HbA1C comment

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Relationship to Diabetes
What would you say to the following comment?

My HbA1C is 12%, which isn't too bad......

I answered: "Yes it is", but didn't go into any further discussion, as I don't feel it is up to me to "bully" her into getting better control. I have tried gentle comments and one strong one. The strong one was about her not wanting to end up like that diabetic woman on This Morning.
Monica, given that mine was 'only' 11.8 at diagnosis and I was nearly dead ought to show that !2% in NOT OK at all. Have a look at the graph on this page, showing the likelihood of life-shattering complications and how it increases exponentially beyond 6.5-7%. 12% is off the graph! Maybe this will mean something to her?


I do hope you can get the message home, this is for real :(
Thanks, Alan. I will try, but I don't think it will make any difference. I'd be very upset if anything bad happend to her, as she has 2 lovely children. But I think she hasn't been well educated about her diabetes in general and her husband knows even less = nothing. When we chatted about the HbA1C and I said it needed to come down, he said that yes down to ZERO would be best!!!😱

But as I said, if she won't listen to the Nurse (she tells me that the nurse tells her off)..... I won't be able to make an impact.:(
That's such a shame :( The nurse ought to be encouraging not castigating - totally the wrong approach as it makes people reluctant to be honest or to comply with advice. I'm guessing she wouldn't want to join up here? It would be great if she could - just by reading a lot of the posts, not necessarily posting herself, she would learn a lot.
Yes, I have wondered about that too. She knows I'm on here. Maybe I could just give her a list of websites I thought would be good for her to go on. (any suggestions appreciated), like the online "dafne" course too. I have suggested she'd try carb counting. She reckoned she couldn't do that as she's type 1.5.(hence my question about it earlier in the year). If pumping wasn't such hard work, I'd even suggest that.

😱 just had a thought, what if she does join and sees this message???😱
It's ok, I think, I hope it only shows that I care. (might change my mind later)

I'm at the moment writing the list. So far I've got 3:Bdec, diabetes support and the one you put in this thread.
An HbA1c of twelve percent?!?!?! I'm not happy with mine in the sevens if I'm honest with myself. It's sad really that people can't see how bad things are. I suppose they should be taken around the wards to see what the high HbA1c's mean in terms of gangrenous legs, retinopathy, nephropathy and things like that.

An HbA1c of twelve percent?!?!?! I'm not happy with mine in the sevens if I'm honest with myself. It's sad really that people can't see how bad things are. I suppose they should be taken around the wards to see what the high HbA1c's mean in terms of gangrenous legs, retinopathy, nephropathy and things like that.


I think its that people like to think it will be someone else and not them or some take the approach that if its going to happen it will anyway.

Of course there are lots of variables but it helps if we try and have an impact on the ones that we can influence.
My HbA1c was last at 8.4...and I know by my meter that my levels will be well above the 9's on my next test...Now, I am struggling so, so much and working so hard to try to get my daily fasting levels down, which by the way are in the 11's and 12's the past couple of weeks!!!.....When I come here and read posts like these, as valid as they may be, it really scares me!!

I have sat here crying reading these posts....'I know' what the complications can be, I'm trying hard to beat this thing and I can't!! Seems like I've got lots to look forward to then a....Gangerous legs, strokes, going blind and all

Just don't know what the point is really, perahps I should take a leaf out of the book of the lady that seems in denial about her Diabetes...at least I could just be blissfully ignnorant and be happy till the inevitable gets me!!!!

Oh well :(
She needs someone to say something harsh to her in my opinion. I'd talk about blindness and amputation!
I am certain this lady knows all the possible complications - but you cant force people to look after themselves unfortunately. If her DSN cant get her to see sense then what hope do you stand Monica...she is very lucky to have a caring friend like you - just keep trying.🙂Bev
I'm sure she does, but it doesn't always hit home until someone points out it could happen to you if you don't look after yourself.
I am sure there are hundreds of teenagers who are told all the horrible complications you can face in future - and yet they still rebel or are in denial - so although it seems like the best thing to do - in practice - I am not sure it really works.🙂Bev
My HbA1c was last at 8.4...and I know by my meter that my levels will be well above the 9's on my next test...Now, I am struggling so, so much and working so hard to try to get my daily fasting levels down, which by the way are in the 11's and 12's the past couple of weeks!!!.....When I come here and read posts like these, as valid as they may be, it really scares me!! ...

Ellowyne, the difference is that you are working hard to get your levels under control - this lady is not even trying, it seems. You are going through a difficult time at the moment, but stick to your plan and I am sure you will be able to do it - don't lose heart {{{Ellowyne}}}
Ellowyne, the difference is that you are working hard to get your levels under control - this lady is not even trying, it seems. You are going through a difficult time at the moment, but stick to your plan and I am sure you will be able to do it - don't lose heart {{{Ellowyne}}}

As always, I thank you Northerner, you have always been such a source of incredible support to me...I am so thankful for all the encouragement received from you. But, you know, trying or not, I am still in a place that puts me in a super high risk of all the horrible things that are talked about here....yes?

I understand that these thigs will be discussed, they need to be...please don't take this the wrong way, but, like when I speak to my DSN, and she tells me I'm doing well???...Then I come here, I read the horrifying things that, it seems, someone like me has to look forward to...Aand I think, well, my DSN is obviously patronising me! I mean, why not just tell me that 'My' Diabetes is going to kill me....lets just be blunt! That, or maybe I'll lose my legs, eyesight...whatever the case may be! It doesn't seem to matter what I do, even if I don't bloody eat...my Blood sugars are still up in the 9's and

I'm sorry, really sorry, to anyone this offends...But, I'm just saying...some of us DO know the risks and struggle so hard to reduce blood sugar levels...I just know that this disease is going to kill me...the evidence of my chances are all here in these posts...this is where I am at, and this is what's coming!!
As always, I thank you Northerner, you have always been such a source of incredible support to me...I am so thankful for all the encouragement received from you. But, you know, trying or not, I am still in a place that puts me in a super high risk of all the horrible things that are talked about here....yes?

I understand that these thigs will be discussed, they need to be...please don't take this the wrong way, but, like when I speak to my DSN, and she tells me I'm doing well???...Then I come here, I read the horrifying things that, it seems, someone like me has to look forward to...Aand I think, well, my DSN is obviously patronising me! I mean, why not just tell me that 'My' Diabetes is going to kill me....lets just be blunt! That, or maybe I'll lose my legs, eyesight...whatever the case may be! It doesn't seem to matter what I do, even if I don't bloody eat...my Blood sugars are still up in the 9's and

I'm sorry, really sorry, to anyone this offends...But, I'm just saying...some of us DO know the risks and struggle so hard to reduce blood sugar levels...I just know that this disease is going to kill me...the evidence of my chances are all here in these posts...this is where I am at, and this is what's coming!!

Whilst 8.4 isnt as good as it should be it is nowhere near 12! There is a huge difference between the possible complications of an 8 and a 12. Nobody is saying that you will be complication free - but you do have a much better chance than someone who's hba1c is 12 - so its about damage limitation. At the moment you are doing the best you can do and hopefully if you lose some weight you will be able to do much more exercise and be able to reduce your hba1 even further. I think your nurse was trying to be encouraging and wouldnt have meant to be patronising at all.

If your levels are 9 or 10 without eating then perhaps your nurse needs to look at your dosages of medication. I do know you are worried about putting on more weight, but these levels will be affecting your mood. Anti-depressants also tend to put weight on people so perhaps you could ask your GP if there is an alternative you could take to help with your weightloss.

Have you tried eating low or no carb meals, and if so, has there been any improvement of your levels..🙂Bev
I know it is frightening Ellowyne, but you are not there yet. I agree that just ignoring consistently high levels will most likely lead to a poor outcome if ignored long enough, as appears to be this lady's situation (although 'ignored is probably not the right word, she simply does not seem to understand the import of her predicament).

Your level is considerably below the 12% mentioned here, and you have recognised that you need to make further changes to improve things because they have deteriorated lately. We have discussed your plan and I do hope you will go ahead with it to help reduce your risks further. Remember that you can talk to me any time if you feel your resolve slipping! 🙂
Ellowyne - I'm so sorry you feel bad. As Northe and Bev have said, you are trying your best and 8.4 is nowhere as bad as 12!!! Our specialist and DSN would be happy with that too. I calculated her blood averages from her HbA1C and it came out at 17.5, that's a lot higher than your readings.

They are right, my friend isn't trying. I see her do things that make me want to shout at her, but I don't feel I have a right to. And when I first met her, she wouldn't even tell me her level. And she quite frequently cancelled her appointments. She's also given me a stash of strips, because she gets a certain amount every month and she didn't test very often (she said). I didn't let Carol use them, as the dates on the boxes were quite old!!

She has told me often that she feels "c***". I usually bite my tongue, instead of saying that's because you're high all the time.

Katie - I did mention the lady on This Morning who had both (?) legs and an arm amputated. She just replied "I didn't need to hear that!"
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I know it is frightening Ellowyne, but you are not there yet. I agree that just ignoring consistently high levels will most likely lead to a poor outcome if ignored long enough, as appears to be this lady's situation (although 'ignored is probably not the right word, she simply does not seem to understand the import of her predicament).

Your level is considerably below the 12% mentioned here, and you have recognised that you need to make further changes to improve things because they have deteriorated lately. We have discussed your plan and I do hope you will go ahead with it to help reduce your risks further. Remember that you can talk to me any time if you feel your resolve slipping! 🙂

Thank you Northerner...Thank you also, Bev & Monica, I do appretiate your replies.

I will stick with my plan, I have ordered 2 Low Carb Cookbooks and a couple of books by Neal Bernard and Dr Berstein...Both on Low carbing and 'reversing' Diabtes type 2...I hope they will be of help!...My hubby is currently at Tescos examining all info on Low Cal drinks for me!...I am ready to try to fight this, but just feeling very low and tearful again tonight, just the depression I guess...I wasn't meaning to upset anyone by my posts, just feel so frightened at times :(

Sorry, I don't want to ambush Monica's thread...Northerner, I will keep in touch with you, let you know how I go, but will give it a couple of weeks, I know these things take time to have effect.

Thank you, Ellowyne
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