

I don't know if I will use the BT and the app, but being a data analyst, it's appealing to that part of my brain.

But as I’m an Excel person so I may transfer the data from the app to my PC and analyse it every which way I can.

Just for the fun of it - yes, I should get out more.
On mine the strips have a use by date and its about 2026 on mine, so they last a fair while.
On mine the strips have a use by date and its about 2026 on mine, so they last a fair while.
thanks for that, it's long enough then.

I just have to decide between the two options.
This is probably a daft question, but I'll ask it anyway.

If my next blood test comes back lower than 48, would i still be classed as diabetic?

Obviously, I wouldn't go back to eating all the sweet stuff I was eating.

Or will I always be classed diabetic just not in the “danger zone” so to speak?
thanks for that, it's long enough then.

I just have to decide between the two options.
Calibration of meters question.

I may be talking total nonsense here as I have not used one of these devices before and know nothing about them but,

I see the GlucoNavii Blood Glucose Meter comes with something called a check strip.

The TEE2+ seems to need a solution to check it according to things I have read on the web - I may have misunderstood though.

So does this mean to test the accuracy of the device I need to;

On the TEE2+ I use a drop of the special liquid on a test strip and it should come back with a specific reading?

On the GlucoNavii you don’t need the liquid at all, you just put this special test strip in the machine and it should read a specific reading?

Or have I got the wrong end of the stick?

Not a health care professional, so.....
My understanding is that HbA1c of 42 to 47 is technically pre diabetic, 48 and over is diabetic. 41 and under is not diabetic.
However, once you have been diabetic, not sure how your GP would then classify you if you go back under the diabetic and pre diabetic threshold?
I think you may have to have two (three monthly) HbA1c blood tests, that are below the diabetic range, without medication, to be classed as non diabetic. Obviously if you are still on medication then that muddys the water a bit!
Re the calibration of BG monitors, on mine (GlucoRX) it came with a small bottle of test fluid, and before first using it, I had to use the test fluid on a strip to calibrate the machine.
To be working ok it had to read between a certain number, I think it was between 5 and 8 or something, can't remember!
I think they recommend re testing it, say once a year, but can't remember TBH. I assume other meters will be similar. I also think the test fluid has a use by date, so it does not last forever.
Not a health care professional, so.....
My understanding is that HbA1c of 42 to 47 is technically pre diabetic, 48 and over is diabetic. 41 and under is not diabetic.
However, once you have been diabetic, not sure how your GP would then classify you if you go back under the diabetic and pre diabetic threshold?
I think you may have to have two (three monthly) HbA1c blood tests, that are below the diabetic range, without medication, to be classed as non diabetic. Obviously if you are still on medication then that muddys the water a bit!
erm, i will have to ask the nurse the next time i see her.

I think most of us that are/have been diabetic, even if we have gone into "remission", will always consider ourselves to be at risk, and will need to keep an eye on it going forward.
I have been 42 and under every check after the initial diagnosis at 50mmol/mol 3 plus years ago and I am classed as Type 2 and get my feet and eye checks
I think most of us that are/have been diabetic, even if we have gone into "remission", will always consider ourselves to be at risk, and will need to keep an eye on it going forward.
yes, i would keep to the new diet, i was just wondering what the medical proffesion would think of someones status.
I have been 42 and under every check after the initial diagnosis at 50mmol/mol 3 plus years ago and I am classed as Type 2 and get my feet and eye checks
I see, thanks for that.
If my next blood test comes back lower than 48, would i still be classed as diabetic?
Have you only had one a1c above 48 so far and no medication for diabetes? If so then if your next a1c is 41 or below you won’t be classed as diabetic as 2 a1cs of 48+ are needed for a diagnosis. If it’s 42-47 you’ll be prediabetic and monitored.
Have you only had one a1c above 48 so far and no medication for diabetes? If so then if your next a1c is 41 or below you won’t be classed as diabetic as 2 a1cs of 48+ are needed for a diagnosis. If it’s 42-47 you’ll be prediabetic and monitored.
I have had two test;

oct 2024 55 mmol
dec 2024 54 mmol

next test in March and depending on the results they will decide what the next step is.
No medication yet.

been advice to modify my diet and do more exercise.
I have had two test;

oct 2024 55 mmol
dec 2024 54 mmol

next test in March and depending on the results they will decide what the next step is.
In that case you already have t2 and will remain t2 regardless of any future a1cs
In that case you already have t2 and will remain t2 regardless of any future a1cs
thank you

that's what i expected to be honest
thank you

that's what i expected to be honest
As you’re not on medication though if you can get it under 42 and keep it there you could upgrade to t2 in remission
As you’re not on medication though if you can get it under 42 and keep it there you could upgrade to t2 in remission
Ah - Interesting

Let's hope the diet and exercise do some good.

Although I haven't lost any weight this week, still 88kg), despite restricing my calories to less than 1,300 and carbs to less than 130g and eating more veg. maybe next week.

I just thought my system would have got the extra calories it needed from my fat store so the loss of 5,000 should have equated to something.

probably need more time for it to take effect.

never benn on a diet before.
Hi Fred, don't worry about losing weight this week. Your body will try and do what it can to hang on to its fat reserves. As long as the longer term trend is to keep losing weight until you get to your personal target that will be fine.
You are doing all the right things and as your blood glucose reduces and you start feeling better everything else will follow.
Keep us updated with your progress. A lot of us are still on the journey to a healthy hba1c and all the benefits that brings.