About 4 years ago I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 12, at the time I had no idea on what it was and it was all new to me, finding out what it really is and that it’s not curable killed me and to this day it still does with all the thoughts and depression that comes with diabetes, even after having this for 4 years I feel like sometimes if not most it continues to control me. To help me control my blood levels I have switched to using the pump which has helped so much, I remember always rejecting the idea of using pumps because I was so used to injections and I don’t really like change I guess but ever since I’ve switched to pump my bloods have improved significantly can my mental health has improved also. To anyone else who may be young with diabetes or maybe believes that diabetes controls their lives, don’t give up trust me I’ve had those thoughts of “why did I have to get this” and “It controls me” and even “I can’t have a normal life no more” but you really can, don’t let high or low bloods get you down just try think positively and sort your bloods out I always had a simple saying of “just do it” it isn’t a powerful saying but when your thinking of that injection which seems to be annoying as soon as you “just do it” it’s done and your bloods will be fine. I was also scared to come into clinic at times because of terrible bloods and terrible readings and felt like the nurses would judge me but they are there to help you and keep you safe and as soon as you realise they are there to help you’ll feel more comfortable going into clinic and feeling safe with them. Theses a lot more I could say relating to diabetes but what’s most important is that you regulate your bloods and don’t have horrible thoughts towards diabetes, try stay strong and never give up.