Hate food

I don't even have any crisps, although I liked the Walker's Oven baked. Can't stand Gary L!!!!!
We all have to eat something. No point in eating stuff you don't like, or fretting over foods you really should not eat. Looking back, I forgot about all those and focused on what else I liked. That now includes a moderate amount of meat and an immoderate amount of olive oil. My wife and I eat the same for supper and do our own thing for lunch. If I wanted to put some weight on I'd stop skipping breakfast and go back to porridge and some wholemeal bread. But that's just me.
Agree. I think that's the stage one needs to get to , along with the confidence to do so. I eventually had some greek yoghurt with home grown blackberries. Had meat with salad at lunchtime, and don't eat breakfast during the week. I shall tomorrow have something but am going to wait till I feel hungry and go from there. No idea where I am the moment, don't feel great but that could well be down to a huge drop in B12 which will be attended to next month. Ho hum.
There is no point forcing yourself to eat foods you don't like but start with what you do like and test your blood glucose before eating and after 2 hours and anything less than a 3mmol/l increase means your meal is Ok, you may be rejecting things that are absolutely fine.
Meat, fish, cheese, eggs, nuts, dairy, non starchy veg, salads, berries should all be a good basis for meals. Use herbs and spices for flavour and rubs rather than jars of sauces.
Perhaps if you give us an idea of what you do like there will be some suggestions.
I find edamame or black bean pasta a good alternative and butternut squash instead of potatoes.
There is no point forcing yourself to eat foods you don't like but start with what you do like and test your blood glucose before eating and after 2 hours and anything less than a 3mmol/l increase means your meal is Ok, you may be rejecting things that are absolutely fine.
Meat, fish, cheese, eggs, nuts, dairy, non starchy veg, salads, berries should all be a good basis for meals. Use herbs and spices for flavour and rubs rather than jars of sauces.
Perhaps if you give us an idea of what you do like there will be some suggestions.
I find edamame or black bean pasta a good alternative and butternut squash instead of potatoes.
I like all meat and most vegetables except beans, peppers, squash and pumpkin. I make cauliflower mash when I can be bothered while I’m making mashed potatoes for my husband but I don’t enjoy it It just stops him moaning at me for not eating enough! I don’t want to lose any more weight. I’m 152cm and 44.5kg. that’s a healthy weight, apparently, but my family doesn’t agree.
It’s mainly just the thought and process of eating that I don’t like.
Thank you for your help.
I don't find I enjoy food at all. I never eat beef, lamb, veal, venison, pork, and the rest of that group since I was around five years old, but I do eat chicken fish and shellfish. My problem is I find preparing any meals now to be a real chore, and there are many days I just can't be bothered to do any. I have a medication that I have to take with food because I am prone to ulcers all my life, so I can only take this particular med with food in the morning. I hate eating until about mid-day. I still have potatoes bread and pasta, just not every day and often only once a week. I hate feeling guilt over food. I am currently on 14mg Rybelsus and 2000mg. Metformin nothing else, some days my BG is good other days not. I live alone and think this and other health conditions colours my outlook negatively.
Thank you for your reply. I sympathise with your predicament. I was put onto Metformin SR when I complained about the normal kind causing flatulence which my husband thinks is amusing but I found embarrassing. It's improved, but not perfect. The doctor said to give up leafy green veg and just eat root veg until I pointed out that this was just what I wasn't supposed to do! The diabetes nurse has told me to eat 'normally' but 1/2 a cheese sandwich from a cafe put up my BG from 6.5 mmol/l to 11.3 mmol/l. Most wearing is the helpful people who say, 'Surely you could have ...' I guess you never actually get used to this. I wake up every day and tell myself, 'You've just got to get through today without eating something you should'nt.' I allow myself a hot cross bun on Easter Day, a mince pie on Christmas Day and half a pastry or piece of cake on my birthday. Anything else makes me feel guilty and anxious.
I hope you can find something you enjoy and that feels worth the trouble of preparing.
One of the things I also hate about being diabetic is the changes happening in my body virtually a new thing every day I am noticing and not giving me a nice life.
Does anyone else feel like this?
Hi Sheepish I just want to eat like I don't have diabetes, I do eat healthily but it does include carbs, In the heat of summer that was ha ha - I didn't feel like eating but I grow tomatoes, cucumbers and basil (but shop bought ones will do) - chop tomatoes, thinly slice cucumbers and scissor cut or chop basil leaves, drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar to taste, I found that very tasty and taste bud tantalising 😛
Yep I can relate, I was told T1's need 4 meals a day, I eat once and feel much better for it.
Yep I can relate, I was told T1's need 4 meals a day, I eat once and feel much better for it.
Some people do spout some rubbish - does anyone need 4 meals a day?
I suppose if taking some medication which could damage the stomach if it laid in there by itself but eating for the sake of eating is such a waste of time and energy.
Ah - just noticed the time, have not eaten since I woke up today. Must put the chicken in the oven.
Hello, since being diagnosed with Type 2 in 2018 I’ve steadily begun to hate eating more and more. I’ve always been a picky eater and all the foods I dislike seem to be the ones I should have: fish, lentils, beans, chickpeas, quinoa, plain boiled potatoes, low fat milk, spreads like Flora. I just seem to eat chicken salad all the time. Since I have to cook for my normal husband too, thinking of a menu and preparing two different meals is quite wearing. I know what I SHOULD eat but none of it appeals. Does anyone else feel like this?
I'm so newly diagnosed that I haven't had time to feel like this yet but I feel so bamboozled that sometimes I feel afraid to eat in case I'm 'doing it wrong'. I'm cooking for 5 of us, including teenagers and only just realising how very carb heavy our diet was before this. Its already been quite stressful finding a balance between their tastes and what I need to eat.
I can't think long term, only - do I have a plan for the next couple of meals? Any further and I can feel my anxiety disorder starting to feed off my T2. I am doing 16:8 most days and the relief I feel at not having to manage breakfast is immense! I never really liked breakfast anyway so dropping it has not been a hardship.
I think I saw on another thread that you miss the sweet stuff - that's going to be my big challenge too. I'm fortunate in that, having done paleo in the past, I know I like a low carb approach to main meals a lot. But I'm not going to lie - I love cake and chocolate. And I am going to miss it them a lot (I know there are low carb recipes out there but I think until I get a handle on this, I probably can't trust myself to try them).
So, I know I'm far too new, to say I understand what it feels like after several years but I did want to say that I totally get having a sense of tension and frustration around food.
I'm so newly diagnosed that I haven't had time to feel like this yet but I feel so bamboozled that sometimes I feel afraid to eat in case I'm 'doing it wrong'. I'm cooking for 5 of us, including teenagers and only just realising how very carb heavy our diet was before this. Its already been quite stressful finding a balance between their tastes and what I need to eat.
I can't think long term, only - do I have a plan for the next couple of meals? Any further and I can feel my anxiety disorder starting to feed off my T2. I am doing 16:8 most days and the relief I feel at not having to manage breakfast is immense! I never really liked breakfast anyway so dropping it has not been a hardship.
I think I saw on another thread that you miss the sweet stuff - that's going to be my big challenge too. I'm fortunate in that, having done paleo in the past, I know I like a low carb approach to main meals a lot. But I'm not going to lie - I love cake and chocolate. And I am going to miss it them a lot (I know there are low carb recipes out there but I think until I get a handle on this, I probably can't trust myself to try them).
So, I know I'm far too new, to say I understand what it feels like after several years but I did want to say that I totally get having a sense of tension and frustration around food.
The recipes for cakes and biscuits on the website sugarfreelondoner are low carb and look really good, good enough that I'm sure the rest of the family would help you out. There are also savoury recipes as well.
But the meals and recipes in the Freshwell link are designed with preparing family meals in mind as they use real food, https://lowcarbfreshwell.com/
There is no need to make things too complicated.
I buy from this company when Morrisons have full stock, not seen this in Tesco but Ehrmann UK LTD make delicious thick creamy yoghurts, mousses and puddings, I love them. Extremely low carb, low calories and 20g protein.
Hello, since being diagnosed with Type 2 in 2018 I’ve steadily begun to hate eating more and more. I’ve always been a picky eater and all the foods I dislike seem to be the ones I should have: fish, lentils, beans, chickpeas, quinoa, plain boiled potatoes, low fat milk, spreads like Flora. I just seem to eat chicken salad all the time. Since I have to cook for my normal husband too, thinking of a menu and preparing two different meals is quite wearing. I know what I SHOULD eat but none of it appeals. Does anyone else feel like this?
I’ve started to not enjoy food. After successfully losing weight and dropping my BG levels I am now in a position where my eating has gone to pot. It’s like having to live by so many rules has just flipped a switch. All I want to eat is Ryvita and cheese (with butter). If I want anything else I seem to be incapable of eating in moderation anymore, just today I have eaten about 6 portions of flapjack and a whole pack of mini Dairy milks. Never had an issue with food before but I think obsession with my sugar levels has caused some sort of eating disorder.
I'm so newly diagnosed that I haven't had time to feel like this yet but I feel so bamboozled that sometimes I feel afraid to eat in case I'm 'doing it wrong'. I'm cooking for 5 of us, including teenagers and only just realising how very carb heavy our diet was before this. Its already been quite stressful finding a balance between their tastes and what I need to eat.
I can't think long term, only - do I have a plan for the next couple of meals? Any further and I can feel my anxiety disorder starting to feed off my T2. I am doing 16:8 most days and the relief I feel at not having to manage breakfast is immense! I never really liked breakfast anyway so dropping it has not been a hardship.
I think I saw on another thread that you miss the sweet stuff - that's going to be my big challenge too. I'm fortunate in that, having done paleo in the past, I know I like a low carb approach to main meals a lot. But I'm not going to lie - I love cake and chocolate. And I am going to miss it them a lot (I know there are low carb recipes out there but I think until I get a handle on this, I probably can't trust myself to try them).
So, I know I'm far too new, to say I understand what it feels like after several years but I did want to say that I totally get having a sense of tension and frustration around food.
You don't have to give up sweet things - just don't make them with high carb ingredients.
There is always something you can eat when doing low carb. You don't have to give up chocolate, just the sugar used to make the usual stuff cheaper to produce. There is an incredibly decadent recipe for a chocolate with ground almonds and cream cake which is low carb. Are you afraid that you will over eat? It isn't about the calories and your ability to deal with protein and fats is probably working perfectly.
Recently I keep forgetting to eat until this time of day - one meal a day seems to be where I am headed, but that is at almost 8 years from diagnosis.
You don't have to give up sweet things - just don't make them with high carb ingredients.
There is always something you can eat when doing low carb. You don't have to give up chocolate, just the sugar used to make the usual stuff cheaper to produce. There is an incredibly decadent recipe for a chocolate with ground almonds and cream cake which is low carb. Are you afraid that you will over eat? It isn't about the calories and your ability to deal with protein and fats is probably working perfectly.
Recently I keep forgetting to eat until this time of day - one meal a day seems to be where I am headed, but that is at almost 8 years from diagnosis.
Thank you. I'm not exactly worried about over-eating, in the sense that I'm eating to total satiety with my meals - and they are not small portions!! I'm comfortable with eating full fat and plenty of protein - it's a very enjoyable way of eating for me (and allows me freedom from calorie counting which is too triggering with memories of too many years of disordered eating). My blood sugars have been stable too which is helping me to trust the process.

I also love baking so I am looking forward to trying some of the low carb sweet stuff. I suppose what I'm worried about is low carb desserts leading me to slip back into high-carb desserts because my sweet tooth just is that sweet! I feel like I need a definite break and then, once I've got a handle on my main meals, I can start to experiment with low carb sweet things (although I am already loving berries with full fat Greek yoghurt and 85% dark chocolate in small quantities). I've bookmarked sites like sugar free Londoner for when I'm ready to experiment!
Thank you. I'm not exactly worried about over-eating, in the sense that I'm eating to total satiety with my meals - and they are not small portions!! I'm comfortable with eating full fat and plenty of protein - it's a very enjoyable way of eating for me (and allows me freedom from calorie counting which is too triggering with memories of too many years of disordered eating). My blood sugars have been stable too which is helping me to trust the process.

I also love baking so I am looking forward to trying some of the low carb sweet stuff. I suppose what I'm worried about is low carb desserts leading me to slip back into high-carb desserts because my sweet tooth just is that sweet! I feel like I need a definite break and then, once I've got a handle on my main meals, I can start to experiment with low carb sweet things (although I am already loving berries with full fat Greek yoghurt and 85% dark chocolate in small quantities). I've bookmarked sites like sugar free Londoner for when I'm ready to experiment!
You will probably find by not having such sweet things your tastes will change and any normal deserts or sweet things will taste far too sweet so when you make your own things you will be able to add less sweetener or non.