GP frustration

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I’m in a similar situation - verrucas on both feet and haven’t been able to get thru to the GP (“you’re no. 12 / 18 / 21 in the queue” - appts arranged over the phone only, ffleurrgh). It’s £20-30 to see a podiatrist...looks like I’ll have to absorb the financial blow cos the little verrucery b*gg*rs are multiplying.

Good luck @Stitch147 - I hope you manage to get thru to the GP.
I’m in a similar situation - verrucas on both feet and haven’t been able to get thru to the GP (“you’re no. 12 / 18 / 21 in the queue” - appts arranged over the phone only, ffleurrgh). It’s £20-30 to see a podiatrist...looks like I’ll have to absorb the financial blow cos the little verrucery b*gg*rs are multiplying.

Good luck @Stitch147 - I hope you manage to get thru to the GP.
I'm using the stuff the pharmacist recommended he was aware that I'm diabetic so fingers crossed its OK. I'm on hidalgo next week so will see how things are when I get home. I'll probably end up paying to see a podiatrist too if it doesn't shift.
I’m in a similar situation - verrucas on both feet and haven’t been able to get thru to the GP (“you’re no. 12 / 18 / 21 in the queue” - appts arranged over the phone only, ffleurrgh). It’s £20-30 to see a podiatrist...looks like I’ll have to absorb the financial blow cos the little verrucery b*gg*rs are multiplying.

Good luck @Stitch147 - I hope you manage to get thru to the GP.
Gosh that's cheap, I paid £55 just recently.
I'm using the stuff the pharmacist recommended he was aware that I'm diabetic so fingers crossed its OK. I'm on hidalgo next week so will see how things are when I get home. I'll probably end up paying to see a podiatrist too if it doesn't shift.
Stitch, several years ago I had a verruca on the sole of my foot. The podiatrist gave me a couple of options.

I could either have a caustic liquid applied and covered then regularly trimmed. Or I could put a piece of plain zinc oxide tape on it. No dressing, no medicaments, but to apply it and leave for a week.

Essentially, the zinc oxide starves the verruca of oxygen and it starts to shrink.

After a week, remove tape and check. Repeat.

Within a whort while. I took off he Elastoplast tape and the verruca came with it.

Ok, I gave you a clue which option I chose, but it works and is non-toxic. If it doesn't help you can always try something else.
Anyone remember that 'plastic skin' stuff that was on the market - oh dear, probably 40+ years ago now .... anyway, doc used that on my nephews verruca and that worked exactly as the zinc oxide tape did for @AndBreathe . It is the starvation of oxygen that beats em into submission. Just a long process if you'd rather wash your feet though!
Quite some time ago now I had access to a swimming pool, and in no time at all my feet were covered in verrucas, and I even got some on my fingers.
When I was working with liquid Nitrogen I had a thought, and chilled a metal rod, iron or steel, I'm not quite sure which at this then touched it to the highest point on each verruca until it was frosted, and a little while later, they all fell off.
I think that the freezing method used by some professionals is to use a drop of liquid Nitrogen to freeze the verruca AND the skin around it, which makes it far more damaging.
I put the rod into a cork so I did not hurt my fingers.
If you have the option, it might be worth requesting freezing using my method as the normal one can cause very nasty freeze burns.
Prior to that I'd had an acid used which was really nasty so I did not want to experience that again.
When I was a wee bairn, a liquid was painted over the veruca, which hardened and was water proof, swimming was not on issue. The veruca was starved of oxygen as described above, and fell off when it was ready.
That's what the gel does that I got from the pharmacist. It dries over it creating a waterproof seal that you peel of and replace each day.
Arghh @Stitch147 - predictive garbage has you on a Spanish gentleman. Unless Trev has changed his nationality, I'm rather inclined to thinking you may be on holiday! 🙄 🙂
Got to love predictive text! I'm off on holiday next week and off to lanzarote.
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I have not seen a Podiatrist in over 10 years years and i am sure it was more like £30 back then.
I have not seen a Podiatrist in over 10 years years and i am sure it was more like £30 back then.
My OH sees one monthly to have his toenails fettled. It's £26 per visit.

The lady he sees, does something like every 5th appointment half price.

Needless to say, although his nails grown quickly, there's not much more (aside from sort the world out, and talk sailing) each visit.
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