Happy with your Healthcare Team?

Happy with your Health Care Team?

  • Yes, they're GREAT!

    Votes: 29 58.0%
  • No, they're USELESS

    Votes: 9 18.0%
  • They're OK, I suppose-ish

    Votes: 12 24.0%

  • Total voters
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Andy HB

Senior Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I've been having an interesting chat with wallycorker about our respective health care team's advice. His would appear to have been less than optimal and mine has been great.

How about you?

Andy 🙂
my advice as a type 1 since diagnosis has been guff, its only the last three years I was talking to a ditetician who mentioned carb counting and dafne, done the course and the rest is up to me............no one is text book....😎
I am happy with my team depending on who i see.
The dietition is useless.
The nurses are amazing.
The consultant was .... (I cannot find appropriate wording to describe what i thought of him), but he is gone and i have yet to meet the replacement.
Never had a problem with my health care team, always found them helpful, understanding and very patient when dealing with issues of control and diet. As I've said in previous postings, it is not solely the responsibility of our health care professionals to manage and control our diabetes, the responsibility lies with the individual and our care team should only be there for advice and guidance. Toby.
Yes as you say, my experiences regarding advice given to non-insulin-dependent Type 2 have been pretty poor to say the least.

By the way, our discussion was about advice given to non-insulin-dependent Type 2s and not to diabetics in general. I have absolutely no idea as to the quality of advice that is given to Type 1s or the other categories of diabetics and keep well away from posting on those topics.

I don't think my "team" are particularly wonderful, but my DSN is great. Don't know what I would have done without her, especially when I switched from MDI to pumping.

I think the docs find it difficult to put diabetes into perspective along with everything else that goes on in life. A bit too textbook, in my view.

Am not a fan of the dietitians I've seen. Patronising, in a word.

But, like I say, my nurse is great. She more than makes up for the others!
Its funny , the only time I have spoke with my dietician is when dealing with the danfe course, he was also present at the course, he was responsible for the carb counting, different foods and so on......but the emphasis then was eat what you like, when you like..........
Given that I've only been with one hospital all the time I've been diabetic and thus have experienced both adults, paediatric and pump teams I've had to go for an average. The paediatrics were utterly dreadful for the last few years that I was there. The consultant was abominable and, from talking to friends who are treated here the same approach was taken by the same consultant to all under her somewhat dubious care. Adults with ym hospital was much, much better. They are thoroughly down to earth with two very good consultants and a team of very good nurses. The pump team is also damn good. However, this is negated by the totally useless paediatric team. It may have changed but still, that image is left with me.
My care is with GP surgery. Having been refred to Occupational health a couple of times, even their best advice was move nearer to a good doctor or see about going to the hospital...

My doctor is a twit, if he doesn't understand something he ignores it until another profesional says get tests done or refer this patient to the specialist.
My GP team are wicked.

The team at the hospital now are the middle of the road, sometimes more than helpful, other times they do my head in.

So i dont know how to answer this poll 🙂

MY team seems to have improved dramatically since I was diagnosed back in 1999. Back then the consultant was horrid and the DSNs never explained anything and the dietician was very patronising.

Now however, I think my team overall is very good. I like my consultant (when I get to actually see him rather than a random registrar) and I like my DSN I think she's awesome. I saw the dietician a lot when I expressed an interest in pump therapy and she was very supportive. Even the receptionists are nice, now if only my GP was so good I'd be well happy! Fortunately I don't let my GP practice get involved beyond signing scripts which not only take an age, I can't ring them through and need to give 2 days notice which is a major pain.
I was diagnosed around that time too...........I genuinely believe they didnt actually know much about the subject back then as they do now........😱
Ive got to say that my team have been great...

Diagnosed since january type 2 and on insulin by april.

My doc is great.. dsn a bit clueless but I dont really see her so its all good
From the beginning of my diabetic journey, I couldn't have asked for better advice from all concerned in my care and management. I often wonder if people do not questions the things they are not sure of with the professionals. Why would anyone accept advice that is detrimental to them?
I havent actually seen the diabetic gp in our practice since diagnosis (almost a year). I see the practice nurse and her care/advice is okay. The dietery advice from nurse has been nonexistant, for that I have had to rely on this formum! Get my eyes and feet checked once a year but I am still wainting on an appointment for the dietician (she is on mat leave and her replacement only works 1 afternoon per week 😱).

My main gripe is test strips for t2 but that debate has been done to death on here 😉.
I have say to my healthcare team are good now in the past i was very unhappy with them but now i cant really fault them.
Hmm Type two non insulin - My experiences are:

GP - Awesome although she can scare you silly!
Dietician - Terrible, totally NHS Statistics everyone is treated as an overwight person type, only cared about the 'NHS standard' ways of dealing with it. Didnt get on, wouldnt bother going back🙂

DSN - Not seen yet, hoping for the best😉
My GP team are wicked.

The team at the hospital now are the middle of the road, sometimes more than helpful, other times they do my head in.

So i dont know how to answer this poll 🙂


I guess that falls in the "ish" bracket then! 😉

There's bound to be some variation, I didn't want to make the poll overly complicated trying to cater for those variations.

mine are cool ...the whole pratice is run very efficiently... receptionist I dont really deal with as you use a touch screen to confirm your arrival and then it tells you if the doc is running late and by how long....GP secretarys are on first name terms and can always get appointment same day with usually a choice of two gps... my GP is a star and has been with all my family ...My DSN is lovely and very encouraging x so Im a happy bunny ...:D
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