HBC1A results

You might find it better to cut down on potatoes altogether if you feel able. They still have a lot of carbs in whatever the form.

Or maybe try having less potatoes and top up your plate with some more protein or other vegetables?

Chicken nuggets aren't great as they're either breaded or battered which adds carbs to your protein.
Yeah I just struggle to find things to eat because I can't do much vegetables as I end up being sick and the texture. Wish I was forced more as a kid. I've cut chocolate completely now as I got very bad when my brother died. I wanted to join him as missed him so eat wrong
I eat a lot of chicken nuggets etc. I don't know if they are bad or not? I have someone who cooks for me as i can't walk but they make things that go in the oven or grill more. I'm changing potatoes to baked and chips to potato wedges.

I keep getting loads of gas lately and acid reflux. No medication the dr gives me works except gaviscon.
Things like chicken nuggets have a lot of high carb coating compared to the amount of chicken whereas a chicken fillet even if breaded would be better or better still a chicken breast with some herbs of spices for flavour with plenty veg or salad rather than potatoes whatever form they are in as they are very high carbs.
Lightly dusted fish fillets are not too bad on carbs, omelettes, pork chops, high meat content sausages, salmon, cooked meats, coleslaw, tuna.
Some people find a slow cooker useful as you can just put all the ingredients in and it does it's own thing or an air fryer which cooks meat in about 15mins.
The book or app Carbs and Cals is a useful resource as it gives the carb values for different portions of a whole range of foods so you can make better choices.
People often under estimate their portions so it is a good idea to weigh things.
I'll look into that book as i want to help myself more than ever as I'm tired of how high bloods make me feel. Night times are the worste as I just sweat because the humidity here in Scotland is in the 90s.

I appreciate you replying to me as since I lost my brother I have no one to talk with at all and no real life friends.
You mention acid reflux so I wonder if that is a side effect of the medication, metformin is renowned for causing stomach issues such as gas, diarrhoea in some people.
If you are taking anti-inflammatories like naproxen, high dose ibuprofen then it is usual to prescribe something like omeprazole to protect the stomach and reduce the risk of acid reflux.
They gave me lameprozine as omeprazole wasn't working very well. I keep getting pain that the dr can't seem to treat . It's in the upper right of my stomach. I've been told I have a fatty liver but it's improved slightly and had it for years. I keep getting a swollen belly, acid reflux, fluctuance and burping a lot.

It's gradually got worse the past year and I'm wondering if it's diet related and a result of what I've been eating.
Is the pain in your upper right stomach worse after you eat @Marko2020 ? I'm wondering if it might be gall bladder related, have they ever scanned your liver and gall bladder?
I was thinking it was my gal bladder as that's where the pain is. No scan at all and they haven't even mentioned it.
Maybe worth asking GP directly then if they could do some tests to check on gall bladder