GP forcing change to Dexcom from Libre!

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You mean a luxury lease car, free use of holiday villa, Dexcom business expense card 🙂
Negotiations with sales are not all sleazy backhanders and I find it offensive that you may suggest it is. If you meant it as a joke, it fits in the same ancient garbage bin as mother-in-law jokes.
99% of sales negotiations are complex and legal.
Negotiations with sales are not all sleazy backhanders and I find it offensive that you may suggest it is. If you meant it as a joke, it fits in the same ancient garbage bin as mother-in-law jokes.
99% of sales negotiations are complex and legal.
How about Politician's though? 🙂
Hi @Eternal422 Sorry for straying away from your original suject. Won't happen again, looking forward to the outcome that suits you.
I agree that the shape is not a reason as such, however personal preference and my own feelings are important. I guess it is a cost cutting exercise, but coming out of the blue without anything from the hospital DSN is strange.

It won’t be cost @Eternal422 - they are both in the same cost bracket for the NHS, and don’t come out of the GP’s prescribing budget (unless they’ve changed the funding structure, which seems unlikely).

It may be that some people at your practice were having problems with Libre, or that the GP / Diabetes nurse preferred Dex or Clarity for some reason.

I’m sure if you go to see them and explain why you’d prefer to stick with what you know, and what your hospital clinic uses, they’ll be happy to accommodate you
I’m calming down a bit about this, luckily I have an appointment with my hospital DSN when we get back home from our Australian trip so I’ll not respond to the GP until after I’ve spoken to them. I’m still not happy about a decision being thrust on me without any consultation, but certainly won’t be accepting it without a discussion. I do feel it may be a cost cutting exercise, even though I had read that both Dexcom and Libre are roughly the same price to the NHS?

I have become used to the Libre and the Dexcom in comparison looks to be more intrusive, I.e. a large “plaster” patch surrounding it instead of the neat circle of the Libre. I guess it shouldn’t matter to me, but it does. I also definitely do not want to have to carry around a separate receiver - it looks like the version of iOS I am running is not compatible with the Dexcom app according to their website.

I’ve not used a Dexcom before, so not able to say exactly how I would get on with it or whether I would like it. I was starting to get hopeful that the new Libre 2+ expected from June may be a stepping stone to HCL eventually when they broaden the categories to put people onto HCL and that I could therefore remain with Libre.

Thanks everyone for your comments and thoughts, I’ll update here after my hospital DSN appointment in the first week of May.

Having used both libre & now dexcom have to say that dexcom trumps libre so don't be afraid to try device if need be.

But agree with others that change shouldn't be forced on you.
Just had an email from my hospital DSN who said they are happy for me to stay on Libre and just to let the GP know.

It may be that some people at your practice were having problems with Libre, or that the GP / Diabetes nurse preferred Dex or Clarity for some reason.
The GP Health Centre doesn’t look after T1 patients according to the DSN there, they prefer them to be under the hospital DSN team.
Having used both libre & now dexcom have to say that dexcom trumps libre so don't be afraid to try device if need be.
I’ll keep an open mind and may just try it out rather than dismiss it totally.

But agree with others that change shouldn't be forced on you.
I think this is the main issue for me.
Having used both libre & now dexcom have to say that dexcom trumps libre so don't be afraid to try device if need be.

But agree with others that change shouldn't be forced on you.
Could I clarify please, @nonethewiser, are you saying that you think Dexcom One trumps Libre 2 (both of which are in the same cost bracket for the NHS) or Decom G6 trumps Libre 2? Now that Libre 2 is a real-time CGM I would say Libre 2 trumps Dex One - with the important caveat of provided one's body is compatible with Libre; I appear not to have that compatibility.
Just had an email from my hospital DSN who said they are happy for me to stay on Libre and just to let the GP know.

The GP Health Centre doesn’t look after T1 patients according to the DSN there, they prefer them to be under the hospital DSN team.

I’ll keep an open mind and may just try it out rather than dismiss it totally.

I think this is the main issue for me.
Good result by the sounds of it, if they do offer a chance to try out dexcom one but with the option of switching back to Libre if you don't get on with it, that would be perfect 🙂
Could I clarify please, @nonethewiser, are you saying that you think Dexcom One trumps Libre 2 (both of which are in the same cost bracket for the NHS) or Decom G6 trumps Libre 2? Now that Libre 2 is a real-time CGM I would say Libre 2 trumps Dex One - with the important caveat of provided one's body is compatible with Libre; I appear not to have that compatibility.

Talking about G6 mate, never ever used Dex One.
Update after my hospital DSN appointment today.

My DSN said that she was aware of Dexcom going to individual GP surgeries and offering cheaper prices if they can get a large percentage of their patients moved onto Dexcom. She said it’s a bit cheeky and that I should resist being bullied into being moved and that they would support me to stay on Libre.

As a side note she also mentioned that the Dexcom app, Clarity does not allow adding notes against readings to record carbs, insulin taken, etc. and so is not as good as Libre. I have no experience of Clarity so can’t comment on this. However I use this feature in LibreLink very much to help me control my BG and learn about how different meals/foods affect me and how to adjust my pre bolus timings, so if this is not available in Clarity then that is another reason for me to stay on Libre.
Update after my hospital DSN appointment today.

My DSN said that she was aware of Dexcom going to individual GP surgeries and offering cheaper prices if they can get a large percentage of their patients moved onto Dexcom. She said it’s a bit cheeky and that I should resist being bullied into being moved and that they would support me to stay on Libre.

As a side note she also mentioned that the Dexcom app, Clarity does not allow adding notes against readings to record carbs, insulin taken, etc. and so is not as good as Libre. I have no experience of Clarity so can’t comment on this. However I use this feature in LibreLink very much to help me control my BG and learn about how different meals/foods affect me and how to adjust my pre bolus timings, so if this is not available in Clarity then that is another reason for me to stay on Libre.
Just to keep this detail accurate it is the Dexcom One app that does not allow notes to be recorded against the Clarity records.

I have Dexcom G7 and that does allow additional data to be entered into that app, akin to Libre 2. But G7 data entry process is a fair bit more cumbersome than Libre 2: you have to select a + symbol then choose the type of data from blood glucose readings, calibration, rapid insulin ot basal insulin, carbs, exercise and activity, and finally any unspecified notes to be recorded. So each step is 2 actions in then one out and another 2 actions, 1 out - for each type of data.

I was told last week by the Dexcom care advisor (who contacted me to follow up on 3 sensor replacements that had been sent to me that week) that there will be new to market a "Dexcom One +", probably to become available this month (May). This will only be available on prescription and I deduced (possibly incorrectly since the Care advisor was vague) that the "Dex One +" may be a further stripped down variant of Dex One.
I mean - though overall it can (surely???) only be a good thing that so much effort is being put into helping people with diabetes by this that and the other manufacturer - I do sometimes think unless they slow down a bit and engage with the end users more before deciding to launch this that or the other at us and scrapping the things that us lot have only just got our heads round - they rather more often than suits me, throw the babby out with the bath water.
I've just tried looking at the Dexcom website, specifically the learning segment. There is info about G6, G7 and Dexcom One+ - but no longer info about Dex One. The info about Dex One+ is insufficiently detailed to sort out exactly what has changed (and if I'm honest I've been "off" for the last 60+ hrs with ridiculously high BGs, so I'm not overly motivated to understand what Dex One+ is offering). But it seems to be as small or smaller than G7 and is an integrated sensor and transmitter, like G7 and unlike Dex One (original) or G6.

As best I can tell I cannot go further into the learning material without not just a compatible phone etc, but the One+ app installed which needs a live (working) One+ sensor in place. But One+ is released in Ireland (I surmise) but not UK and I understood was not going to be sold to the public in general, just provided on prescription. So until One + is formally available it's not going to be easy to find out what the Dex One+ is really going to provide in detail.

I suspect Dex One will be replaced by the rather different Dex One+.
I've just tried looking at the Dexcom website, specifically the learning segment. There is info about G6, G7 and Dexcom One+ - but no longer info about Dex One. The info about Dex One+ is insufficiently detailed to sort out exactly what has changed (and if I'm honest I've been "off" for the last 60+ hrs with ridiculously high BGs, so I'm not overly motivated to understand what Dex One+ is offering). But it seems to be as small or smaller than G7 and is an integrated sensor and transmitter, like G7 and unlike Dex One (original) or G6.

As best I can tell I cannot go further into the learning material without not just a compatible phone etc, but the One+ app installed which needs a live (working) One+ sensor in place. But One+ is released in Ireland (I surmise) but not UK and I understood was not going to be sold to the public in general, just provided on prescription. So until One + is formally available it's not going to be easy to find out what the Dex One+ is really going to provide in detail.

I suspect Dex One will be replaced by the rather different Dex One+.
I'd expect that..the names are too similar to be marketing them as 2 seperate, simultaneously available products
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