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Had enough

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As far as hearing aids are concerned my daughter had hearing aids at 25 but now at 50 has had surgery to reconstruct the bones in her ears and she no longer needs hearing aids, so depending on the type of hearing loss that may be suitable for you. I also recently met a 86 year old lady who had had a cochlea implant.
I love the autumn deco @AJLang - really vibrant colours! You obviously have a talent for all things crafty. I hope creative therapy works for you.

PS I’m 55 and have recently had to get hearing aids. I still can’t decipher my OH’s grunts tho.
It sounds like you’re taking charge of your mental health. Good luck.

Don’t forget meds are there to support you whilst you do all the other things so don’t write them off completely but see how you do with the other stuff and if you need a helping hand.
Thank you everyone, especially the positivity about hearing aids 🙂 A school friend who saw me having a mini meltdown on Facebook suggested HRT. After comparing that to the anti depressants I decided that the HRT is worth ago. Amazingly after answering a few questions I was able to get a three month supply from Superdrug and I put on the first patch yesterday. so will see how that goes.
I have found HRT to have almost miraculous benefits but I don't think the one I use (Evorell Conti) is available over the counter. I guess it depends on where in the menopause you are as to what mix of hormones you need. I am post menopause and the ones I use are in patch form. I can get the same benefits from half the dose now by cutting a patch in half and applying a half every 3-4 days instead of whole patches, so they last twice as long which is a benefit when there is a scarcity and hard to get a prescription filled.
I noticed benefits pretty much from day 1-2 with them. The biggest thing for me was massively improved sleep. No pit stop through the night, no hot sweats, just blissful, restful sleep. After 5 years of horrendous hot sweats several times a night and needing the loo frequently, it was mind blowing how it could change just like that, literally overnight. And good sleep improves your whole outlook on life, so I really hope you get some of the same benefits from HRT. It also seems to help stabilize my basal needs providing I apply my patches regularly. (I am not good at a twice weekly routine so occasionally I forget but frustrated with my levels soon reminds me.
Anyway, good luck and do let us know how you get on. Got my fingers crossed for you.
Thank yo very much @rebrascora. Amazingly, and surprisingly it was the Evorell Conti that I got from Superdrug - there was quite a long list to choose from but I went for that one before I'd seen your message. It was expensive - £75 for 12 weeks but i'd prefer that than going through my GP for it. Mark and I have both noticed that within a fairly short while of trying there has definitely been a lift in my mood and I certainly seem more positive. I think that has been a relief for Mark bless him. Just got to remember that Saturdays and Wednesdays are patch days - until I started writing this message to you I'd forgotten that it was patch day :D
So pleased you are seeing an improvement with HRT. Long may it last and hopefully continue to improve. Yes, I find remembering "patch day" difficult and regularly forget. I manage on just half a patch now, which makes them go twice as far. Not sure if that might work for you down the line and make it less expensive, but I would stick with full patches initially. Really quite surprised you can get Evorell Conti over the counter, but useful to know if my NHS supply dries up. Would have to dig deep to find £75 but absolutely worth it for the benefits I get from it. That said, I wouldn't blink if it was something the horses needed... 🙄
Really pleased to catch up with this @AJLang and to read the benefits that you have already noticed with the HRT patches. I hope that this continues Amanda.
Thank you Rebecca and SB2015.
@rebrascora Unfortunately I've just had to stop the HRT and have ripped off the patch. My weight had been fairly stable over the last few years but I can't afford to put on anymore weight (already obese). But within a week or two of starting the HRT I started eating much more than I usually do during the day - my brain telling me that I'm hungry even though my tummy isn't - the only time it has been like this before has been when I've increased doses of amitriptylene.
I was talking to my best friend of 40 years the other day about me eating sweet stuff every day but as she said I've never had a sweet tooth before. Before the HRT I maybe ate something sweet once or twice a week but that was it. Plus I've been craving junk food which isn't good for the gastroparesis and I've been avoiding weighing myself.
I just weighted myself and I've put on a whopping five pounds since the HRT which was crazy but I need to lose that weight and can't increase it anymore so I've stopped the HRT. I assume it will still have some effect whilst it's in my system but hopefully my normal eating and weight (for me) will resume very soon xx
Oh Amanda, I am so sorry to hear this! How very disappointing and frustrating for you especially when you were finding some benefit.
Is weight gain a known side effect of it? Must confess, I haven't read the PIL. I've not had any problems with this issue myself but following a low carb, higher fat way of eating really helps me to control my cravings/disordered eating (I was a sugar addict and comfort eater pre-diagnosis 🙄 so keeping a lid on that is a big consideration for me as the NHS could not afford the insulin to counteract my "habit" if I was to slip😱.... let alone the damage to my body) and of course I am able to be physically active which helps for me to keep weight steady, but you are obviously more limited in that respect.
I really hope that you can find another option which will help you, with less drawback.

PS. This post has just reminded me that I forgot my patch again.... just 2 days overdue🙄, so thanks for the reminder.
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