Going down the pub

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I don't really have that many suggestions but have exactly the same problem when i dont want to drink alcohol or i'm driving! Diet coke gets soo boring, and although i can always tell the difference between diet and full fat coke, i get completely confused when they give me.... PEPSI!!! YUCK! I hate that stuff and I can never tell if it's the diet one or not!

I sometimes ask fot a little bit of lime cordial in with my diet coke, which makes it taste a bit different. (But it is sugary - so watch how much they put in!!)

Or i just sometimes get a plain blackcurrent with tap water. Another bonus to that is that they normally only charge about 50p for it!

I find pubs hardly ever have diet lemonade - very annoying! I love J20s and often just have 1 and do some insuline to cover it, but i wish they would make a diet version of them.
Hi Bob

Used to drink loads of vodka redbull pre-diagnoses. Bit of a Marmite drink i reakon!.

Out the other night and they had sugar free red-bull in the pub. Had a couple of those (minus the vodka) and they were so much better than diet coke.

Might be worth considering....
i can always tell the difference between diet and full fat coke, i get completely confused when they give me.... PEPSI!!! YUCK! I hate that stuff and I can never tell if it's the diet one or not!

Could've written that myself!!

MMMMMMMMMMMMMM pepsi max totally rules i love it to
I love sugar free red bull. Never found a pub that sold it, need to look harder I think !

I didn't like Coke Zero to begin with, but now it's my preferred choice.

I was gutted for a long time I couldn't get Cherry Coke. Glad they brought out Diet Cherry Coke which is ok, but still not as good as the full sugar stuff IMHO :(

Dr Pepper Zero is another favourite 🙂

Can you tell I only drink soft drinks 😉


I didn't like Coke Zero to begin with, but now it's my preferred choice.

I was gutted for a long time I couldn't get Cherry Coke. Glad they brought out Diet Cherry Coke which is ok, but still not as good as the full sugar stuff IMHO :(

Dr Pepper Zero is another favourite 🙂

Can you tell I only drink soft drinks 😉


same prob as me niVZ they dnt do diet cherry coke anywehre! grr miss it alot
I mainly have diet coke, would have diet lemonade but every pub/restraunt I've ever been in doesn't have it...? don't have a clue why. Before I got pregnant I loved drinking diet lemonade and vodka at home but watch out for vodka because it sends your levels down quickly if your not snacking a little on carbs, also I found wine good it didn't really do much to my levels
yup the same here all you get is r whites at my local . so i go for tonic water and a slice or usual diet coke.
I know poor guy. I even offered him lunch as he was there all day but he said he had his own and that's when he told me he was diabetic and then I jumped on him (not literally of course just verbally 😛)

Perhaps you should have literally jumped on him Adrienne.:D
Bob, I have to say I'm comletely at a loss when it comes to pubs. I never liked diet coke (and you can't always be sure they are giving you the diet version!).

Now you know why I have the glucostix....
Bob try a pint of lime & soda water one night I had 6 pints of the stuff!!
Watch out for the sugar in the lime mix rossi....Glucostix to the rescue again!

Ummmm - how about something like Fresh Orange Juice, made into a longer, sparkly drink with (diet) lemonade, or soda water? Or some kind of a spritzer - I know it's still wine, but will go twice as far that way, so you drink less?? Or maybe have the odd pint, alternating with something 'healthier' ? (all things in moderation and all that!)

Sorry if they're useless suggestions.

Helen, Orange juice is sadly a no no for me as it's full of sugar. Great hypo cure if you have one.

Be very careful when drinking diet coke as some people will serve you normal coke rather than admit they have no diet coke - or they might just be plain careless. If you are someone watching calories it is an annoyance but if you have diabetes your blood sugar could go off the meter! Allegedly you can test for this using the urine dip sticks - the barman will probably assume you are checking the alcohol content!

You're right about the test sticks falcon, I've had several rows with managers in take aways about serving the wrong drinks. I got the idea for using sticks from Esther Ranzen's That's Life show on the telly. She demonstrated the test with some real cola and some from McDonald's live.
Perhaps you should have literally jumped on him Adrienne.:D

You are so naughty Tez. The poor bloke ran as soon as he had finished the carpet. He had no doubt never been to a job and be quizzed about such subjects!!! It still makes me laugh.
what about pepsie Max ???
Well, I'll drink it at a push, but I really don't like ANY of the Pepsi range, other than when they had PepsiCino (cappucino flavour! Sounds gross but was gorgeous!!) out for a brief while.

I was gutted for a long time I couldn't get Cherry Coke. Glad they brought out Diet Cherry Coke which is ok, but still not as good as the full sugar stuff IMHO :(

Dr Pepper Zero is another favourite 🙂

Diet Cherry Coke and Dr. Pepper Zero are my FAYYYvourite soft drinks of all time!! They're all I drink at home!! (apart from water).

Did anyone used to like Vanilla Coke (Diet, of course 😛 )?? I loved it, wish they hadn't stopped making it!

Poor Steff, not being able to buy Diet Cherry Coke :(

(My Sister has just started the Lighter Life diet and is GUTTED that she's not aloud to drink it any more!!)

Love Dr Pepper, miss it. I liked the Lemon Coke. Cokachino?😱
Did anyone used to like Vanilla Coke (Diet, of course 😛 )?? I loved it, wish they hadn't stopped making it!

Yeah I liked the vanilla stuff too 🙂

Have you ever tried Root beer from the USA? It's like Coke mixed with Bubblegum flavour juice. I loved it, but it's a love it or hate it drink.

I've remember visiting the Coca-Cola factory in Atlanta where you can taste different Coca-Cola drinks from around the world. Worst one was from Italy - it was proper disgusting!

Have you ever tried Root beer from the USA? It's like Coke mixed with Bubblegum flavour juice. I loved it, but it's a love it or hate it drink.

Yup, tried it once, hated it. I tried something called Sarsaparilla too, that was even nastier. I had to scrape my tongue after that one.
Yup, tried it once, hated it. I tried something called Sarsaparilla too, that was even nastier. I had to scrape my tongue after that one.

We used to make Sarsparilla when I was little - don't ask me how! I thought all you Scots would be supping diet Irn-Bru!😱🙂
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