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I want to avoid insulin at all costs!!

Do you mind if I ask why? Insulin is an excellent drug for controlling blood sugar, and hardly anyone has any problems with it (unlike many of the meds they tend to give to type 2s initially), even me, and I have adverse reactions to almost everything.

It is very easy to inject, and I say that as someone who is extremely needle-phobic (I couldn't do it if I could see the needles, I have covered ones!).

Sometimes medical professionals tell type 2s that if they don't improve their results they'll have to go on insulin, as if it is some sort of threat, or punishment for bad behaviour - this really should not happen! It's just another form of medication, and a very good one, and if someone needs it they need it, it shouldn't be about blame.
I'm a bit dyslexic myself which is why I have tried to train myself to pay really close attention for over 60 years now
You can’t really be ‘a bit dyslexic’ it’s a clinical diagnosis. For someone who is dyslexic they can’t just “pay really close attention” and solve their issues. Dyslexia doesn’t mean they don’t pay enough attention it means their brain has particular things it struggles to process correctly eg words letters units numbers.
Just had my results and mine is 120 it’s a bit depressing to be honest but at least I am aware and can do something about it I have not been managing my diet well over the last 4/5 months and I am changing medication- I want to avoid insulin at all costs!!
Insulin is the best glucose management tool I’ve ever had. I’d never voluntarily go back to tablets.
You can’t really be ‘a bit dyslexic’ it’s a clinical diagnosis. For someone who is dyslexic they can’t just “pay really close attention” and solve their issues. Dyslexia doesn’t mean they don’t pay enough attention it means their brain has particular things it struggles to process correctly eg words letters units numbers.
I am 72 now and I really can compensate for a lot of the problems I encountered when younger - I will never be able to do mental arithmetic as I can't devise any way to make it work if I can't use my fingers, but I have sliderules and there is a calculator on this PC plus a spell checkers, and my almost genius level IQ is probably a really useful thing in making what I wish to convey legible to all rather than the few who only need to lower their usual rules to be able to read one of those jokey messages where all the letters are jumbled other than the first and last.
The real joke is that we don't even realise that the letters are jumbled.
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