Guess my HbA1c level game

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Im really hoping I can get it down at least to 5 by diet, I am still a way to go to my target weight of 8.7 so I think its possible for me to reduce further. I am wary of statin while still overweight so would be happier taking them in case a gain in weight occurred after taking them if that makes sense, also it gives me a target to aim for.

Can I ask a question that may seem odd and may need its own thread or even different forum as its a medical one, not related to diabetes as such. I think I have the start of a bad cold/flu bug, my daughters boyfriend who lives with us has COVID so it could be that as I haven't been anywhere to pick up my sore throat or headache, although I did go to the doctors on 30th September for my blood test and then again on 1st Oct for my flu and COVID jabs, but not sure it takes 11 -12 days for a cold to appear. Anyway I have taken aspirin, it said on the box an adult can take 1-3 aspirin every 4 hours, I took 3 about an hour ago and now I have a high pitched ringing in my ears (not tinnitus sufferer) I looked this up and it could be the aspirin, do I need to worry and is aspirin safe with diabetes, cholesterol and fatty liver (should have asked before I took it I know 🙂 )

This is what google told me:
"Salicylate, the active component of the common drug aspirin, has mild analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory effects at moderate doses. At higher doses, however, salicylate temporarily induces moderate hearing loss and the perception of a high-pitch ringing in humans and animals."
I checked the BNF to be sure, none of the conditions you list are on the list of "don't take aspirin", but might be better to try only 1 or 2 next time if you think the ringing is a side effect
Actually this makes me ask another question, how on earth do they know what animals on aspirin can hear 🙂
Behavioural reactions probably
Just a little update, I am still pending my results discussion in November with my GP, but today received this text from him, which made me smile. Now this was signed off by the doctor, (removed name and surgery details for privacy reasons) but I do wonder if its the receptionist thats sent it as it has the little touches like the captilisation and would a GP really say well done? I think its lovely and if its the same one that managed to get the results out of him, she could tell I was anxious then thats quite heart warming, as a lot of receptionists at Drs Surgeries are demonised. Just wanted to share something simple but it made me smile.

I can totally see a GP saying well done, but it's entirely possible that the receptionist actually sent the text at his request (if he hasn't worked out how to use the system to send a text)
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