Hello diagnosed yesterday feeling a bit overwhelmed

Hi back again with another issue sorry
This evening I've had a tingling sensation all over my body and feeling a bit off tested my which is 8.9 now is this a false hypo or just nerve changes (can this happen so fast)
Sorry for all the questions but finding you all so helpful
Don’t worry about asking questions. That is what the forum is here for, and nothing is considered silly on here. Just ask.

The tingling could well be that your body has got used to the high levels of glucose in your body before your diagnosis, and it will take some time to adapt to the healthier levels. You are likely to experience false hypos as your body adjusts. Your new reading of 8.9 is a lot lower than where you started so yes it can happen that fast. As @everydayupsanddowns said it is good to adjust slowly at the start to avoid damage to your nerves.

You have already seen that the changes you have made are bringing your glucose levels down so you know that the strategies that you have put in place are going to work. By making swaps in your diet that you can sustain you will be able to create new habits. Many people find that once they get into their new regime they find that the diagnosis triggers a change that makes them feel a lot better.

Keep the questions coming.
Hi very new to all of this and feel like I'm drowning a bit lol here's my story so far.
46 years old,overweight,and have hardly left the house this year due to anxiety and depression. On a rare outing I had a bit of an episode and passed out family insisted on a trip to the doctors and I was called in yesterday to be told I'm diabetic, high chlorestal and peri- meno too boot.

I've been put on gliclazade 30mg a day and told to cut out carbs and obviously sugar, must eat 3 meals a day which I'm struggling with as I only had 1 main meal before.
I'm going to try and speak with dn on Monday but I have a question you may be able to help with so here goes
I've read in this forum that gliclazade needs some carbs to work so should I follow the low carb diet until I can speak with DN
Welcome to the forum @lomasdiz
Sorry to hear that you have been hit with a triple whammy. Diabetes, high cholesterol and peri menopause. It's a lot to get your head around. Hopefully the changes to your diet should help with your cholesterol and blood sugar levels. If the hormonal swings due to menopause are causing you problems go back to your doctor. There are various HRT options that can help. Wishing you well for the future.
Thanks everyone I've spoken with the DN this morning and I'm feeling a little deflated I asked about my diet so far and was told to concentrate on cutting the sugar down rather than concentrating on the carbs told me I have to have good portion control and seemed disappointed at my bs levels. I don't think I can go much smaller with the portion control haha its minimal as it is as I'm just not hungry
She will call again on friday
This is today's lunch in a cereal bowl
Mackerel in olive oil
2 cherry tomatoes
2 romane Lettuce leaves
Half a Beetroot
Slice of advacado
100g cottage cheese
Total carbs 7g
Sugar 5g
Protein 31g
Calories 404

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I was just told to cut out out bread pasta rice potatoes etc and replace with high protein meals so have tried to do that over the weekend fats weren't mentioned as such but was told to avoid low fat foods as they would be high in sugar content. My morning bg was 12.1 yesterday down from 16.9 on Friday so I'm hoping I'm doing something right

Your Lifestyle changes are a marathon not a sprint - it is Low Carb not No Carb - I have only been on this about 3 weeks and it is confusing.

My HbA1c was 81 and I was told by phone and got a text with some NHS links. Given some Meds (Metformin and a statin) and told retest in 3 months - I researched on here - bought a BGM. I have gone No Free Sugars and Low Carb - the weight is coming off and my numbers are down going by my morning BGM test. I am doing a weekly average to track things.

I will get a HbA1c test 3 months from the last and hopefully see a good reduction,

Keep at it - you have got this - you just need to work out your way of doing it..
Did your DN say what bs levels she was hoping to see?
And have any 3 month HbA1c and weight loss targets been mentioned, such as 48 and 8-10kg?
My hunch is for you to carry on as you are and adjust your diet as you go along.
Did you say if you are managing any exercise? Walking is good.

About sugar and carbs, did you look at Dr Unwin's diet sheet?
If not, pay attention to the paragraphs about sugar and starchy carbs on page 1 and the teaspoon chart on page 4:
- https://phcuk.org/wp-content/uploads/A_5_page_low_carb_diet_leaflet_Unwin_2021-converted.pdf
Dozens and dozens of his patients have gone into remission so it's worth reading.
That looks nice. I'm not sure I would want cottage cheese with mackerel but I am a fan of mackerel and if I am near an M and S I buy their steamed baby beetroot. I like them cold or warm with yoghurt. I'm having g a favourite Nigella recipe tonight. I've had it when feeling lazy with M and S ready poached salmon or ive bought hot smoked salmon then provided you have some toasted pumpkin seeds it is an assembly job. I also often omit the dressing and if I haven't got watercress which is delicious I use salad leaves. I really like the toasted pumpkin seeds which are really quick in a dry pan and can be kept in a jar. I'm having this tonight. I bought some farmed sea trout from the fishman. If it's available I prefer it to salmon.
I was initially told a blood test showed my cholestral had crept up. I asked if they had been testing for diabetes they said no and I asked for a test. For the next two weeks I rejigged my diet to cut out cakes and pastry and red meat to reduce cholestral. I was then told by phone I was well within the diabetic range (69) but they would do a test in four weeks. Reception told me it was (64). I am now on metaformin and due another blood test. I'm making an effort to check carbs but am still keeping to lots of fish. I've been surprised how carb heavy some fruit is eg grapes.
I am still very new to this and am eating a lot of fish as it is quick low carb and good cholestral. Good luck
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Ah, I see you are on glicoside so carbs in cheese are useful. I still have bread but not every day. I like a cream cheese and smoked salmon open sandwich on rye bread. My favourite bread is granary. I'm willing to have occasional granary bread sandwich in a cafe but know if I bought it I would eat too much.
Did your DN say what bs levels she was hoping to see?
And have any 3 month HbA1c and weight loss targets been mentioned, such as 48 and 8-10kg?
My hunch is for you to carry on as you are and adjust your diet as you go along.
Did you say if you are managing any exercise? Walking is good.

About sugar and carbs, did you look at Dr Unwin's diet sheet?
If not, pay attention to the paragraphs about sugar and starchy carbs on page 1 and the teaspoon chart on page 4:
- https://phcuk.org/wp-content/uploads/A_5_page_low_carb_diet_leaflet_Unwin_2021-converted.pdf
Dozens and dozens of his patients have gone into remission so it's worth reading.
No targets have been mentioned at all not even for bs. Yes, I've read the the sheet and it's pretty similar to what I'm doing absolutely no free sugars at all
Yes I'm walking everyday also have an exercise bike now kindly given by a friend
Thanks everyone I've spoken with the DN this morning and I'm feeling a little deflated I asked about my diet so far and was told to concentrate on cutting the sugar down rather than concentrating on the carbs told me I have to have good portion control and seemed disappointed at my bs levels. I don't think I can go much smaller with the portion control haha its minimal as it is as I'm just not hungry
She will call again on friday
Oh dear - someone wasn't paying attention in Biology - starches and sugars are carbohydrates - both end up in the blood stream as simple sugars and if your DN thinks that there are some with horns and some with halos - you might find it difficult to reduce down far enough to achieve remission following her advice.
It took me 6 months to return to a normal HbA1c after diagnosis, even though my blood glucose dropped down from the 17.1 at diagnosis as I had been stashing away the carbs I could not deal with for many years - so I had - and still have - fat deposits all over.
Little update had a phone appointment with DN this morning and she's really pleased with my progress so far (BG was 8.8 this morning) going to pick up a prescription for a low dose slow release metformin and will be back in touch in 4 weeks to have a diabetes assessment and new bloods.
I feel much more positive about things at the moment and getting used to the increase in everyday activity and managing 3 meals a day.i can already feel my clothes are loosening
Little update had a phone appointment with DN this morning and she's really pleased with my progress so far (BG was 8.8 this morning) going to pick up a prescription for a low dose slow release metformin and will be back in touch in 4 weeks to have a diabetes assessment and new bloods.
I feel much more positive about things at the moment and getting used to the increase in everyday activity and managing 3 meals a day.i can already feel my clothes are loosening
Good news. Keep going and you will get there soon enough.
Little update had a phone appointment with DN this morning and she's really pleased with my progress so far (BG was 8.8 this morning) going to pick up a prescription for a low dose slow release metformin and will be back in touch in 4 weeks to have a diabetes assessment and new bloods.
I feel much more positive about things at the moment and getting used to the increase in everyday activity and managing 3 meals a day.i can already feel my clothes are loosening

Great to hear you are getting a bit of encouragement for all the positive changes you are making @lomasdiz

And even better that you are starting to see the changes paying off with reduced BG and some weight loss.

Keep going! You are doing brilliantly. <3