Hello Mr Paranoid AGAIN..

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi All,,

Last few days ive been feeling down again about the diabetes i was coping pretty well. But now i feel i cant eat hardly anything. I had fish and chips last night with my family and got really paraniod too. Then i go down of the lines of sod it ill be dead soon anyway.. The thing is the last 2 days ive had like a sharp stabbing pain in my upper right side like below my rib cage. And all i can think is now My kidneys and liver are failing. Ive also just got over a pretty bad cold too, I had the pneumonia jab about 3 weeks back and that made me feel terrible for days.. But now im convinced im dying again and thats it the pains are my internal organs failing. I cant think straight or anything and all i eat for my lunched most of the time is brown bread with chicken and a piece of fruit. Everything else is a no no and i feel like a freak..

Also celebrating my sons birth i have had a few beers too over the few days after he was born but again guilt trip. I feel a mess i even occasionally get a like tingle in my bottom lip and think its linked with my kidneys and liver failing.. Then i think if its not that i have cancer....

What a mess i am !

I feel for you mate................the good thing is you realise that you are getting carried away a wee tad...................In time your acceptance of your diabetes will settle and your bouts of hypocondria might ease up..........

Trying think of the bigger picture, which is that your alive and reasonably well with a family that loves you with a most likely long future ahead of you all.....

Just enjoy the ride and try your best to control your sugars and let go from time to time with the knowledge your doing your best..........🙂
if it's any help i get all those aches and pains and twinges and guilt and I DONT have diabetes (or do I ?????) 😱
yeah i know i just feel like a freak now that has to live on brown sandwiches and water..

Looking on the net at things don't help at all it still has me baffled why im not on meds yet or injections im seeing my nurse again in two weeks and she don't seem that concerned all i get is healthy diet and things in modoration...

Im a 31 year old guy and ive cried like a baby about this all now so many times..Was out with my family last week they all had a doughnut and i was sat with a bottle of water i felt like crying...

Just feel cursed and this week i was in the hospital with one of my kids and all i kept thinking was ill be in the morgue here soon..

This is getting out of Hand

Any time you feel like this get on here to talk to your fellow type 2s, they will reassure you...........im type 1 so diet is a bit more flexible, but I have to make the same choices on the food i eat..........I find that getting in a routine is paramount, kinda monday to friday thing going on were my diet is constant and healthy.....then the weekend comes and its curries and booze........try and get in a routine and before you know it its just the way things are........

Info on the net is guff man...............here is were its happening.......thrown right in the deep end with peolple that are lving the diabetic life...........

You wont be in a morgue soon either..........the thing with diabetes is if controlled badly, which I am sure yours is not, the body will slowly start to feel the effects, some people can have crap control and still get away with no complications......you will be fine.............

Do you do much testing at the moment? Finding out what food dont do your sugars much harm is handy info, you might not feel so limited with your diet......
Ive tried to think of a way to reply to your posts but every time I do I delete my message because I think it may be seen as insensitive. Because I'm quite laid back it's difficult for me to understand how you can be so paranoid about a diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes. You have been diagnosed with a condition that can be managed, not a terminal illness. Why do you think you are going to die soon? There are people on here who have had Diabetes for decades.

It really sounds as though you need to see a counsellor about your irrational fears.

The fact that you are not on meds could be a good thing, it could mean that your insulin resistance isn't so bad that you need meds and that it can be controlled with diet and exercise alone. Do you have a Blood Glucose Meter?
I've got to say I agree with Katie, theres people with diabetes that have had it 50 years plus, its how you deal with it, if you think along the lines that your going to die then surely your not helping yourself.I wake up some days wishing i was non-diabetic but its not going to happen and i've just get to get on with it, i myself have a son and a partner at home and i'd hate the way i thought of myself at times to pass onto my son so for those reasons alone i've got to pull myself up and keep smiling and get on with it.
Hi Katie,

No meter at the moment either i asked the nurse if i should buy one and she did'nt seem to say anything about it..

Im paranoid i guess as i had a really bad year last year lost my mum to Alzhiemers and then it turned out the home she was in was neglecting her.

As a kid i was a hypocondriac and it all subsided but this diagnosis has kicked it off again and i think i dont want to die young and leave my children my mum was only 54 and it destroyed me..So now with my health having a problem im paranoid. My diabetes was detected due to high blood pressure. And i was also 19 1/2 stone im not 17st and i excersise too off the gym tomorrow. Not been for a month as ive been working everynight with my band. And part of my act is dancing about for an hour to two hours in the show as im in a Blues Brothers Act so thats been my excersise. I really do appreciate all the comments and i don't think your being insensitive at all Katie.

I do watch what i eat too never been into sweets and choclates and never had sugar in my tea..
Now i check the sugar in foods and try and keep it low, I do however some nights have 4 beers while im playing on my xbox and really enjoy them then i think is that another nail in my coffin???? But yeah i eat alot healthier than i did and drink a lot les alcohol.. I used to love fanta though so now i get sugar free robinsons and have it with sparkling mineral water.. Just hope im doing the right thing. I also get my nurse saying if you feel like some beers have them just not all the time. I bet you all think im a nut case........

Id like to thank you all again for your help

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Hi Katie,

No meter at the moment either i asked the nurse if i should buy one and she did'nt seem to say anything about it..

Im paranoid i guess as i had a really bad year last year lost my mum to Alzhiemers and then it turned out the home she was in was neglecting her.

As a kid i was a hypocondriac and it all subsided but this diagnosis has kicked it off again and i think i dont want to die young and leave my children my mum was only 54 and it destroyed me..So now with my health having a problem im paranoid. My diabetes was detected due to high blood pressure. And i was also 19 1/2 stone im not 17st and i excersise too off the gym tomorrow. Not been for a month as ive been working everynight with my band. And part of my act is dancing about for an hour to two hours in the show as im in a Blues Brothers Act so thats been my excersise. I really do appreciate all the comments and i don't think your being insensitive at all Katie.

Id like to thank you all again for your help


I can fully relate to you mark regarding losing your mum it is one of the most saddest tragic losses to have, i lost my mum when i was 20 to pneumonia and it destroyed me for along time, have you had any grief councelling? x
Sometimes i look to my mum for inspiration when im feeling in a down mood or i want to delve into the biccie tin, i picture her face looking at me knowing she was going to have a go lol .x
Ok so basically you've been told you have a condition that is manageable. You were very overweight and now, because you were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, you are doing something about your weight (and therefore blood pressure). Therefore being diagnosed has actually led to you being healthier.

I think you should buy a meter, then you will be able to tell what you can and can't eat without just assuming. By the way, I don't think brown bread (or better still, multigrain) is the end of the world :D Once you get used to it you will hopefully realise how much better it tastes than white.

Please don't just come on here and post when you feel this bad. You obviously need some help and support so I think you should stick around and read/ask some more questions.
Mark I can fully understand how you feel. At moment just waiting to find out what the hell i am supposed to be doing and why the meds they have given me seemed to be having little effect. I am also worring about other aches and pains and you do wonder but have found this site to be great. 🙂 But by measuring my self i feel like i am in some sort of small control (until i see the specialist) and i think that may help you.

By the way I am not one for crying, this time last week i was blubbing like a baby, I suspect there maybe more to come so you are not on your own on that one 😉

Keep reading and posting, thats what I am doin and it does help, honest!
don't worry i felt similar when i was diagnosed last year. I was upset and cried and thought my life would be shortened die to diabetes but it doesn't have to be that way, i have made steps towards a healthier lifestyle (still have a long way to go with weight loss but am determined to get there). I have had good days and bad days thinking about this diabetes but the support on here has been wonderful and glad i came across this site with these lovely people on here who always make me feel better when i have a concern 🙂
😱 sorry my earlier post may have been a bit off hand - i can see you are really struggling to come to term with this.

It's just if I sat here and dwelt on what might one day happen to my daughter then i would be no use at all to her or the rest of my family. My daughter, even with D, has her whole life ahead of her, and you, I'm sure, a long life left ahead of you. You've had a wake up call, early enough to do something about it, so please think of the good things you have in your life (sounds like loads 🙂 ) - you can still have fun without quite so many beers and white bread, really you can.

My dad had type 2, and yes, complications of D contributed to his death, BUT he was 79 and my goodness did he enjoy his life until (almost) the end. If my daughter manages something similar with her type 1, she wont have done too badly.

You will have good days and bad but please dont think it's the end of the world, or it will be. Take care x
Hi all,

Thanks again i do feel better for the advice. I just at the moment don't know if im right or wrong with what im doing. For instance Breakfast is usually shredded wheat with semi skmmed milk and sliced up banana and i have a sandwich for lunch and fruit. But the thing is in the week i cooked us a curry and also this week had fish and chips with my family. But then i think is that too much for this week??? I do try to limit my beer down as i was drinking alot before my diagnosis sort of lost it when i lost mum, But these days if im out ill have a few glasses of wine or 4 cans of beer in the house. Like this week im having 4 beers not touched alcohol all week.

Then Saturday ill hi the gym..

Anyway here is a pic of me now(Left) and me in September last year(Right)


So i think the weightloss is going well...

Mark, I'll say this - you will have done your health a world of good with that weight loss, it's obvious it has made such a difference to you from your photos! What the others have said about you becoming healthier because of your diagnosis is very true - you're forced to consider things now that once you may have just let gradually creep up on you. It doesn't surprise me that you get those aches and pains - it's probably all that dancing! 🙂

One thing is fairly obvious though, you feel you have no control over your diabetes because you are completely in the dark about what you can and can't eat. Using the meter will help you do that. Have a look at the links in this thread, if you haven't already, and get a copy of Gretchen Becker's book


Understanding diabetes will mean it holds far less fear for you. You'll also feel far less restricted food-wise, and won't have those guilt trips about having a few beers or fish and chips with the family. Diabetes is the kind of condition where you can only learn so much from the professionals - they can only speak in generalities, you have to find out what works best for YOU as an individual.

Keep posting here and let us know how things are going 🙂
Hi Mark

Congrats on the weight loss! 🙂

I'm on insulin and have problems due to being needle phobic! I've seen a psychologist twice and he's been quite helpful even though he's just assessing me at the mo. So perhaps a referral to a counsellor might help you discuss your fears. (My hubby's a hypochondriac so I'm very aware of the constant feeling that something is wrong with you).

I also found it quite scary to contemplate being on insulin for the next 40+ years. Luckily, I recently read an article (Health and Fitness) about living your life as if you've only got 30 days left. That way you make the most of each month! So, I've started to only think of injecting myself for the next 30 days - much more manageable than 40 odd years!

Perhaps you could do the same? So long as you're diet/exercise etc is good over the majority of that month, then the odd fish and chips/curry/beer etc won't do you much harm!

Hope you manage to get a handle on this soon. But everyone on here is very supportive and really helped me since my diagnosis in Jan. xx
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