Not sure if you can connect the cheap BG monitors to a pc/laptop, have not checked my own one!
I keep a spreadsheet of my own stats anyway, just so I have a record and I can check back, eg: date, BG levels, how many cals, weight, waist measurement, etc. Initially I updated daily, but now its every few days.....
Plus there's plenty of apps to keep check of stats, etc. Free ones tend to only do basic stuff, you tend to have to pay for the more advanced ones.
Not a science teacher, but used spreadsheets a lot in my old job! 😎
EDIT: just checked my BG monitor (GlucoRX) and it keeps data which can be DL'd, but looks like you have to use their own app/program, no info on whether it can export to Excel, etc, as I don't use their app.
So I assume most monitors will have their own app, as I assume it would be too much to hope that they all used the same system!