Hello - First-time diabetic...

Was this Benacol/equivilant, or something else? Good advice - Thank you
They are to all intents and purposes the same - Benecol say the yogurt drink provides 2.0g of plant stanols, Supermarket own brand contains 2g of plant sterol esters. They both reduce cholesterol - I used the supermarket own brand as they were cheaper.

Foods contain them too, learn to love your veggies, or at least some of them 😉
Was this Benacol/equivilant, or something else? Good advice - Thank you
I use supermarket own brands as they are cheaper. But if I can't get them, I do use Benecol
Well, I am now on Ramipril on top of the other 2 - after a week of popping in my blood pressure it's WAY too high and needs to be brought down... In other news, through the diet changes and exercise, I have shed 5 kilos in a couple of weeks (the tablets are probably helping too). None of this is at all a surprise, I guess, I just have to continue to act... I also need to go for blood tests every 5 or 6 weeks I think the nurse said (for 3-6 months) and will have to send them BP readings twice a day...
Congratz on the weight loss!
The main thing is you are doing the right things. The weight loss and exercise should also assist in reducing your blood pressure, so it will be good to stay on top of those.
Congratz on the weight loss!
Thank you - Ive surprised myself a little - even when I went out (out) I behaved myself!