Got the call today

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The box was ready waiting for me at the post office on my return from Belgium and Holland! I have *read* about half of the manual and looked through all the accompanying leaflets and paperwork. Can't wait to get started! Am hoping to be up and running before I go to Prague in May. Am hoping it won't be wasted on me - there seems to be a huge amount of settings that I wouldn't really have a clue how to use. I dare say I will get there in the end 🙂
The box was ready waiting for me at the post office on my return from Belgium and Holland! I have *read* about half of the manual and looked through all the accompanying leaflets and paperwork. Can't wait to get started! Am hoping to be up and running before I go to Prague in May. Am hoping it won't be wasted on me - there seems to be a huge amount of settings that I wouldn't really have a clue how to use. I dare say I will get there in the end 🙂
Good luck.
Hope the transition goes well Steff. Don't worry if you have a few panicky moments and half want to lob it out of the window in the early weeks. Quite normal and stick with it - you will soon winder how you coped for so long without!
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