Hello diagnosed yesterday feeling a bit overwhelmed


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi very new to all of this and feel like I'm drowning a bit lol here's my story so far.
46 years old,overweight,and have hardly left the house this year due to anxiety and depression. On a rare outing I had a bit of an episode and passed out family insisted on a trip to the doctors and I was called in yesterday to be told I'm diabetic, high chlorestal and peri- meno too boot.

I've been put on gliclazade 30mg a day and told to cut out carbs and obviously sugar, must eat 3 meals a day which I'm struggling with as I only had 1 main meal before.
I'm going to try and speak with dn on Monday but I have a question you may be able to help with so here goes
I've read in this forum that gliclazade needs some carbs to work so should I follow the low carb diet until I can speak with DN
The gliclazide removes glucose even if you don't need to lower levels, so you need to try to balance how it works and how you would like it to work.
If you have been given a glucose tester you could check that you are staying high enough but not too high.
Gliclazide stimulates insulin production regardless of glucose levels, so it can bring levels down too low if you are not careful.
The gliclazide removes glucose even if you don't need to lower levels, so you need to try to balance how it works and how you would like it to work.
If you have been given a glucose tester you could check that you are staying high enough but not too high.
I've been given a glucose tester but was told to only test 3 times a week (which seems very odd to me)
Gliclazide stimulates insulin production regardless of glucose levels, so it can bring levels down too low if you are not careful.
Thank you for the reply I was under the impression the medication would take a while to work.
Many do follow a low carb diet but that is not NO carbs, a suggested amount of about 130g per day is usually suitable even if you are taking gliclazide which would normally be taken 30 mins before eating your main meal which should have some carbs other wise it does not work properly and could potentially cause low blood glucose.
Many will ignore the 'don't test ' advise and test much more strategically, certainly initially to see what foods they can tolerate. Testing before you eat and after 2 hours will tell you if you can tolerate that meal if the increase is no more than 2-3 mmol/l. Some people test each morning on waking to check progress day to day, week to week etc or if they feel unwell.
If you are taking gliclazide and drive it is advised you test before driving.
What was you HbA1C as being prescribed that medication before trying dietary options or metformin first suggests it may be quite high.
There is no need to eat three meals a day if you didn't before but some find that eating something will help stop the liver release glucose which it will do in the absence of food to give you energy for your organs to function.
Many find a breakfast of full fat Greek yoghurt and berries is sufficient to stop that. Depending on whether you eat your main meal in the evening or lunchtime will just have a light meal of salad and cooked meat, cheese or eggs or fish which is low carb. You would need to take your gliclazide with your main meal with some carbs.
Many do follow a low carb diet but that is not NO carbs, a suggested amount of about 130g per day is usually suitable even if you are taking gliclazide which would normally be taken 30 mins before eating your main meal which should have some carbs other wise it does not work properly and could potentially cause low blood glucose.
Many will ignore the 'don't test ' advise and test much more strategically, certainly initially to see what foods they can tolerate. Testing before you eat and after 2 hours will tell you if you can tolerate that meal if the increase is no more than 2-3 mmol/l. Some people test each morning on waking to check progress day to day, week to week etc or if they feel unwell.
If you are taking gliclazide and drive it is advised you test before driving.
What was you HbA1C as being prescribed that medication before trying dietary options or metformin first suggests it may be quite high.
There is no need to eat three meals a day if you didn't before but some find that eating something will help stop the liver release glucose which it will do in the absence of food to give you energy for your organs to function.
Many find a breakfast of full fat Greek yoghurt and berries is sufficient to stop that. Depending on whether you eat your main meal in the evening or lunchtime will just have a light meal of salad and cooked meat, cheese or eggs or fish which is low carb. You would need to take your gliclazide with your main meal with some carbs.
Thank you for the reply my HbA1C is 91 so yes very high unfortunately I've been told to take the gliclazide with breakfast so will try the Greek yogurt and berries tomorrow as have been shopping this evening
Thank you for the reply my HbA1C is 91 so yes very high unfortunately I've been told to take the gliclazide with breakfast so will try the Greek yogurt and berries tomorrow as have been shopping this evening
Oh - snap - I was diagnosed with the same number back in November 2016
I've been given a glucose tester but was told to only test 3 times a week (which seems very odd to me)

If you drive that is not going to meet the requirements for safety, nor the DVLA rules either, I suspect.
Oh - snap - I was diagnosed with the same number back in November 2016

If you drive that is not going to meet the requirements for safety, nor the DVLA rules either, I suspect.
Thankfully I don't drive but I'd like to say thankyou, you give me hope with the fact your now in remission
Day 3 now and feeling exhausted is this normal? maybe due to the lack of sugar or the stress over the weekend I don't know but struggling with it all today
Day 3 now and feeling exhausted is this normal? maybe due to the lack of sugar or the stress over the weekend I don't know but struggling with it all today
This may be because you have reduced carbs too quickly and not replaced with protein and healthy fats. Remember you do need some carbs with taking gliclazide.
This may be because you have reduced carbs too quickly and not replaced with protein and healthy fats. Remember you do need some carbs with taking gliclazide.
Possibly I've got the nutracheck app today and only managed 63g of carbs today just not hungry and too scared to have the carbs that we have in the house ie bread or Crisps Sausage rolls etc(family of 4) I feel like it's a minefield now of knowing how many carbs and natural sugars I can have.the protein side of things isn't too bad I think it was 83g today but I may be way off that marker too
Exactly what advice on diet did your surgery give you?

I would like to know before explaining how I got my fasting blood glucose down from 17mmol/l at diagnosis (HbA1c 104) to 6 mmol/l following a Newcastle diet in 7 days, and how I would do if I had do it again.

Your diet seems to be going in the right direction but have you substituted your carbs with healthy fat as a source of energy?

The links may help:
- https://www.lowcarbfreshwell.com/documents/8/Freshwell_Red_Amber_Green.pdf
- https://phcuk.org/wp-content/uploads/A_5_page_low_carb_diet_leaflet_Unwin_2021-converted.pdf
- What should we eat? https://www.zoeharcombe.com/2021/08/what-should-we-eat/

Good luck.
Exactly what advice on diet did your surgery give you?

I would like to know before explaining how I got my fasting blood glucose down from 17mmol/l at diagnosis (HbA1c 104) to 6 mmol/l following a Newcastle diet in 7 days, and how I would do if I had do it again.

Your diet seems to be going in the right direction but have you substituted your carbs with healthy fat as a source of energy?

The links may help:
- https://www.lowcarbfreshwell.com/documents/8/Freshwell_Red_Amber_Green.pdf
- https://phcuk.org/wp-content/uploads/A_5_page_low_carb_diet_leaflet_Unwin_2021-converted.pdf
- What should we eat? https://www.zoeharcombe.com/2021/08/what-should-we-eat/

Good luck.
I was just told to cut out out bread pasta rice potatoes etc and replace with high protein meals so have tried to do that over the weekend fats weren't mentioned as such but was told to avoid low fat foods as they would be high in sugar content. My morning bg was 12.1 yesterday down from 16.9 on Friday so I'm hoping I'm doing something right
Going in the right direction. See how it goes from day to day. Did you weigh yourself on day 1? Can you record all this stuff on NutraCheck? More later.
My morning bg was 12.1 yesterday down from 16.9 on Friday so I'm hoping I'm doing something right

Sounds like things are beginning to come down a little for you.

It might be a bit gentler on your system if you make slower and more gradual process. Reducing your carbohydrate intake gently in stages rather than all at once.

This will help you find a balance with your gliclazide, and more gentle stepped changes are also kinder on the eyes and nerve endings. Diabetes is a marathon, not a sprint, and changing levels too rapidly can sometimes lead to temporary damage being caused. It can be better to let the body adjust more gently over some weeks and months?
Sounds like things are beginning to come down a little for you.

It might be a bit gentler on your system if you make slower and more gradual process. Reducing your carbohydrate intake gently in stages rather than all at once.

This will help you find a balance with your gliclazide, and more gentle stepped changes are also kinder on the eyes and nerve endings. Diabetes is a marathon, not a sprint, and changing levels too rapidly can sometimes lead to temporary damage being caused. It can be better to let the body adjust more gently over some weeks and months?
Thank you for this advice it makes more sense now. I have a phone appointment with the DN tomorrow so hopefully can get a clearer picture of what levels I'm supposed to be aiming for going forward. I'm going to try and incorporate some good fats in with lunch and tea today
Hi back again with another issue sorry
This evening I've had a tingling sensation all over my body and feeling a bit off tested my which is 8.9 now is this a false hypo or just nerve changes (can this happen so fast)
Sorry for all the questions but finding you all so helpful
Thank you for the reply my HbA1C is 91 so yes very high unfortunately I've been told to take the gliclazide with breakfast so will try the Greek yogurt and berries tomorrow as have been shopping this evening
I feel your pain! My breakfast was loads of coffee and some dry toast or a dry bagel. I have always found it really hard to eat anything substantial before 10am.

I am currently on Metformin which I was advised to eat it 'with' food. This has forced me to eat breakfast now, but I still keep it light. A few scoops of plain yoghurt with a few blueberries and strawberries has been sufficient to take my meds or just a boiled egg!