HbA1c result

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Just had my bi-annual check-up - HbA1c - 7.9. Higher than last one (7.3) but lower than I was expecting! Cholesterol 5 (didn't get HDL/LDL breakdown this time, although my proportion of 'good' to 'bad' is ususally good.) Weight, well, lets just say it's gone up a bit since Christmas! It's now 3 years since diagnosis...

Still having trouble with high morning readings and potential hypos during the day. Have been advised to consult hospital DSN. Have tried splitting basal dose (currently about 14 units), but as it's Lantus, may try swapping one-dose time to pm rather than am. Oh well, will see what DSN says.
Hi Runner, sorry to see the rise, but sounds like you were expecting it. Hopefully, the adjustments will help reduce things before the next one. As I recall, you've been on fairly low doses of insulin, so maybe it's time that they got increased a little? Were you expecting a higher result because of your meter readings? Have you been running lately. or have you been like me and totally avoiding the cold, dark, wet and gloomy days?😉
Hi Runner, sorry to see the rise, but sounds like you were expecting it. Hopefully, the adjustments will help reduce things before the next one. As I recall, you've been on fairly low doses of insulin, so maybe it's time that they got increased a little? Were you expecting a higher result because of your meter readings? Have you been running lately. or have you been like me and totally avoiding the cold, dark, wet and gloomy days?😉

It's a definite 😉 for the running. Stopped again a little while before Christmas due to viral infections etc, then I blamed the weather! Now it's motivation. Still walking the dog. I am a terrible grazer in the evenings and have generally been eating too much, including chocs, cake etc over Christmas - poor food control. Trying to compensate with insulin (matching carbs), but can't seem to crack the early morning rise. (Titter ye not!) Not sure if it's 'dawn phenomenon', rise after night hypo because of too much combined basal and bolus, or not enough basal left in system. Can't increase basal any more, or I will get daytime hypos. Wondered if a nightime basal dose rather than am dose would be better. In last contact with DSN, he says if I think split dose will help, Levemir may be better, and he thinks it is more a dawn phenomenon problem.

Hopefully, when I'm back on track food and excercise -wise, it will be OK. (Getting there slowly!)
Sorry to hear of the rise, but not as disaterous as you might have imagined. Have you done any night time testing, 2-3am kinda time? That might help you work out if the highs in the morning are due to rebounds from night hypos or from dawn phenomenon.

If it is basal running out then a night time dose might help, although if you get any kind of peak from your lantus then at night it might give you a hypo during the night. Which might not be so easy to deal with as during the day.

Complicated isn't it! I wonder if a CGMS would be helpful to see what patterns you are getting, and might highlight some problem areas?
I find it so hard these days to get back into the running after a layoff - it's more than likely my age and laziness, but I try and justify it by the fact that I have to plan it far too much these days. I've been trying to do some exercise bike as a replacement but it bores me silly, unfortunately! Thankfully, the days are getting noticeably longer so might be able to get a bit more motivated!

Also, I find the trouble with Christmas is that, because it is in your face from August to January, your excuse of being a little 'naughty' at Christmas tends to encompass more than the two or three days it should, and the bad habits are hard to shake!

We'll get there though!🙂
Sorry to hear of the rise, but not as disaterous as you might have imagined. Have you done any night time testing, 2-3am kinda time? That might help you work out if the highs in the morning are due to rebounds from night hypos or from dawn phenomenon.

If it is basal running out then a night time dose might help, although if you get any kind of peak from your lantus then at night it might give you a hypo during the night. Which might not be so easy to deal with as during the day.

Complicated isn't it! I wonder if a CGMS would be helpful to see what patterns you are getting, and might highlight some problem areas?

Hi Nikki,

I did do one or two readings when I woke up during th night and they were within range and less than the morning reading (can't find them in my log now!). Think I will keep thorough readings over the next week, including some night-time ones, and send them to DSN for consideration. Have only had 1 night-time hypo that I'm aware of.
I find it so hard these days to get back into the running after a layoff - it's more than likely my age and laziness, but I try and justify it by the fact that I have to plan it far too much these days. Ditto! I've been trying to do some exercise bike as a replacement but it bores me silly, unfortunately! Thankfully, the days are getting noticeably longer so might be able to get a bit more motivated! And the crazy thing is, don't you feel so much better when you have managed it!

Also, I find the trouble with Christmas is that, because it is in your face from August to January, your excuse of being a little 'naughty' at Christmas tends to encompass more than the two or three days it should, and the bad habits are hard to shake! Ah well you see, I've always believed in the 12 days of Christmas 😉

We'll get there though!🙂
Yes, onwards and upwards! I'll probably sign up for the 5k 'Race for Life' again, and hope to run more than I walk it! Have you got any runs planned?
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Yes, onwards and upwards! I'll probably sign up for the 5k 'Race for Life' again, and hope to run more than I walk it! Have you got any runs planned?

I'm planning to do that this year. I can't run, but I can surely limp along and it's not that far really.

I'm sorry to hear your readings have gone up, but maybe the running will help.
Hi Alison,

Yes, the exercise has always made a significant difference - to day-to-day levels anyway. However, it's been snowing, hailing and sleeting here today and it's now icing up again!

If you haven't done the race for life before, it's a great atmosphere, and you can 'run' with the runners, joggers, or walkers. I've seen wheelchair users and those with walking sticks doing the course too. :D
Hi Alison,

Yes, the exercise has always made a significant difference - to day-to-day levels anyway. However, it's been snowing, hailing and sleeting here today and it's now icing up again!

If you haven't done the race for life before, it's a great atmosphere, and you can 'run' with the runners, joggers, or walkers. I've seen wheelchair users and those with walking sticks doing the course too. :D

Whilst it's good to have women-only races, a male friend of mine was annoyed that there doesn't seem to be an equivalent for men, as he'd lost his mum to cancer and wanted to do something like that in her memory. I suggested doing it in drag, but he wouldn't get away with it!😱

I haven't decided on anything yet, but need to set a goal to motivate me.
Whilst it's good to have women-only races, a male friend of mine was annoyed that there doesn't seem to be an equivalent for men, as he'd lost his mum to cancer and wanted to do something like that in her memory. I suggested doing it in drag, but he wouldn't get away with it!😱

I haven't decided on anything yet, but need to set a goal to motivate me.

Yes, I don't know why it's women only, I've had a few male family members and friends say they would run too, for similar reasons.
Hi Runner,

Sorry to here you're numbers have gone up a wee bit, but glad to hear it's better than you thought, sometimes I think that's more important to help keep mentally strong! And hope you tighten up those numbers in good time🙂 I'm liking the idea of doing one of those races in drag! Alan, you up for it!!?? I could do with getting off me bum and getting back on the road, how many years has it been now!😱
Hi Runner,

Sorry to here you're numbers have gone up a wee bit, but glad to hear it's better than you thought, sometimes I think that's more important to help keep mentally strong! And hope you tighten up those numbers in good time🙂 I'm liking the idea of doing one of those races in drag! Alan, you up for it!!?? I could do with getting off me bum and getting back on the road, how many years has it been now!😱

How about piccies of you both in drag first, so we can judge if you'll fool the crowds! LOL
How about piccies of you both in drag first, so we can judge if you'll fool the crowds! LOL

I was once going to go to a fancy dress as Snow White, but decided I was far too pretty and went as a lumberjack instead!😱:D
OK Northe, your secret's safe with us 😉
I once (honest only once!) was dressed up to go see rocky horror show, in you know what, was on top deck of bus having a drink with mates, and saw one of the 'ard lads from school! I felt somewhat nervous!!
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