Hba1c down from 52 to 49

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Jules S

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Afer 3 months of dieting, reducing carbs and losing a stone ( I have at least another half stone to lose) my hba1c has only reduced slightly. I have put so much effort in and expected better results. I walk most days for 40 mins. I am not on any medication and GP hasnt contacted me after results, I checked myself using nhs app. So I assume he is not concerned which is good.
Is there anything else I can do to lower it more quickly or am I being unrealistic in my expectations.
Thanks in advance of your opinion on this.
Afer 3 months of dieting, reducing carbs and losing a stone ( I have at least another half stone to lose) my hba1c has only reduced slightly. I have put so much effort in and expected better results. I walk most days for 40 mins. I am not on any medication and GP hasnt contacted me after results, I checked myself using nhs app. So I assume he is not concerned which is good.
Is there anything else I can do to lower it more quickly or am I being unrealistic in my expectations.
Thanks in advance of your opinion on this.
Well done, look on that as a positive, it's going in the right direction.
How much have you reduced your carbs, you may be underestimating if you are not weighing the higher carb foods.
Slow and steady is often kinder on your eyes and nerves and it has to be a new way of eating.
Thank you for replying. Initially I reduced carbs quite a lot tried to be under 50g a day but must admit I have increased it recently to probably more near 90/100g so may be thats something I need to watch, I may not be too tolerant of carbs.
Thank you for replying. Initially I reduced carbs quite a lot tried to be under 50g a day but must admit I have increased it recently to probably more near 90/100g so may be thats something I need to watch, I may not be too tolerant of carbs.
That sounds a reasonable amount to aim at, under 50 would be very hard to sustain. I have approx 70g and have found that has worked for me.
It might be time to invest in a blood glucose monitor so you can test your meals to see if there is anything problematic.
You would get a good idea by testing before eating and after 2 hours when you would aim at no more than 8-8.5mmol/l.
Before meals in the range 4-7mmol/l
Bit like the tortoise and the hare - tortoise still gets to the destination despite his lack of speed - and, he isn't even out of breath. I'd also recommend testing your blood glucose before and 2-ish hrs after meals too - cos that way you'll be able to refine your food choices better on an ongoing basis. Diabetes is a marathon not a sprint!
I stay under 40 gm a day to be in the low 40s - but I am rather old at almost 73. The slowing of replacement cell production might explain it.
If you are eating increasing amounts of carbs you might be exceeding your tolerance. Despite all the advice to the contrary we are biological omnivores working well on protein and fats.
If you have access to a blood glucose meter that might show spikes after you eat the foods you are most sensitive to.
Thank you for replying. Initially I reduced carbs quite a lot tried to be under 50g a day but must admit I have increased it recently to probably more near 90/100g so may be thats something I need to watch, I may not be too tolerant of carbs.
I would find under 50g sounds quite difficult to maintain. I aim for 100-130 carbs a day tbh it usually is around the 100g mark. I did try and work out what I could reduce to hit 50g but decided to stick with my current carb intake.
I would find under 50g sounds quite difficult to maintain. I aim for 100-130 carbs a day tbh it usually is around the 100g mark. I did try and work out what I could reduce to hit 50g but decided to stick with my current carb intake.
I find it quite easy. It is also very sustaining so I eat just one main meal most days now.
The freezer has lots of meat and fish plus it is stacked with stirfry, berry mixtures, vege mixtures, I have fresh salad, coleslaw, sweet peppers, celery, cucumber, beetroot, mushrooms, tomatoes, radishes and the like in the fridge along with eggs and cheeses, butter and lard and cream. In the kitchen cupboards I have nuts and seeds, herbs and spices.
Also in the freezer (it is a big one) I keep baking supplies, for when I bring the mixer out and get creative with the file full of low carb recipes I have collected.
I would find under 50g sounds quite difficult to maintain. I aim for 100-130 carbs a day tbh it usually is around the 100g mark. I did try and work out what I could reduce to hit 50g but decided to stick with my current carb intake.
It does look as though you have got the carb ratio right for you as your Hba1c results are good.
I think I may need to follow the good advice mentioned and monitor glucose before and after a meal to see what is happening.
I am determined to get this under control, I do appreciate my levels are moving in right direction but it hasnt stopped me being disappointed I had hoped to move into pre- diabetic range.
I do still have weight to come off so will see what this does to my results.
Thank you all for your responses very useful
I find it quite easy. It is also very sustaining so I eat just one main meal most days now.
The freezer has lots of meat and fish plus it is stacked with stirfry, berry mixtures, vege mixtures, I have fresh salad, coleslaw, sweet peppers, celery, cucumber, beetroot, mushrooms, tomatoes, radishes and the like in the fridge along with eggs and cheeses, butter and lard and cream. In the kitchen cupboards I have nuts and seeds, herbs and spices.
Also in the freezer (it is a big one) I keep baking supplies, for when I bring the mixer out and get creative with the file full of low carb recipes I have collected.
I like the sound of this.
I need to get myself more organised.
I have made a good start but need to go further.
Have you thought about writing a recipe book?
I have a shelf full of recipe books at least 50 but usually make things 'out of my head' with the ingredients I have in the fridge/freezer. The books give inspiration but rarely follow to the letter. Low carb of course.
I like the sound of this.
I need to get myself more organised.
I have made a good start but need to go further.
Have you thought about writing a recipe book?
Being a very 'glass half full' type I look upon the low carb way of eating as an exclusion diet so I can eat anything if its carb content is 10% or less, excluding low fat options but including the odd square of high cocoa chocolate.
I know when I go to a celebratory meeting with dancers or singers I should pack a separate supply for myself as helpful hands whisk away my offerings and by the time I get my coat off the plates are being washed up.
I'd suggest you review your diet in detail. Are there any hidden carbs in what you eat and drink? Do you snack between meals? Are you eating fats and carbs together? Is your weight coming down steadily, still?

Why not post what foods you eat on a typical day? You will soon get feedback on anything that looks awry!!!

I'd also suggest you look into the Harcombe Diet. You could give its Phase 1 for a week or two to see if it kick starts your weight loss again?
Thanks will check out the Harcombe Diet and will keep a written record of my diet for the next week. What stands out possibly is having an apple and the odd pear. Think I need to check bloods before and after to see whats happening.

I eat a lot of broccoli and cauliflower, meat, chicken, high content sausages, beef and a small salad potato for dinners.

My weight has stalled so renewed effort needed this week to tackle it.

I do have a slice of toast and pate and seem to get away with that and I also have 30g of oats with berries for lunch which dont spike either.

I drink a fair amount of coffee with milk, tried all the alternatives for milk and really cant get away with them. May have to resort to tea I can drink that weak without milk.
I don't eat cakes biscuits sweets or chocolate but do have the odd pint of beer during the week (another one to give up)
I am determined to get this under control, I do appreciate my levels are moving in right direction but it hasnt stopped me being disappointed I had hoped to move into pre- diabetic range.
I do still have weight to come off so will see what this does to my results.
Thank you all for your responses very useful

It’s hard isn’t it when you get a result that is ‘good’ but not quite what you were hoping for. Be kind to yourself, and recognise how well you have been doing. As @trophywench says, “it’s a marathon not a sprint”, and you are only a few months in.

Having read many diabetes success stories on the forum over the years a sluggish start is not uncommon, but many later find that once improvements continue and things have settled and stabilised (especially if what one professor calls the ‘personal fat threshold’ has been reached) some things can be added back in to the menu as the metabolism has had a bit of a breather.

Keep going. You are doing great 🙂 🙂 🙂
Thank you for your kind words.
I am a little hard on myself so will try to be kinder.
Don’t beat yourself up it’s good news if not as good as you hoped it’s the right direction.
It was only 3 months and sometimes things take longer. As long as you know you are doing all you can then that’s enough, if not then use it as a chance to relook at things and make changes.
Well done and keep it up!
Thank you for your kind response. I think its my weight that's the problem. I have read quite a bit about fat around the liver and pancreas causing a problem and tend to think thats my issue and may be stopping levels dropping as quickly as I want. I am not massively over weight either and losing the last half stone ideally another stone isnt easy. I have looked again at diet and have stopped the apple cheese and a slice of toast with pate before bed and will see what this does. (I didn't have big portions, just a small apple and a small slice of wholemeal bread) I know wholemeal bread is still carbs and the body recognises it as sugar so will reduce the amount I have from diet for the moment until I get where I need to be.
Thank you again
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