Hba1c result 2023

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IMHO the evidence for its benefit for long covid is good enough. I'd prefer if there were a few such studies, but the one that was done (a rather complex study because they also wanted to test a few other things) seemed OK to me, and didn't show benefits for anything else they were testing. And Metformin is nice and cheap.
This one? https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(23)00299-2/fulltext#

Fair enough! I'll amend to "sod all quality evidence for benefits apart from long COVID". 🙂
It has generally been the heart disease risk that has been mentioned to people over the years if I remember right.

I thought that had some data behind it. The others were more of a search-surprise.
It has generally been the heart disease risk that has been mentioned to people over the years if I remember right.

I thought that had some data behind it. The others were more of a search-surprise.
Metformin is said to have a series of 6 or so unintended minor consequences for cardio issues which together add up to a significant amount of cardio protection. There's a flow chart somewhere that shows the consequences and benefits.
It was because of the putative heart protection benefits that some specialists ten or twelve years ago suggested everybody over 50, whether diabetic or not, should be on metformin as an essential insurance policy. And of course metformin has always featured in 'Polypill' proposals - the gobstopper containing every basic drug you could need.
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