Guardian 4 sensors

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Like you @DKM I am now self funding the Gaurdian 4. I was amazed when all I needed the one finger prick at the start of the sensor. Far fewer interruptions and generally pretty good at levelling things off for me. I would certainly recommend the switch from Guardian 3.

I did have a bleeder on my first sensor, and have just come off the phone regarding a 3 week delay in sending the replacement sensor and no idea when they will have more stock. Sadly their ordering processes and stock control are nowhere as good as the sensors and the pump support team. You can’t have it all.
Hi SB2015 and thanks for getting back to me! I am extremely fortunate and have funding for my Guardian 4 sensors and an amazing support team at the hospital. I was on Guardian 3 from Oct last year until last week, when I was upgraded to the Guardian 4 and yes, it already seems soooo much better for my needs than the G3 which frequently woke me at night to calibrate for no apparent reason. My question regarding self-funding was due to a series of admin errors at Medtronic, I have an stock of the Guardian 3 sensors and was hoping to do someone who is having to pay for these a favour.
I'm intrigued by this one finger prick at the start and that's it.
Does that mean Guardian 4s are accurate at all BG levels and don't take any time to bed in like the LIbre?

I have used a number of CGMs (not the Guardian) and I am happy to dose insulin from them because I make sure I check them at least once a day. Some times they drift towards the end of their lives and I always double check if high or low (unless I can feel the hypo).
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I'm intrigued by this one finger prick at the start and that's it.
Does that mean Guardian 4s are accurate at all BG levels and don't take any time to bed in like the LIbre?

I have used a number of CGMs (not the Guardian) and I am happy to dose insulin from them because I make sure I check them at least once a day. Some times they drift towards the end of their lives and I always double check if high or low (unless I can feel the hypo).
Hi helli
Yes the Guardian 4s do seem to be much more accurate, I've done a few little sample checks fingerpricks for my own peace of mind (and knowing how far out the Guardian 3s could be!) and they do really seem to be getting it right. When you put a new sensor on it does an initial calibration for about 2 hours and then asks for a BG test and that is it. I know the 3s did become less accurate at the end of their lifespan but I don't know yet how the 4s will pan out as I'm quite new to them, but I would also always do a double-check fingerstick if I feel I'm being told a porkie ;-)
I'm intrigued by this one finger prick at the start and that's it.
Does that mean Guardian 4s are accurate at all BG levels and don't take any time to bed in like the LIbre?

I have used a number of CGMs (not the Guardian) and I am happy to dose insulin from them because I make sure I check them at least once a day. Some times they drift towards the end of their lives and I always double check if high or low (unless I can feel the hypo).
Hi Helli

I am still amazed at the accuracy of the closed loop system With the Gaurdian 4. I think it is the closed loop along with an improved sensor that makes things more reliable. Even if it is out a bit initially, it is gathering data every five minutes and making adjustments to the basal insulin constantly. I am finding this to be very accurate and will regularly ‘flat line’ overnight. My last couple have stayed accurate to the end.

My only issue recently was some ‘electronic interference’ which I think ended up being someone’s hearing aid close by. Never happened before with lots of people around me using hearing aids. I still forget to put the pump on the same side as the transmitter so sometimes get a reminder that it is finding it difficult to pick up the signal.

I am confident enough now to only check Bg when I feel odd, and readings don’t appear to match. For the few hypos I have I need to still take account of the time lag between sensor and Bg readings, but for the rest of the time their algorithm seems to work and take account of this. My TIR is generally in 80s or 90s so happy with that.
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