good news!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,

3 weeks ago i sent our consultant an email basically asking him, why, if Alex fits all the criteria for a pump are they pratting around?

Today we went to clinic armed with all manner of letters and information about our right to a pump (lots of help off the other forum i am on - and also some off here) - and we were ready to do battle!

Well, the first thing our consultant said was 'I have put in for funding for a pump for Alex'!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Can you tell i am excited???????

So it looks like Alex may even get a pump before he starts secondary school!

I say may - because apparently the paperwork can take weeks sometimes - so i dont want to get his hopes up! The consultant said that our PCT have never refused funding etc - so looks like he will be getting one!

Very oddly the DSN - who told us just last week that we would have to wait at the very least 6 months - denied all that and said she is keener than anyone to get him on a pump! I can only think she has had a dressing down off the powers that be perhaps? Anyway, its great news so thought i would share it with you all as you have all helped to support us through the battle!

Also, they know we are keen on the medtronic pump - so the dsn is arranging for the rep to come in very soon to show us! We saw the roche pump last week so we will be able to compare.:D Bev
Brilliant news bev! So pleased for you and Alex! I even found a picture of the latest model!


Really chuffed for you, hope it happens quickly!:D
Totally Brill News Bev Well Done

P.s Great Piccie Northener Up2 Date As Ever Lol
Brilliant news bev! So pleased for you and Alex! I even found a picture of the latest model!


Really chuffed for you, hope it happens quickly!:D

thats looks cool and soooo inconspicuous 😛 think i will ask about this one when i see pump nurse tomorrow. what make is it northener?

Well cone Bev, so pleased for you !!
Brilliant, if you get one like that then you can double it up as a blow up mattress pump as well !!!!

I think it was your very too the point email last week Bev (was that last week) which told them like it was. Well done.
Hi Bev,

Thats brilliant pleased for you and Alex....:D:D

thats looks cool and soooo inconspicuous 😛 think i will ask about this one when i see pump nurse tomorrow. what make is it northener?

Well cone Bev, so pleased for you !!

It's the Blagthorp Pump-o-dyne (deluxe). I think you can get a sensor set too...

Hmmm......But do they do it in blue? I'm not convinced....😛Bev
Brilliant news bev! So pleased for you and Alex! I even found a picture of the latest model!


Really chuffed for you, hope it happens quickly!:D

Thank you northener, you have put my mind to rest!

Today my DSN phoned me to say my pump had arrived at the clinic, I will see her on Wednesday as planned. She told me to bring a really big bag, there is lots to carry!!! Silly me, thought it was the size of a credit card?!😛
Brilliant news Bev. It would be nice if it arrived at the begining of the school hols so Alex is used to using it and it is part of him when he gets to senior school.
Brilliant news for both you and Alex Wooooooo🙂🙂🙂🙂
Thank you northener, you have put my mind to rest!

Today my DSN phoned me to say my pump had arrived at the clinic, I will see her on Wednesday as planned. She told me to bring a really big bag, there is lots to carry!!! Silly me, thought it was the size of a credit card?!😛

Sugarbum, I am so excited for you! I cant remember if you said you would do a blog too? It would be great if you did- as i will need all the help i can get - already i have learnt so much off patricia's pump thread.:DBev x
Thats brilliant news Bev am really pleased for Alex, I hope the DSN will continue to be supportive through the process.
Delighted for you and Alex, Bev -- hurray! Just brilliant. I can't wait on your behalf! All worth it. There may not be a long wait. Let's hope not. Our things went through very quickly really...

Sugarbum: the amount of kit is kind of weird. It's still strewn around our house...
Great news, glad all your efforts paid off and hope there's a smooth transition to the pump for Alex. :D
Delighted for you and Alex, Bev -- hurray! Just brilliant. I can't wait on your behalf! All worth it. There may not be a long wait. Let's hope not. Our things went through very quickly really...

Sugarbum: the amount of kit is kind of weird. It's still strewn around our house...

Yes I am starting to think I need something bigger than my one bedroom south London sweat box......I have never seen so much kit and instruction manuals!
Bev, fantastic news! Is there any indication of time frame here?

Really really hope its sooner rather than later xx
Hi Sugarbum,
No we havent got a time frame - but his next clinic appointment is the end of September and the consultant said 'hopefully he will be pumping by then'! Also, we are going to london on tuesday to a demo of the medtronic pump - so that means our team wont have to go to the trouble of organising it for us at our hospital, so hopefully this will speed things up a bit, so really we are just waiting for the PCT to approve it.🙂Bev
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