HbA1c down

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Much missed Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Just got my HbA1c, in a very casual manner. She said it's gone down again, which suggests it's gone down before. I didn't know.
It didn't bother the doctor that I did know and needed to ask.

This is what I got today.
December 2014: 64
March 2015: 55
August: 48
January 2016: 47
Looking good 🙂
Excellent Ralph, great results 🙂 I've found a lot of healthcare professionals seem reluctant to give out the actual numbers, why this is I have no idea :confused: I find it most annoying to be told 'It's better', or 'It's OK', and then have to press them for the actual numbers. The daft thing is that a few years back they gave my a little booklet in which I was supposed to record all my test results. 🙄
Great result Ralph - I am looking forward to a better number on my next test.
Yep, looking good.

I don't know why the medical types are reluctant to give numbers either. I usually have to push them as well! Which I do, because I want to know the numbers (wot with being of a scientific bent and all .... well, when I was young enough to understand these things!).

Andy 🙂
Great result Ralph! :D
Great numbers there. Thats why I like the fact I can see all my test results and patient file online, I can see the numbers for myself!
Great numbers there. Thats why I like the fact I can see all my test results and patient file online, I can see the numbers for myself!

That sounds good. Worry about internet security though! One day it will be a free-for-all out there, I think. :(
I've found a lot of healthcare professionals seem reluctant to give out the actual numbers, why this is I have no idea :confused: I find it most annoying to be told 'It's better', or 'It's OK', and then have to press them for the actual numbers.

"It's fine" is what I've had. Had that when I've asked about other things in the past. For all I knew, they hadn't even done the test when I was diagnosed. I've actually complained about not being told resutls and having questions answered. They're not even telling me what some of the blood tests are for. No idea when the cholesterol test was done.
I remember decades ago programmes about the problem of doctors not telling patients things. Why it's still happening I don't know.
Well done Ralph
Discovered today that they'd also done a cholestel test at the same time as my diabetes. Still no idea how they sneaked it passed me. No mention of even doing it, let alone a hint of the results. And of couse, not knowing about it I don't know to make them tell me the results.
I was there for a completly different reason today and this doctor mentioned my cholestereal level because of that.
2.7 I think she said.
Wow! Great number 😎
2.7 is very low Ralph, for cholesterol. You should be able to get a printout of your medical tests and records by writing a request to the Practice Manager 🙂
Well you have to pay if you want your records Northerner. Not the test results though.

Tad annoying really - when I went to my cataract apt the other week the nurse asking me the basics - anyone in the family had glaucoma etc - there was a print-out attached to the back that I was reading upside down as I read - the first line said my name DoB and NHS No, then the next 'Registered with the practice March 1998' and so it went on. All my existing conditions and all my latest test results for everything.

Lynn I've just noticed that the date you were diagnosed is very close to mine. 1st December 2015 is when I when I was admitted to hospital with my infection. I suppect I was diagonosed by the 4th and informed on the 10th.

You should be able to get a printout of your medical tests and records by writing a request to the Practice Manager 🙂
Of course you need for them to tell you they've done a test first. Only then can you tell them that they've to tell you they've done it and the results.

As well as not managing my condition because of lack of information, there is also a complete lack of patient management. Keeping the patient informed is a critical part of both.
It always says on my lab sheet that I take to the phlebotomist what the tests are for.
I don't know anything about lab sheets or phlebotomist. Make an appointment for blood taking (I have to make these myself). Turn up at GPs and Healthcare Assistant takes my blood.
Lynn I've just noticed that the date you were diagnosed is very close to mine. 1st December 2015 is when I when I was admitted to hospital with my infection. I suppect I was diagonosed by the 4th and informed on the 10th

I went for a blood test for a totally unrelated problem and the next week I got a phone call on the 1st telling me I had an appointment for the 15th with the DSN. Oh! Btw you are diabetic!

Came as a bit of a shock Ivan tell you.
Both was a bit of a shock for me. It's because of the infection I was diagnosed. I just might have mentioned this before.
Well Ralph - thing to do is ask the phlebotomist what tests she has to take the blood for, cos you haven't been told and you want to know. She can't refuse to tell you! We get a form with it on from the GP which he hands to us when saying he wants us to have this test or that test, plus the same info is on the puter, so when we go to donate the armful, the Vampire looks it up on her puter to check they both have the same requests on them, before assembling the correct vials to put it in (different anti-coag and different colour bands round the vials for each type of test) and when she has them all lined up, she finds a vein and does the deed, attaching and detaching each empty vial to the shunt in your arm until she has them all, then removes the shunt, sorts you out and does her paperwork etc.

So say you know you are going for an annual HbA1c - if they have more than one vial - they must be doing some other tests too!
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