Got a new appointment

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
25th March smack bang in the middle of a shift:(

Currently on the phone trying to get it changed, in a que waitning and waiting.

anybody else have these problems?
Cn you not get the time off work to make the appointment?
Cn you not get the time off work to make the appointment?

Yes I'm sure I could get the boss to agree, but if something important turns up what then?.
Why not call me and ask when is suitable Before sending the letter.

And to top it all, I just spent ages waiting on the phone only to be told by the operater that they cannot re-arrange diabetic appointments I have to call the hospital direct.

Why put that number on the letter and say if you need to cancel or re-arrange call this number?

Called hospital, guess what, they said they would put me through to the right person, yup same bloody que😡

It will have been more than six months by the time I get to see them, And I still know nothing about diabetes, except to inject myself.
Yes I'm sure I could get the boss to agree, but if something important turns up what then?.
Why not call me and ask when is suitable Before sending the letter.

And to top it all, I just spent ages waiting on the phone only to be told by the operater that they cannot re-arrange diabetic appointments I have to call the hospital direct.

Why put that number on the letter and say if you need to cancel or re-arrange call this number?

Called hospital, guess what, they said they would put me through to the right person, yup same bloody que😡

It will have been more than six months by the time I get to see them, And I still know nothing about diabetes, except to inject myself.

You know when they send you the letter with the appointment on is it always a while in advance? like say if your appointment was in march and they sent it in jan for example x
You're not stuck with the QE or one of it's satellites are you? My pal from Wolves says they couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery. Her dad has cancer and was due for a test last Thursday at 4pm, he didn't get seen till 6:45 because they'd lost his file. Encouraging, I know, sorry. I hope you can get the appointment sorted soon.
You know when they send you the letter with the appointment on is it always a while in advance? like say if your appointment was in march and they sent it in jan for example x

Had it today for the 25th march, they ring a week before sometimes just a couple of days, to make sure you are going.
By which point the next appointment is anoth 6-7 weeks
You're not stuck with the QE or one of it's satellites are you? My pal from Wolves says they couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery. Her dad has cancer and was due for a test last Thursday at 4pm, he didn't get seen till 6:45 because they'd lost his file. Encouraging, I know, sorry. I hope you can get the appointment sorted soon.

No it's even worse, good hope
Had it today for the 25th march, they ring a week before sometimes just a couple of days, to make sure you are going.
By which point the next appointment is anoth 6-7 weeks

Sorry can i just clarify cause im lost lol. So you got appt for the 25th march to attend? Is then the case you go to boss and ask for it off as it is over a month away ?
Sorry can i just clarify cause im lost lol. So you got appt for the 25th march to attend? Is then the case you go to boss and ask for it off as it is over a month away ?
The last one was over a month away, then the day before(well evening before) just as it's too late to arrange any other cover a colleague went ill.
The last one was over a month away, then the day before(well evening before) just as it's too late to arrange any other cover a colleague went ill.

Ahh right so your in the process of trying to get through to re-arrnage , sorry got my blonde roots head on.
I always get offerd appointments at lunchtime. I start work at 7am and would have to go home and then come back to work again. Everything I am offered seems to be at lunch time, even things that are supposed to be for my benefit. I know I am not the only person to work full time, there is a whole office full of us!
I have no idea why they can't have evening clinics or saturdays. Most of the medical proffession have to work the most ungodly hours, but DSN's seem to have it cushy.
They will ring to confirm an appointment would it be so difficult to ring to arrange one?

No luck on re-arranging can't even get through to the right department and nobody else can do it.

Anybody ever leave treatment to themselves? and forget the NHS? infact anybody just forgot about treament? I don't know why I bother.
Sorry to sound blunt, but isn't your health more important than work?? Obviously I don't know what your do or what your role is, but I tend to just tell work that I won't be in when I have a clinic appointment, and they've never queried it, so I'm lucky in that respect.

I really think it's important to prioritise clinic appointments - you have to meet your team half way, and they have a lot of people to fit in. If you never go to appointments and then lose your sight or a limb, then that could prevent you working at all in the future! I apreciate that you haven't had good care so far, but it is really important for you health that you take advantage of the services that are available to you. Maybe if you made it to one clinic appointment then it would be easier to discuss in person fitting appointments around your shift.

As for evening or weekend clinic appointments - we have been pressured to bring that in at the (non-diabetes) clinic where I work, but places that have tried it have found that patients won't turn up then - they'd rather watch EastEnders than go for a medical appointment in the evening, even when it's a life-threatening disease.
I was going to say the same but i was not sure how to put it , if your going to re-arrnage every clinic appointment they make for you there going to get abit miffed with you, as i said earlier work should be fine as your appointment for march is so far away thats plenty time to give your boss,as pigeon said your health should come before your job and if work dont like it then tough.
You both make good points, health IS important. But what happens between myself and the clinic is exactly that. I dont understand why my employer has to take a loss or re-arrange the workplace just because a clinic that has early morning appointments wont give me one when I am on afternoons, nor can I get an afternoon appoinment when I am on earlies.

They have these appointments, I get the feeling they save them for people they like.

It just doesn't make sense, my hospital is an amalgamation of three hospitals now called heartlands, they have a department that is well funded just for appointments and the arranging thereof. Yet they seem to be unable/unwilling to help people that work.
Sorry to sound blunt, but isn't your health more important than work?? Obviously I don't know what your do or what your role is, but I tend to just tell work that I won't be in when I have a clinic appointment, and they've never queried it, so I'm lucky in that respect.

I really think it's important to prioritise clinic appointments - you have to meet your team half way, and they have a lot of people to fit in. If you never go to appointments and then lose your sight or a limb, then that could prevent you working at all in the future! I apreciate that you haven't had good care so far, but it is really important for you health that you take advantage of the services that are available to you. Maybe if you made it to one clinic appointment then it would be easier to discuss in person fitting appointments around your shift.

As for evening or weekend clinic appointments - we have been pressured to bring that in at the (non-diabetes) clinic where I work, but places that have tried it have found that patients won't turn up then - they'd rather watch EastEnders than go for a medical appointment in the evening, even when it's a life-threatening disease.

totally agree with you here. Mynext appt is 11th march, and i've just started a new job. They will be told tomorrow that on this day i WILL be having time off no questions asked. My health is more important especially with the problems i have atm with the eyes and the nueropathy

ypauly, why don't you just ask for a couple of hours out in the middle of your shift. Your job should be working to accomodate you, not the other way around
totally agree with you here. Mynext appt is 11th march, and i've just started a new job. They will be told tomorrow that on this day i WILL be having time off no questions asked. My health is more important especially with the problems i have atm with the eyes and the nueropathy

ypauly, why don't you just ask for a couple of hours out in the middle of your shift. Your job should be working to accomodate you, not the other way around
Sorry but I couldn't disagree more, my employer is a good employer and i'm sure wouldn't mind the occasional appointment that fell in works time. But all my appointments fall in works time, and it seems there is nothing I can do about it, except ask the boss. Why does the clinic put me in that position where I have to ask.
I would like to think that I could say to my boss I have had three appointments outside works time but unfortunately this one requires time off but I can't as they all require time off. And as understanding as he is, imagine 5 years from now and 20/30 appointments later the business has problems, who will be the first on the redundancy list?
Anyway on a good note, I now have the number of the diabetic clinic at the hospital that I will call when I get back from the school run.
Finally got through to somebody with some sense. But still not able to change appointments. She tells me they are having alot of problems with the appointments department.

I have also learned the appointment I missed was with a consultant and my new appointment is with him also. so not the DSN.

Why would a consultant want to see me?

After originally getting a new appointment for the 24th Ihave one with the DSN tomorrow afternoon.

now what do I need to ask?????????
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