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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
following on from another thread just wondered what/how people had their hair done. i had mine done today and have gone back to my favorite 80s style. short cropped on top and going into nape of neck A real thowback to the 80s
I have mine long with a fringe so that I can take the scissors to it myself every now and then when it needs it. Doesn't need any styling day to day as I usually just plait or pony tail, but can wear it down and straightened or up in different sophisticated looking (I hope :confused: ) styles, to go out.

I really want to bleach and dye the bottom 6-8 inches blue again, but just can't find the time or motivation although I have the bleach and colour sitting waiting.

Doing it myself saves me an absolute fortune on hairdressers.... I think I have had one appointment in the last 10+ years (that cost me a tenner as I walked in off the street and she did a quick dry cut ) .... and no more than 2 appointments in the last 20yrs, which is probably how I can afford to feed my 4 horses!
We take the horses clipping shears to Ian's hair from time to time so neither of us are supporting local hairdressers.

I always felt disappointed after I went and had it done properly. The only time I can remember being happy with it was the very first time I had a perm before my wedding when I was 23. My hair is very strong and she didn't leave it in long enough so thankfully I was spared the cockerpoodle look on that occasion and ended up with gentle bouncy curls/waves. It didn't last very long though and when I went back to get it redone, I got cockerpoodle that time and never went back again.
I have been to quite high end hairdressers on occasion and spent a lot of money and still left unhappy, so at least doing it myself, I am not seriously out of pocket if I don't like it and I canget the scissors out and have another go tomorrow if need be. I dread to think how much the average hairdresser's appointment costs these days! I just couldn't afford it.
I’ve had mine short for over 30 years, after years of having it long and permed, and I go to the hairdressers every four weeks. During lockdown I didn’t get it cut for over 20 weeks and I absolutely hated it, I looked like a witch! I’m off to get it cut and coloured tomorrow which I’m glad about as it’s just got to that stage where I can’t do anything with it. I’m a “wash and go” gal, no blow drying or anything difficult like that, I don’t even own a brush or a comb, just use my fingers and some product to get the style I like, spiky/ ruffled, that isn’t as easy as you think! The only problem with short hair is hats! If I’m out hiking on a cold day and have no choice but to wear a hat, when I take it off it’s a terrible mess ( but not as above mess as that’s the messy on purpose look) and I won’t go into cafe, pub or restaurant after the walk, if I have to, I leave it on! :D
I actually have two different types of Alopecia and keep my head shaved so I'm lucky in the sense that in using 'alt hair' (wigs) I can change it up as much as I like (funds permitting because wow, expensive!)

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I have very curly hair, its long and I colour it myself, not like my picture that was a few years ago when my daughter straightened it for me, I trim it myself hate hairdressers from past experiences they never get it right
I currently have a shortish bob.
It was longer last year but when I broken my elbow, I could not tie it up for sport and the shower (and I couldn't wash it) so I had it cut off.
I confess that practicality (and lack of willingness to spend hours styling it) tend to dictate my style.

But it is often coloured. I haven't embraced going grey, yet. But as I have naturally red/ginger hair, I cannot get a good natural match out of the bottle so I get bright red or pink wide streaks/highlights to distract you from the grey bits.
Used to go to the barbers about every six weeks, always had your average blokes basic short hair with side parting.
Typical bloke (back then) as there was no such thing as male grooming or male beauty products, (as there is now) so I just kept it tidy with no fancy hair-do's.
Then about 10 years ago my better half bought me a trimmer for Christmas, never been back to the barbers since!
Being your typical British male, I have been slowly "thinning" since about the age of 35.
Going bald does not bother me at all and I would happily shave it all off, but the Mrs likes me to have some hair, so I keep it.
I give myself a quick trim about every three weeks, I tend to keep it really short.
Used to have a no' 2 at the barbers, eg: about 1/2" long, but I now have a no' 1.5, which is even shorter, about 1/4".
A no' 1 is basically a skinhead and very, very short!
I have to ask my Wife to trim my neck every now and again, as its the only bit I can't see.....
My wife spends a fortune on her hair and it seems to take all day?
Even when I went to the barbers, it only ever took about 15 mins max!
following on from another thread just wondered what/how people had their hair done. i had mine done today and have gone back to my favorite 80s style. short cropped on top and going into nape of neck A real thowback to the 80s
I'm slightly balder now than in my profile picture. I'm wondering about getting a 'Bobby Charlton' combover :confused:

Used to go to the barbers about every six weeks, always had your average blokes basic short hair with side parting.
Typical bloke (back then) as there was no such thing as male grooming or male beauty products, (as there is now) so I just kept it tidy with no fancy hair-do's.
Then about 10 years ago my better half bought me a trimmer for Christmas, never been back to the barbers since!
Being your typical British male, I have been slowly "thinning" since about the age of 35.
Going bald does not bother me at all and I would happily shave it all off, but the Mrs likes me to have some hair, so I keep it.
I give myself a quick trim about every three weeks, I tend to keep it really short.
Used to have a no' 2 at the barbers, eg: about 1/2" long, but I now have a no' 1.5, which is even shorter, about 1/4".
A no' 1 is basically a skinhead and very, very short!
I have to ask my Wife to trim my neck every now and again, as its the only bit I can't see.....
My wife spends a fortune on her hair and it seems to take all day?
Even when I went to the barbers, it only ever took about 15 mins max!

Same here, starting off trimming it shorter & shorter then just shaved it all off one day & have done ever since, every 2 days take razor in shower to shave head, saved a fortune on barbers fees.
I have an annual trim at the hair dressers. Long, either loose or in a twist or pony tail. It's rubbish hair, very fine and thinning, but I just love it long. I feel like "me" with long hair, if that makes sense! Desperate to go grey...just starting to get a few grey hairs here and there but would like more. Sadly, I take after my dad and he lost most of his hair before he went properly grey around 75, so I think that's on the cards for me.
Currently between styles. Growing out a short wispy crop (think Judi Dench, but sadly not as stylish). Going for a graduated bob with dark purple lowlights. I may have silvery grey hair but I am not ready to join the blue rinse brigade yet.:D
Currently between styles. Growing out a short wispy crop (think Judi Dench, but sadly not as stylish). Going for a graduated bob with dark purple lowlights. I may have silvery grey hair but I am not ready to join the blue rinse brigade yet.:D
Loooove the sound of that!

I tried to grow mine out for the last 6 months and although my aim was Dench or Winona Ryder in Girl, Interrupted - it ended up more Dudley Moore or Rod Stewart :rofl:
Short at the sides & back just a little bit longer on top
I have an annual trim at the hair dressers. Long, either loose or in a twist or pony tail. It's rubbish hair, very fine and thinning, but I just love it long. I feel like "me" with long hair, if that makes sense! Desperate to go grey...just starting to get a few grey hairs here and there but would like more. Sadly, I take after my dad and he lost most of his hair before he went properly grey around 75, so I think that's on the cards for me.
I know exactly what you mean about 'I feel like me'
I had to have my hair cut shorter once when it just lost all life after I was ill and the hairdresser said the only way was to cut lots off and It just didn't feel right, I didn't feel like me and if my fringe is cut too short OMG disaster. I have been known to cry if my hair was cut too short.
I was more nervous going to the hairdresser than the dentist, I have to make a spur of the moment decision rather than booking an appointment, I never regard it as a relaxing pleasurable experience as many do, just going for a chat and a cup of tea.
I am experimenting with some home 'colours' purple and turquoise at the moment which usually ends up all over the bathroom.
Currently between styles. Growing out a short wispy crop (think Judi Dench, but sadly not as stylish). Going for a graduated bob with dark purple lowlights. I may have silvery grey hair but I am not ready to join the blue rinse brigade yet.:D
My mother's in her 80s and her hairdresser retired recently. She's found it difficult to find another hairdresser who knows how to do a "perm" the way she likes it: apparently most hairdressers nowadays don't even have the old-fashioned hairdryers like the one in 'Theatre of Blood'.

I have an annual trim at the hair dressers. Long, either loose or in a twist or pony tail. It's rubbish hair, very fine and thinning, but I just love it long. I feel like "me" with long hair, if that makes sense! Desperate to go grey...just starting to get a few grey hairs here and there but would like more. Sadly, I take after my dad and he lost most of his hair before he went properly grey around 75, so I think that's on the cards for me.
I haven’t gone grey yet, at 69, I’ve got a bit round the temples now, which doesn’t really show because I've got a fringe, but I welcome the odd bits of grey, because I'm sure for years people have just assumed I dye it! (and probably wonder why I didn’t choose a more interesting colour than plain brown). I’ve got a cousin with my colour hair, who didn’t really go grey (and even then, it was salt and pepper) til her mid seventies.
My mother's in her 80s and her hairdresser retired recently. She's found it difficult to find another hairdresser who knows how to do a "perm" the way she likes it: apparently most hairdressers nowadays don't even have the old-fashioned hairdryers like the one in 'Theatre of Blood'.

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I can't remember the last time I saw Dryer hood in a hairdressers. Must be a few decades ago.