HbA1c test today.

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What a drag. We don't have records on-line here yet - some software screw-ups or something - but I just get the practice to leave a copy for me at reception. Dunno if they're supposed to do that but it would irk me having to book an appointment just to see my numbers.
At my surgery the receptionist explains what they mean. I am not sure if she is meant to. It makes me laugh (or weep). At the last count I was offered a flu jab by three different people. Needless to say I had already had the ***** thing prior to these offers
Hi all
I go for an HbA1c test later this morning after cutting my Metformin from 1500 mg daily to 1000mg daily, and I’m strangely nervous about the result.
I have had good control over my diabetes over the past year with scores never over 35 so should be ok, but can’t help wondering what effect the reduction of meds will have on my BG levels.
I won’t find out the results until Friday of this week so will be on tenterhooks till then..and as long as it’s under 40 I’m still doing ok.
It’s an ongoing struggle innit ?

Jolly good luck
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