Healthy ways to deal with lows?

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Since the DAFNE course, I always use 200ml carton of fruit juice to treat a hypo.

I was sceptical of them at first, but once I tried it I found that for me the natural fruit sugars actually work quicker than lucozade and the 200ml is just the right amount to get your blood sugar back up and it's a bit healthier.

Also, if it's more than 2 hours until my next meal I also take some slow acting carbs, eg fruit, just to make sure my BG stays up.

Although resisting the urge to indulge a carb-feast is harder to do if you hypo during the night and get a dose of the 'hypo-munchies'!
Hi Salmonpuff. I would recommend walking as a form of exercise. Like you, I am not sporty so walking is great and, of course, free!!

I walk twice a day. Usually once in the morning for 45 mins and then again in the evening for 45 mins. I find the time by watching less tv and also by getting up at a decent hour, even if i not got an early start to the days plans. I started doing this three years ago and at the same time i started eating healthier (not dieting as i do not believe in diets - just eating healthy 80% of the time). As a result i have lost over a stone and dropped a dress size. The hard thing is keeping it up but i have just made it my way of life.

Good luck! 🙂
The only exercise I get is walking the dog. Its handy I have a dog because otherwise I wouldn't do anything. Mind you thats enough for me as its not like I need to lose weight.

If you feel silly walking around on your own then why not find your nearest dog rescue place and walk their dogs. Exercise and doing a good cause too.
Forgot to say that i do not have a dog but Lorraines idea a good one if it suits you salmonpuff.
I started off feeling a little self consious when walking alone but now i used to it and have met lots of nice other people en route. Many people shout hi or wave as they drive by (I do live in a small town so know lots of people).
Give it a try and see what you think! No outlay (apart from a pair of trainers which you may already have). 🙂
Since the DAFNE course, I always use 200ml carton of fruit juice to treat a hypo.

I was sceptical of them at first, but once I tried it I found that for me the natural fruit sugars actually work quicker than lucozade and the 200ml is just the right amount to get your blood sugar back up and it's a bit healthier.

Also, if it's more than 2 hours until my next meal I also take some slow acting carbs, eg fruit, just to make sure my BG stays up.

Although resisting the urge to indulge a carb-feast is harder to do if you hypo during the night and get a dose of the 'hypo-munchies'!

Any particular fruit juice? I'm guessing you don't mean unsweetened? Or completely natural? With bits or without bits?!
I normally use Tesco's fruit juice. You get a pack of 9x200ml cartons with 3xApple, 3xOrange and 3xPineapple.

Asda and Sainsbury also do similar ones.

The cartons just say 100% Fruit Juice from concentrate and they don't say anything about being unsweetened and they don't have bits.

I normally use glucotabs (I quite like the raspberry ones!), or jelly beans. I don't normally follow up with slow acting carbs, since I find that tends to send me too high. I always thought that was more important if you were on mixed insulin, since there were more peaks in the insulin action, but maybe I'm wrong.

I now carry a sachet of 'hypofit' that my DSN gave me several months ago - will probably find that it tastes horrible eventually!

They're actually quite nice! I was on a DAFNE course last week, and they let us have a taste of one. I was expecting something like glucogel (which I detest), but was pleasantly surprised! Apparently you can get them on prescription as well, though they're quite new so chemists have a problem getting them.
eek only just catching up on this one - bad me!

I'm still having a lot of hypos and still not dealing with them very healthily i must say - mainly as my other half ends up drinking all the OJ first which is kind of annoying and we cant afford to keep buying it. Hopefully soon though, once work kicks in and the pay checks start rolling in then thingsll pick up
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