Got my first ever Libre, think it's faulty

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Yeah have you ever tested a different finger immediately, that can be a different result also
Just came here to post a similar thread and saw yours! I’ve started using Libre today. First reading was 5.7 but blood monitor was 6.8 and since then two further readings have been very different too. It will give me false hope that I am reversing diabetes with lower readings. I only got it because the finger pricking has become very painful, most likely because I’ve only been doing it about 10 weeks but I dread doing it atm they are so sore.
As @Bruce Stephens has said, a week in and I have come to see that as long as I am 'in range' I am okay, but I have still been checking with a finger prick (particularly before meals and before bed etc) and mine has got much closer (usually 1 out at most), so it does even out (on day 1 I was in the 5/6s but being told I was 3.4 by the sensor!).

Sorry if this is a silly question, but do you use both sides of your finger when pricking/can you reduce the number on the dial so it doesn't go as deep?
Yeah have you ever tested a different finger immediately, that can be a different result also
Last week I had 1 at 3.1 (sensor was saying 3.9), then next finger was 4.2, next 4.3. I think the 3.1 must have been me doing some sort of operator error though with the finger prick machine (mind has gone totally blank on what they are called :rofl: ).
Going to jump in here too as applied a new sensor today and alarms have been going off regularly - just had another low at 3.9 and treated hypo (stupidly) before finger prick check which was 5.5. 4 alarms today 3 low - one finger prick v low and had a high alarm too. Was wondering what I was doing wrong. Am LADA, so assume my body could be making some insulin too? Sympathise with you @pawprint91 and hope it settles down.
So yesterday after a face to face group appointment at the hospital, I was presented with my first ever Libre sensor (Libre 2) - so exciting! Got home and got it on yesterday evening. Cleaned area with alcohol and actually got my dad (retired nurse) to put it on for me to make sure it was done right (didn't trust myself with the first one!). First reading seemed good - 6.2 (didn't check this against finger prick). However, within an hour my low alarm was going off, telling me I was 3.4 and dropping. Finger pricked and was actually 4.8. Ended up turning the alarms off as it was trying to tell me I was 3.0 when I was actually 6.1 following a biscuit before a delayed dinner. Tried to resist obsessively scannning ... before bed I was a 7.1 on a fingerprick, 6.2 on libre. This is more like it, I thought. Woke up this morning to several notifications coming in overnight saying that I had lost signal on the sensor. Rescanned this morning, 6.3. Fingerprick - 8.1?! o_O after breakfast it told me I was 10.1. This is good again, I thought, as it's clearly responding to something and having a rise. Fingerpricked again and I was 12 - so whilst it rose by the correct ratio (+4 mmol), it is so out of whack I am wondering if it's worth it. Does anybody have any advice/tips? Could the heat be affecting it and should I just let it settle for the full 24 hours before complaining that it's not working properly? I understand there will be some inaccuracy and a lag but this just seems to far out to actually be of any use - considering contacting Abbott today.
My libre machine and the reading from my mobile can be at least a point different It's still the libre 1 didn't want the 2 when I was offered it Said I'd wait a bit till any teething troubles we're sorted
Going to jump in here too as applied a new sensor today and alarms have been going off regularly - just had another low at 3.9 and treated hypo (stupidly) before finger prick check which was 5.5. 4 alarms today 3 low - one finger prick v low and had a high alarm too. Was wondering what I was doing wrong. Am LADA, so assume my body could be making some insulin too? Sympathise with you @pawprint91 and hope it settles down.
Mine has settled down much more thank you over the past week - so much so that when I was out on Saturday I felt able to trust it and only finger pricked once to check when it told me I was 4.3 (was 4.9 I think) - mine settled down probably in the first 24 hour period - really hope yours does too! I turned alarms off (and app won't let me turn them back on now 🙄) as felt I'd survived overnight this long without alarms and in the day I can check if I (or the sensor) go a bit wonky :rofl:
My libre machine and the reading from my mobile can be at least a point different It's still the libre 1 didn't want the 2 when I was offered it Said I'd wait a bit till any teething troubles we're sorted
Thanks, Colin. As @Bruce Stephens has said, I'm just taking 'in range' these days as an okay reading, only checking with a finger prick if I want to check high/low. How long as the Libre 2 been out, do you know?
As @Bruce Stephens has said, a week in and I have come to see that as long as I am 'in range' I am okay, but I have still been checking with a finger prick (particularly before meals and before bed etc) and mine has got much closer (usually 1 out at most), so it does even out (on day 1 I was in the 5/6s but being told I was 3.4 by the sensor!).

Sorry if this is a silly question, but do you use both sides of your finger when pricking/can you reduce the number on the dial so it doesn't go as deep?
Yes I do all over finger tips to try and help with the soreness. I’ve no doubt over time I’ll get more used to it but I can’t even press on the top of my index finger it’s so bad. I also turned the dial down to 2. Any less and it wasn’t really getting enough blood out! The libre is worth a go. I’ve read the readings settle down in a few days so I might have a better idea then!
Yes I do all over finger tips to try and help with the soreness. I’ve no doubt over time I’ll get more used to it but I can’t even press on the top of my index finger it’s so bad. I also turned the dial down to 2. Any less and it wasn’t really getting enough blood out! The libre is worth a go. I’ve read the readings settle down in a few days so I might have a better idea then!
I hope the soreness and the Libre both sort themselves out for you! I was advised to finger prick on the sides of my finger (sort of next to nail as it moves round to the finger tip) and to avoid tops/tips/pads of fingers as they're the bits you catch and use everyday. Sorry if you know this already!
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