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HbA1c and finger prick targets to stay off meds with diagnosed T2

The figs I use are just to measure the trend as I only test my waking ave.
When I was diagnosed my HBA1c was 51
By the time I bought a finger prick tester say 2 weeks after diagnoses the reading were 7.5
My next HBA1c test was by then in two months time, so not the full 3 months

I managed to get my FP tests down to an ave (waking) to 5.6 ish.
My next HBA1c test came in at 46 which had I had the full 3 months I'm sure would have been better, so the figs I have given, I think work for me
I will say that I didn't dream these figs up and I did get them from a reliable source
The trend is what I'm looking for too, always on the lookout for signs that things might be going awry so I can do something about it. So far, so good.
I was wondering what targets (HbA1c and prick test) other people with a full T2 diagnosis aim for, to stay off medication.
What are the maximum values that you want to keep while managing your diabetes through diet/exercise etc without medication (both HbA1c and finger pricks).
HbA1c less than 39. I don't do finger pricks and will get a CGM if it goes back into the 40s. My finger prick was 5.8 mmol/l after one week on a Newcastle diet following diagnosis based on HbA1c in three figures. I monitor weight, calories and nutrients.
Keeping levels between 4-7 most of the time, with the odd spike up to 8/9 that comes down quickly seems to give me a hba1c in the mid to high 30s.

My fasting levels are usually < 6 in the morning
And in the afternoon usually between 4 and 5.6
Depending on the carb and other macro content, I might see a spike up to the 8s but it's usually down < 7.8 after 2 hours. I don't go mad. If I know I'm exercising after a meal, I will just eat what I want (For example, on holiday recently I was doing a lot of walking so didn't restrict my diet at all.)
(sorry this was a few days ago, I've been away). This is very useful, thank you.
Hi @medidia

I think I understand what you are looking for, so here is my take on it.
I'm T2 and not on any medication, so these are the figures I look for.

I only do a fasting finger prick test in the morning and average the results over the week and then the month.

If my averages are less than 5.6 I consider myself in the non diabetic range ie less than 42 HBA1c
If 5.6 to 6.9 in the pre diabetic range ie 42 to 48 HBA1c
If above 7 in the diabetic range ie 48 HBA1c plus

My ave's are normally between 5.6 and 6.2

Hope that helps

(sorry about the delay in replying, I was away) Very useful thank you.
Hi @medidia, so in the period between diagnosis (Oct '24) to first review (Jan '25) my objective was to get my HbA1c down from 86 to as low as possible and I achieved 47. That period included taking one 500g of metformin daily for about 8 weeks.
My target it so to continue to bring down the HbA1c and I have insisted that I want to do this without the metformin. My target is to try and get below 42 if possible.
With regards to my finger prick testing, I like to keep the level down to less than 6 during the day and below 8 after my evening meal. Unfortunately I am struggling in respect of this target and I sometimes get a bit frustrated especially when I cannot find a reason why it is going so high.
For June when I will get my next HbA1c test, I am just hoping that I don't go back above 47.
One thing to note from my recent review; the diabetes nurse wanted me to stay on metformin because in the evening I continue to be between 8 & 8.5 on finger prick testing after my meal. Even though the advice on here is that 8.5 is acceptable, my nurse was not actually happy with that result. So be warned that your appointment may not go how you expect it to.
(sorry about replying late, I was away). Thank you for the tip, my target after a meal is lower than 8, and even so my last HbA1c was 48. When I was diagnosed as pre diabetic my postprandial average was just 6.9, so I'm aiming to get back to that level.
I don't get your numbers. I thought 7s indicated pre- and 8+ diabetes, if we're talking mmol/L?
At last someone I can understand readings with I am with you Martin when reading mine I try to keep under 8 which I was told is a borderline reading ?