HbA1c - and the winner is...

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Katie, who guessed 5.5% - it was actually 5.6%, so it has rocketed up from the last one (5.2%). I'm not worried, as I have been having fewer hypos.

I always find the consultant visits mildly disappointing. Really, I don't get anything out of them except the numbers from the various tests. I did ask him afew questions about retinopathy, honeymooning, LADA etc. but he was very wooly in his answers - didn't learn anything new from them. My blood pressure was high - 154/97, so that needs to come down, although they only did one test and my GP normally does 2 or 3 and it drops. He didn't seem too concerned. He seemed to think that I should be eating less as I have put on quite a bit of weight since my last appointment (in January). But back then I was very underweight, ad I'm still within good BMI range. He was suggesting perhaps I could reduce portion sizes at my meals, like I was eating myself into an early grave or something!

He also seemed to think that more than 10 hypos in 3 months was too many - is it? I know it's not ideal, but I've only had 8 in the past month, which I don't feel is excessive.

He didn't give me the numbers for my HDL/LDL split or triglycerides, just said total cholesterol was 3.2 and my HDL was higher than my LDL. Kidneys were fine.

Don't have to see him again for another year.
wow should i congrats or not as it went up,
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Well done on the a1c.

I don't think that sounds like an excessive number of hypos, sure we'd all like less but we have to expect some! On dafne we were told 2-3 mild hypos a week would probably be expected. Of course if they're major hypos then there's an issue but if you're dealing with them ok I wouldn't worry.
well here you go

Haha! Nice one steff!🙂

I think hypos are pretty much inevitable when you're trying to keep tight control. There are so many potential factors involved, and sometimes I just get things completely wrong! He also didn't seem to take on board that I am actually having far fewer now than I was before.

I think it's still a little difficult to realise that I know more about MY diabetes than he does, despite all his years of training and experience. I was looking for some more authoritative answers, but just got a lot of 'mights' and 'maybes' - which I know is all he can really offer me!🙄
Well done you! another enviable number!

Times it by 2 and itll probably be nearer what im going to get tomorrow!
big well done there it might be a small rise but its well within the gov guideline 🙂
I cant believe that guy told you to cut down on portion sizes 😱 you definitely don't look overweight at all, or heading that way! and you obviously do plenty of exercise, so need a decent meal! silly doctors...

My consultant doesnt seem to like it if I have even 2 hypos a week, so I just lie to him now 😛
I cant believe that guy told you to cut down on portion sizes 😱 you definitely don't look overweight at all, or heading that way! and you obviously do plenty of exercise, so need a decent meal! silly doctors...

My consultant doesnt seem to like it if I have even 2 hypos a week, so I just lie to him now 😛

I think I might have to lie next time too! They never seem interested in the printouts I take in. I think that, because my numbers are pretty good they just look about for something to talk about then rush through everything else. I much prefer the DSNs - they actually listen to you!🙂

p.s. I did say to him that I'd been a runner for over 25 years and he said 'Oh, right, I'll be quiet then!'
S'all looking good, Northerner. Well done.

I think I might have to lie next time too! They never seem interested in the printouts I take in. I think that, because my numbers are pretty good they just look about for something to talk about then rush through everything else. I much prefer the DSNs - they actually listen to you!🙂

my consultant had never even looked at my glucose meter numbers, only my HbA1c and then asked if my numbers are generally ok and I usually just say yes, unless they have been particularly bad. They are useless! I should probably go to see the DSN more often, havent been for years.

You are so organised taking printouts :D maybe next time i'll be more prepared. Probably not though 😱
Katie we email our results the day before so they have time to look at them - we use smart pix.🙂

Northerner - brilliant results - well done - I can only dream of A getting levels like this - but i live in hope! Hopefully having the pump will help us along with this.🙂Bev
Congrats on the good result, sounds like a year is not long enough to have to see him again lol :D. I don't understand if your bmi for your age and height etc is within range why he's telling you to cut back on portions 🙄 but there you go! I think a smile and a nod is what i'd do and totally disregard what he said if i felt happy with my weight and I was being told that.

Well done anyway 😉
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