HbA1c - and the winner is...

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The only way ill be 6.9 is if my pancreas has finally come off strike, and i doubt it as the negotiations have not been going well!
Well done northener, I think having a slightly high A1c- (which is still fantastic) with fewer hypo's can only be a good thing. I think health care professionals are very keen to avoid hypos and any sometimes seems too many. I don't think 8 mild ones in a month that you have full awareness of is too much of a problem for you.
Well done northener, QUOTE]

I second, third, fourth etc that sentiment - well done young thing !

Has your consultant done the same as mine (when he said he didn't want to see you for a year) - given you forms for the HbA1c to be done again every 3 months at your own Doctor's so he can monitor you ? If not, can you ask for them to be done in between times or are you more or less happy with things as they are now ?
Well done northener,

I second, third, fourth etc that sentiment - well done young thing !

Has your consultant done the same as mine (when he said he didn't want to see you for a year) - given you forms for the HbA1c to be done again every 3 months at your own Doctor's so he can monitor you ? If not, can you ask for them to be done in between times or are you more or less happy with things as they are now ?

Thanks Faith!

No, he just gave me the form for next year's visit, but I will probably ask my GP to do some of the tests in 6 months as she was kind enough to oblige last time I asked. 12 months sounds like too long to me at the moment - should anything start going wrong I want to know about it in good time!
Congrats! Long may you remain in the '5' club! Well done you! 🙂🙂
12 months sounds like too long to me at the moment - should anything start going wrong I want to know about it in good time!

Agreed, 12 months is really too long. I have been having A1c's done every 3 months for the past 3 1/2 years, but as they are very stable when I get it done in November it will be 6 months which seems about right.
I think you will know if things are going very wrong from your meter readings, but the A1c can give you some information that you might not be picking up on from those day to day readings.
Well done :D
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