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I haven’t gone grey yet, at 69, I’ve got a bit round the temples now, which doesn’t really show because I've got a fringe, but I welcome the odd bits of grey, because I'm sure for years people have just assumed I dye it! (and probably wonder why I didn’t choose a more interesting colour than plain brown). I’ve got a cousin with my colour hair, who didn’t really go grey (and even then, it was salt and pepper) til her mid seventies.
I think I got my first grey hairs when I was twelve. My dad was a ginger like me and he was quite grey by mid fifties. His mum went completely white by 50.
I used to put a temporary brown dye on my hair in my teens to tone down the ginger as I felt very conspicuous with bright red hair living in the south of England. Would have been OK in Scotland!
I used to put a temporary brown dye on my hair in my teens to tone down the ginger as I felt very conspicuous with bright red hair living in the south of England. Would have been OK in Scotland!
I too had bright ginger hair (it toned down a little as I got older).
I had a love/hate relationship with it which was mostly hate. There was I as a red-headed teenager trying to be cool with the kids my own age when a grown up would ruin it by telling me how beautiful my hair was. I wasn't upset about being different (I kind of made it my "thing") but being liked by adults was not good.

If I hadn't liked it, my parents would have been very unhappy if I dyed it. My Dad wasn't keen for me to wear makeup until I was about 15.

My Mum still complains about my hair when I have it coloured (too bright) or when I have it cut (too "quirky") or when I should have had it cut (she has her hair cut every 4 weeks without fail whereas mine is cut every four months) . Words have been exchanged on a number of occasions and I have asked her as nicely as I can to stop.
I have classic Hermione hair. It is wild and wavy/curly with a fringe. Sometimes I straighten it and it looks half decent, but I lose volume. Sometimes I put curl products in, which just makes it more wild. Most of the time it lives in a claw clip.
I tried it shorter but it was, surprisingly, harder to control! I like my hair but wish I was better at knowing what to do with it!!
Hiya... like Quill I have Alopecia - Mine is Alopecia areata, it's another autoimmune condition. So I have what's left (which is not much) clipped very short and wear a wig. Latest is not quite as white as the one in my avatar.


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I naturally have almost but not quite straight hair, wavy enough to have needed straightening to hold a bob style when I wore it longer.
These days I keep it very short, I started accumulating a few greys when I turned 40 and coloured it for years. But during the first lockdown when the colour grew out, I cut it myself and decided to embrace the grey. It's actually quite a nice silver colour and it's so liberating not to be worrying about root growth!
I think lockdown may have changed the way a lot us feel about our hair. I started to go grey in my mid-30s and had it coloured regularly until 2020, following the mantra “never have hair darker than your eyebrows” which I read somewhere, somewhen!

When I saw a photo of myself taken in July 2020 with completely silver hair almost to my shoulders I decided it wasn’t that bad and could save myself quite a bit by ditching the tint/highlights and just having a cut & blow dry every 6 weeks. Though now the eyebrows have all but disappeared and need a bit of “help”!
i have a few gray hairs but am not bothered about them our hairdresser comes once a month to LH and thats enough for me
I think lockdown may have changed the way a lot us feel about our hair. I started to go grey in my mid-30s and had it coloured regularly until 2020, following the mantra “never have hair darker than your eyebrows” which I read somewhere, somewhen!

When I saw a photo of myself taken in July 2020 with completely silver hair almost to my shoulders I decided it wasn’t that bad and could save myself quite a bit by ditching the tint/highlights and just having a cut & blow dry every 6 weeks. Though now the eyebrows have all but disappeared and need a bit of “help”!
I stopped having highlights after lockdown, I would not have done it otherwise.
I think lockdown may have changed the way a lot us feel about our hair. I started to go grey in my mid-30s and had it coloured regularly until 2020, following the mantra “never have hair darker than your eyebrows” which I read somewhere, somewhen!

When I saw a photo of myself taken in July 2020 with completely silver hair almost to my shoulders I decided it wasn’t that bad and could save myself quite a bit by ditching the tint/highlights and just having a cut & blow dry every 6 weeks. Though now the eyebrows have all but disappeared and need a bit of “help”!
My hair went 'mad professor' after not being cut for several months during lockdown 😱

My hair went 'mad professor' after not being cut for several months during lockdown 😱

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I started cutting my partner's hair during lockdown, admittedly he hasn't got much, but he hasn't gone back to the barber since. He gets a #2 once a month.
Though now the eyebrows have all but disappeared and need a bit of “help”!
Like my hair I had thin eyebrows then they went completely awol :rofl: My only concession to vanity is having my eyebrows tattooed on. They are quite subtle and need topping up every 2 years or so.
Like my hair I had thin eyebrows then they went completely awol :rofl: My only concession to vanity is having my eyebrows tattooed on. They are quite subtle and need topping up every 2 years or so.
May I ask how much that costs? I have no eyebrows at all and pencil them in, it's sometimes hard to get them to match!
I do not regret going white... looking back when I had my own hair and had it tinted it looked horrid. Much prefer being white/very light grey.
May I ask how much that costs? I have no eyebrows at all and pencil them in, it's sometimes hard to get them to match!
It think it was about £150 all told Patti, but it probably depends on area. I'm in the bleak north in an ex mining community, so things tend to be cheaper here!
Initial consultation and patch test, then another appointment to do them, then a follow up 2 weeks, and then 3 months later to see if they need topping up.
It's been an absolute godsend as I'm rubbish at pencilling them in and I end up looking like Coco the clown :rofl:
Thanks for that Vonny. Will enquire locally.
May I ask how much that costs? I have no eyebrows at all and pencil them in, it's sometimes hard to get them to match!
My eyebrows, if left to their own devices, used to look like Denis Healey’s from back in the day! I had them waxed every three weeks up to Covid when I realised they didn’t really need done that much so just pluck them myself every now and again. Don’t need to shape them just pull out the stragglers, especially the pure white ones!
My eyebrows, if left to their own devices, used to look like Denis Healey’s from back in the day! I had them waxed every three weeks up to Covid when I realised they didn’t really need done that much so just pluck them myself every now and again. Don’t need to shape them just pull out the stragglers, especially the pure white ones!
I am puzzled as to why my eyebrows used to grow across my nose and meet in the middle and now they don't, they just keep to where they are meant to be. I can't even quite remember when it changed. I've never had anything done to them by anyone else.