GP frustration

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Last week I had some pain in the bottom of my foot which went after a couple of days. So I thought nothing more of it.
The pain came back again today, when I got home from work I had a look at the bottom of my foot where the pain was and noticed a hard white lump with is very painful to touch.
I rang my GP surgery after being on hold for an hour I finally spoke to a receptionist.
I explained the problem and mentioned about being diabetic. Her response was that I would not to see a gp but all appointments for today are gone. My options log on at midnight in the slim chance of getting an appointment, go to surgery at 7am or try ringing at 8am. I explained to her that I start work at 6am so can't really do any of the options given! She then advised me to go to A&E!!!
I don't think its an emergency and don't fancy sitting in A&E for hours.
I've attached a pic (blurry as I couldn't get a very clear one). Any ideas? I don't think it's a verruca and it's very painful to touch and walk on.
I’d explain to work that I need a break at 8am to phone for an appointment
Is it something you could get a pharmacist to look at, they may recognise what it is.
Could you have stood on something sharp so it is an infected spot.
Is it something you could get a pharmacist to look at, they may recognise what it is.
Could you have stood on something sharp so it is an infected spot.
I never walk round bare foot and it started suddenly whilst at work.
If it's painful to walk on, should you actually be going into work? I don't know what your sick leave rules are, but if your work involves walking then surely you'd be better resting it until the GP has seen it. I know you probably don't want to take sick leave (I know it is the last resort in my team) but if you can't do your job without discomfort then it really isn't practical. If you don't walk much at work, then I agree with @Lucyr, tell them you need a break at 8 (for however long it takes!) and phone the surgery. Best of luck!
That looks like a veruca. If it is, usually a black dot appears in the centre.
There's not black dot at all. I think its strange that the same pain was there last week with nothing present but today there's this lump. Gonna try ringing GP tomorrow morning.
I had something similar but much larger on the outside of my foot, it was a callus from my slippers rubbing as I don't wear socks with them but to me it looks more like the start of a corn xx
If you look at the images of verucas on the internet it looks just like what you posted. The pharmacy should have some veruca treatment you could use.
Hope you can get an appointment tomorrow @Stitch147, and it turns out to be something easily treatable, whatever it is 🙂
Had this said before, ring at 8am then wait hour to get through only to be told all appointments are gone, same situation up & down country by looks of things, will only get worse before it gets better, that's if it ever does get better.
Do you not have eConsult or AskMyGP . They are relatively easy systems to use and you can include photos. I would say this was an ideal situation to use such a facility if your surgery have it. I got diagnosed with Diabetes through AskMyGP. Send a message off Sunday night. Doc read it Monday morning, made a blood test appointment for me with the nurse and had diabetes diagnosis by the Wed. Never yet saw the GP and didn't need to. All sorted very easily and more promptly than if I had tried to ring and make an appointment and much less stress.
We certainly do not all have econsult or even be able to send a photo and ask what's this look like.
Well after 38 minutes and 73 attempts finally got through and all appointments are gone!!! I have been to see the pharmacist instead, who was very helpful. He said it was the start of a verruca.
It's just so frustrating that you can't get a gp appointment.
Do you not have eConsult or AskMyGP . They are relatively easy systems to use and you can include photos. I would say this was an ideal situation to use such a facility if your surgery have it. I got diagnosed with Diabetes through AskMyGP. Send a message off Sunday night. Doc read it Monday morning, made a blood test appointment for me with the nurse and had diabetes diagnosis by the Wed. Never yet saw the GP and didn't need to. All sorted very easily and more promptly than if I had tried to ring and make an appointment and much less stress.
Don't have either of those. It was so much easier when you could book appointments online but they stopped that when covid started and haven't started it up again.
If it is the start of a Verrucca then be very very careful as to what you put on it. A member of DSF lost her leg because she used an inappropriate ointment (actually prescribed by the GP) which burnt her foot and caused an ulcer. Can you arrange to see a chiropodist or podiatrist?
We went to a podiatrist about my daughter’s verrucas. She has had them for 3 or 4 years and spent months treating them with different things, all to no avail. The podiatrist said that none of the available treatments actually make the verruca go away, they just create a reaction in the skin which causes your immune system to fire up, and if the verruca then goes away it’s because your immune system got rid of it, not the treatment. They will go when they are ready to go and not before. My daughter’s finally seem to be shrinking when she has long since given up trying to make them go away!
Warts and verrucas are caused by a virus so I can see the logic that they will just go away on their own. There was on old wives tale than rinsing your hand or feet in water than had had potatoes soaked in them.
A bit more gentle than freezing them away.
Warts and verrucas are caused by a virus so I can see the logic that they will just go away on their own. There was on old wives tale than rinsing your hand or feet in water than had had potatoes soaked in them.
A bit more gentle than freezing them away.
Never heard that one, I know of the smithys water one xx
Last one I used a powerfile on, then dug the roots out with a pin.
Worst bit was trying to bend around to actually see it!
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