Going private?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi guys,

I was just wondering if anyone here goes private with their Diabetes care? And if they might be happy to discuss it?

This place has intrigued me- http://www.londonmedical.co.uk/page1/46/ I see they do various things, lots of educational courses, advanced carb counting, recommend books etc and they look to be very advanced in the pumping stakes as they have put their first person on the Omnipod (I didnt even think it had NICE approval yet?).http://www.londonmedical.co.uk/page3_188/

I know its pricey, but it caught my eye. I assume mostly people would do this with medical insurance only?

Lou 🙂
Hi guys,

I was just wondering if anyone here goes private with their Diabetes care? And if they might be happy to discuss it?

This place has intrigued me- http://www.londonmedical.co.uk/page1/46/ I see they do various things, lots of educational courses, advanced carb counting, recommend books etc and they look to be very advanced in the pumping stakes as they have put their first person on the Omnipod (I didnt even think it had NICE approval yet?).http://www.londonmedical.co.uk/page3_188/

I know its pricey, but it caught my eye. I assume mostly people would do this with medical insurance only?

Lou 🙂

Hi Lou, I went private when I was first diagnosed. My PMI only covered me for diagnosis ie type 1 or type 2 and then upto being stabalised, which included dietician. They now wont took me with a barge pole!! if I require any treatment which could be deemed diabetic related.:confused:
Hi Lou,

I am with Bupa but they wouldn't touch me at all - not even a dietician.
I have been with Bupa years - well before diagnosed.
Hi Lou,

I am with Bupa but they wouldn't touch me at all - not even a dietician.
I have been with Bupa years - well before diagnosed.

Hi Lucy, I saw the dietician under Bupa as part of diagnosis - I'd ask them again - if you've been with them years play on it - ask to speak to a superviser etc etc.

It's amazing what they will do sometimes depending on what you tell them. I had initial investigations to see if I had blocked tubes - told them I was having really bad mother nature - I was and they gave me the green light to get my womb and tubes looked at.
Forgive me for asking Lou, but why is it you want to go private, is it due to the lack of care from your HCP? Personally I would begrudge paying and going private for something that is free on the NHS. Toby.
I have to say in all other areas they have been good. i expected to be able to have my eyes tested and my feet checked but not allowed.
I have had lots of physio on them though!
As fringe civil service I could if I wanted to join something called Benden (Benedon?). When I was going to join and told them about the diabtetes tey didn't want to know.
Hi guys,

I was just wondering if anyone here goes private with their Diabetes care? And if they might be happy to discuss it?

This place has intrigued me- http://www.londonmedical.co.uk/page1/46/ I see they do various things, lots of educational courses, advanced carb counting, recommend books etc and they look to be very advanced in the pumping stakes as they have put their first person on the Omnipod (I didnt even think it had NICE approval yet?).http://www.londonmedical.co.uk/page3_188/

I know its pricey, but it caught my eye. I assume mostly people would do this with medical insurance only?

Lou 🙂

Hi Lou,
This lady is on the email list for children. She is BRILLIANT! What she doesnt know about diabetes isnt worth knowing. We went to the pump demo at her clinic and she is lovely. Her daughter was diagnosed when little (now and adult herself with chidren) and Laila got herself trained to be a DSN and now she is a top Consultant. If she doesnt know the answer to something she makes it her business to find out. You can go for 1 consultation and you can rent the navigator off her - she then advises you on making changes and she operates very strict tight control. She runs various courses and apparently they are great too.🙂Bev
Hi Toby,

Just to clarify your point, a lot of people like myself are given the insurance as part of their salary package - its not an option or tradeable, its just a benefit the employee provides in place of increased salary. I personally wouldn't pay myself for this insurance as it can be quite expensive, but would and do use it wherever I think it benefits me.
Hi Toby,

Just to clarify your point, a lot of people like myself are given the insurance as part of their salary package - its not an option or tradeable, its just a benefit the employee provides in place of increased salary. I personally wouldn't pay myself for this insurance as it can be quite expensive, but would and do use it wherever I think it benefits me.

Indeed lucy, I have had private medical insurance provided by my employers in the past and would be the first to use it should the need arise. What I thought was that the OP (Lou) was perhaps willing to pay and go private due to the failings of her present HCP. Toby.
Sorry Toby - I misunderstood you and thought you thought everyone had to pay themselves for PHI. Good point though if it is due to a failing its concerning.
I think the omnipod sounds wonderful, and its something Im sure my son, and a lot of other diabetics would be interested in. Nick Jonas has one,(only know about this because of my 15 year old daughter!), but it just brings it home to me that its down to money again. Obvioulsly if you can afford it you can get the best medical care
yes thats him. I have just watched a clip of using the omnipod and I am amazed at how good it is. Everything I have read, points to the fact that noone will get one on the NHS though.
yes thats him. I have just watched a clip of using the omnipod and I am amazed at how good it is. Everything I have read, points to the fact that noone will get one on the NHS though.

Even if you buy your own.........at least it gives us an idea of what the future holds..............
yes, youre right, gives me some hope that things will get easier for diabetics. Sorry to turn this into a thread about omnipod!
... I have just watched a clip of using the omnipod and I am amazed at how good it is. Everything I have read, points to the fact that noone will get one on the NHS though.
I think this is true at the moment but I think there is strong likelihood that this will change in the not too distant future. The last time I met with my local DSN who specialises in pumps I was told that this was the type of device that the other pump manufacturers were beginning to move towards and also as with other technology as these devices become more popular and more widely used then the price can be expected to drop and they become more feasible propositions for NICE approval.

We just have to be patient patients 😎 although having said all that the current Government's cuts in NHS spending will not help with this sort of thing. :(
Hi Lou,

I think private medical cover is a law unto itself. I got a phone call a few years back from BUPA as i can get significant discount with my employment and i thought i would listen to the sale.

To cut a long story short, the biggie was the diabetes and he said that isn't covered as it is a long term medical condition. If there was something that happened to me where I needed to call upon BUPA's services I would have to prove that it wasn't caused by the Diabetes 😱 well, they could put anything that has happened to me for that! In addition, i was pregnant at the time and they said that i had to have the policy for a year before I could use the maternity services of the private health care sector. Well, I felt there was too much small print over the phone and so I declined their services.

I have mixed feelings about private health care and NHS and as a Diabetic feel like i have to lump the NHS which if i had the choice to change i would do so even though the Dr's are the same.

Bernie xx 🙂
Yeah Lou me and OH are through his work... ive never needed it yet thank goodness.
hi all,
when my g.p said he was going to refer me to a diabetic consultant and knowing how long it takes through nhs i was able to get an appointment with in three days through my company bupa i grabbed it .. but now i have waited nearly ten days for his diabetes specialist to contact me, even though he requested urgent appointment for an urgent start up of victoza.
I see him next tuesday ..nearly two weeks after original appointment, i think its swings and roundabouts im afraid.. i would of been seen and treated quicker going through the diabetic centre at my g.p's
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