Good news on HbA1c...

Mr Happymoose

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
Well, when I got the diagnosis in May my HbA1c was 76, the latest set of blood tests a few days ago show it at 46.

I'll take that...

Well done! That is a great result. Congratulations!
That's amazing, well done!
That's a great drop in 3 months. Whatever you're doing keep doing it and maybe the next HbA1c will be in normal range.
That's a great drop in 3 months. Whatever you're doing keep doing it and maybe the next HbA1c will be in normal range.
Fingers crossed!
Well done. Worth having a dance.
Keep at whatever strategies you are using. They are working.
That’s really good stuff.

I just got my results back - my first blood test after 3 months saw my hba1c down from 84 to 48 with no meds - just lifestyle. If i am honest i am disappointed, i was expecting more - my CGM data shows my hba1c in the 38-42 range.
That’s really good stuff.

I just got my results back - my first blood test after 3 months saw my hba1c down from 84 to 48 with no meds - just lifestyle. If i am honest i am disappointed, i was expecting more - my CGM data shows my hba1c in the 38-42 range.
Many congratulations to you too, especially doing it without meds. It will almost certainly continue to come down further if you continue with the approach you are using.
Many of us find that Libre underestimates HbA1c so try not to allow that under prediction to rob you of your glory. You have done incredibly well and should be extremely proud of yourself!
That’s really good stuff.

I just got my results back - my first blood test after 3 months saw my hba1c down from 84 to 48 with no meds - just lifestyle. If i am honest i am disappointed, i was expecting more - my CGM data shows my hba1c in the 38-42 range.
Many congratulations to you too, especially doing it without meds. It will almost certainly continue to come down further if you continue with the approach you are using.
Many of us find that Libre underestimates HbA1c so try not to allow that under prediction to rob you of your glory. You have done incredibly well and should be extremely proud of yourself!
That's really interesting as my Libre 2 system actually overestimates my HbA1c quite considerably at 53 hence being very pleasantly surprised by the bloods
My Libre estimated 34-36 (It changed for the last sensor, which was always reading a bit low) and it came back as 37.
That's really interesting as my Libre 2 system actually overestimates my HbA1c quite considerably at 53 hence being very pleasantly surprised by the bloods
I think to a certain extent it depends on body chemistry, but when I do a finger prick BG meter check against my Libre reading, the finger prick is consistently higher by up to 1mmol, so I assume that Libre reads slightly low for me and that view is supported by it predicting HbA1c as lower than my actual HbA1c and I think this is common for many people but by no means everyone.
I managed 91 to 47 at the first test and to 41 at 6 months - my reaction was about the same, as they are such significant numbers.
Still feeling great.
These result stories are really good to read. It is reassuring to know that this is a long game and the drops i have seen are part of a marathon and not sprint - without any meds.

The frustration i have is the sheer inadequacy of my GP practise - diagnosed by text (no phone call), no advice or support from a dietitian etc - not even a foot check up let alone eye test - that i have had to fund privately.

And today i got an email asking if i would provide a written testimonial on how ‘stellar GP support had helped me on my Diabetes journey’….

I still dont know whether to laugh or cry!?
These result stories are really good to read. It is reassuring to know that this is a long game and the drops i have seen are part of a marathon and not sprint - without any meds.

The frustration i have is the sheer inadequacy of my GP practise - diagnosed by text (no phone call), no advice or support from a dietitian etc - not even a foot check up let alone eye test - that i have had to fund privately.

And today i got an email asking if i would provide a written testimonial on how ‘stellar GP support had helped me on my Diabetes journey’….

I still dont know whether to laugh or cry!?
Very well done and all by your own efforts, I would feel inclined to tell them to boil their heads, are they serious.
congratulations, just my latest result and its down to 42, so pleased.

Many congratulations on your great result too.