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HBA1C Test - Standards?

Thanks for your responses.

It's unfortunate that the consensus appears to be annual testing.

I went pedal to the floor with Keto from the start just to get the numbers down, the plan was always to re-introduce carbs to a certain amount just to see what affect it had on my HBA1C, and a test at 3 or even 6 months would have been handy to give me some idea of how that change was properly affecting me.

My 90 day average is 6.6 mmol/L - but obviously that is not a full picture.

Has anyone ever had a private HBA1C test done? I see boots offer one.
The London health company do them send you a kit you send back in tube following their instructions. Same way Boots do them to be honest send it off results in 48hrs by email. I got same result from GP as London test so very accurate results. Fraction of price was about £28
There are home testing machines for HbA1c which may or may not work out cheaper than testing at a chemist, but they're considerably less accurate than a lab test from a proper large blood sample. Independent studies show these machines are not terrible for accuracy but less than ideal.

Personally I'd rather spend the money on a CGM and enough finger stick test strips to put the CGM readings into context. If the CGM is reasonably accurate (on average) the GMI figure you can get from the app or web portal for the CGM is fairly indicative (if not on insulin) of what your next HbA1c might be if you maintained the same body weight, diet and exercise patterns. Plus you get to experiment with foods and see what effect they have, which you can't do with a HbA1c test.
I just keep asking to have it done every 3/4 months and so far no one has said no. I make the case that I have zero obvious symptoms so it’s incredibly hard to continually remind myself that I have a chronic illness and regular testing helps me avoid complacency
There are home testing machines for HbA1c which may or may not work out cheaper than testing at a chemist, but they're considerably less accurate than a lab test from a proper large blood sample. Independent studies show these machines are not terrible for accuracy but less than ideal.

Personally I'd rather spend the money on a CGM and enough finger stick test strips to put the CGM readings into context. If the CGM is reasonably accurate (on average) the GMI figure you can get from the app or web portal for the CGM is fairly indicative (if not on insulin) of what your next HbA1c might be if you maintained the same body weight, diet and exercise patterns. Plus you get to experiment with foods and see what effect they have, which you can't do with a HbA1c test.
Funnily enough over the weekend I remembered I had a Libre 2 Plus sat on my desk from the free trial I claimed a few months back and have chucked that on.

It feels a lot better not having to finger prick as much, but as you say will still need to be done to put them into context.
The London health company do them send you a kit you send back in tube following their instructions. Same way Boots do them to be honest send it off results in 48hrs by email. I got same result from GP as London test so very accurate results. Fraction of price was about £28
I did take a look at their website but they don't appear to offer them anymore?
Hi All,

I was under the impression that HBA1C tests were every 3 months - whether I plucked that out of the air because that is the length of time HBA1C measures (Approx) or not I don't know.

Long story short - My doctors surgery has just told me that this an annual test and I will not have one now until December 2025, but I was expecting one around now as it has been 3 months.

How often do you all have yours?
It’s fairly common for people to be offered HbA1c checks more frequently at diagnosis, perhaps after 6 months. But after that annual checks are not uncommon.

Most surgeries are happy to throw an extra one in here and there, though your fingerprick results look like they are giving a good indication that your approach seems to be working for you