Going down the pub

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I love being in the pub - not necessarily drinking but just having a laugh with mates. I am also on a pub pool team so I am in there a couple of nights a week anyway.

Apart from diet coke ( which I am seriously getting bored of) what else would be ok to drink when out?

I cant really have any alcohol at the mo as I am taking more tablets than a pharmacy!
tonic or sparkling water, or holtsen pils , (all the sugar turns to alchol in that drink)!
Bob, I have to say I'm comletely at a loss when it comes to pubs. I never liked diet coke (and you can't always be sure they are giving you the diet version!). After a couple of visits drinking that I turned to lower strength bitters. I found that there was much more choice that way and I could get a drink I actually enjoyed and that didn't affect my levels greatly.

I was on a lot of pills last year for various things, but I don't think any of them actually excluded alcohol so it may be worth re-checking the info sheets that come with the tablets.

There is a very poor choice of drinks suitable for diabetics in pubs.
yeah I sometimes wonder whether they have given me the right ones.

i believe vodka is ok when mixed with diet coke???

I have had a look at carling lager and that seems ok as long as you only have 1 0r 2?

ill check the tablets again but looks like its diet coke for the moment anyway!
Bob try a pint of lime & soda water one night I had 6 pints of the stuff!!
I'm not a pub person, and hubby don't drink, so I dont' really know what men like to drink as an alternative to beer - I've been a diet coke-aholic for years, so would never tire of it, lol.

Ummmm - how about something like Fresh Orange Juice, made into a longer, sparkly drink with (diet) lemonade, or soda water? Or some kind of a spritzer - I know it's still wine, but will go twice as far that way, so you drink less?? Or maybe have the odd pint, alternating with something 'healthier' ? (all things in moderation and all that!)

Sorry if they're useless suggestions.

PS When I said a sparkly drink, I meant sparkling, of course!! :D
my doc said slimline G&T but not too many....how many is that??
diet lemonade. Some pubs (especially the ones that serve food) also serve tea and coffee.

Do a little research, you maybe even able to get low carb beer in some places.

I have it on good authority (although I think it is disgusting) you want less of some of the speciality beers, so maybe worth a try? Don't know for sure I'm not a drinker.
Cranberry and soda is really refreshing if you only have a couple (because of the sugar in the juice).
I have never yet ever found a pub that sold diet lemonade which I think is awful, not because of people with diabetes but people in general, especially weight conscious women of any size (including my supremely skinny sister) would rather have diet mixers. The only choices are diet coke or slimline tonic. Some people like white wine spritzers with lemonade but want diet lemonade so have to have soda water instead (which is what I prefer anyway luckily).

I don't do pubs now as it is just me and Jessica and no babysitter so I think at 9 she is a bit young to be doing nights out down the pub with mum !
However I used to do pubs alot. One other drink is tomato juice.

I love tomato juice so used to have a double tomato juice with worcester sauce and tabasco sauce, boy that had a kick!

I once quizzed a carpet fitter with diabetes about alcohol and sex. Poor guy. He was only fitting my hall carpet and there I was with a baby who was diabetic and I wanted to know these things.

He told me he drank Pils and had no problems. He said the docs wanted him to have spirits with diet mixers but he found that bottles Pils was better for his levels ! We never go onto chatting about sex funnily enough, he did a runner after the lager chat !! :confused:
Water really is a lovely refreshing drink - especially, bottled sparkling water. Why look for something else?

However, if you need something alcoholic, the odd drink of wine - especially red wine - won't do you any harm and might even do you some good.

If you need something stronger then spirits will be better for you than beer or lager - the latter two being higher in carbohydrates than wine or spirits.
I once quizzed a carpet fitter with diabetes about alcohol and sex. Poor guy. He was only fitting my hall carpet and there I was with a baby who was diabetic and I wanted to know these things.

He told me he drank Pils and had no problems. He said the docs wanted him to have spirits with diet mixers but he found that bottles Pils was better for his levels ! We never go onto chatting about sex funnily enough, he did a runner after the lager chat !! :confused:

This made me laugh 😉

Maybe he thought you were quizing him on how to get him drunk before propositioning him!!

This made me laugh 😉

Maybe he thought you were quizing him on how to get him drunk before propositioning him!!


I know poor guy. I even offered him lunch as he was there all day but he said he had his own and that's when he told me he was diabetic and then I jumped on him (not literally of course just verbally 😛)
I'm not sure to be honest. Jessica was only 2 and had been on insulin for nearly 2 years by then but I didn't know any older people so didn't know what the future holds. I was still of the mindset that she wasn't diabetic but was CHI who had insulin. I needed to get out of that and sort out diabetes but I was still involved in helping CHI families and still do but I am now far more involved with diabetes.

He was in the right place at the right time for me, not him I imagine 🙂 He told me he kept lucozade by his bed at night, excellent idea I think and about the Pils.

I just remembered what I was like as an older teen and in my 20's and I was mad, totally. I was your typical binge drinker but during the week as well probably when I had the chance and I was worried about alcohol and diabetes.
coffee / tea?

Silkman Bob - not ideal for evening drinking, perhaps, but occasionally we stop in a pub on a long drive, and as my partner doesn't drive, I have to drive all the way. I prefer not to drink any alcohol when driving, which leaves either diet coke, which fortunately I do like, or coffee / tea - admittedly more acceptable during day time than evening, and decaffeinated versions aren't always available, which is another reason why at least one sugar free alternative to coke would be nice eg lemonade, Lilt etc.
Silkman Bob - not ideal for evening drinking, perhaps, but occasionally we stop in a pub on a long drive, and as my partner doesn't drive, I have to drive all the way. I prefer not to drink any alcohol when driving, which leaves either diet coke, which fortunately I do like, or coffee / tea - admittedly more acceptable during day time than evening, and decaffeinated versions aren't always available, which is another reason why at least one sugar free alternative to coke would be nice eg lemonade, Lilt etc.

I agree diet Lilt is lovely and if I do find myself in a pub I generally have a filtered coffee, love it.
Be very careful when drinking diet coke as some people will serve you normal coke rather than admit they have no diet coke - or they might just be plain careless. If you are someone watching calories it is an annoyance but if you have diabetes your blood sugar could go off the meter! Allegedly you can test for this using the urine dip sticks - the barman will probably assume you are checking the alcohol content!
Picking up on Copepod's reply about tea/coffee

It's getting more and more common I think for pubs to serve such drinks, and for pub goers to have such a drink perhaps before heading home, I've even been known to have one at the end of a night, if you don't want normal tea/coffee some of them may stock a range of weirdy beardy tea (herbal/green etc) which ain't too bad but I cannot touch the fruit teas just seems wrong to me!!
I agree, fruit teas are so wrong in my eyes. They smell nice but taste yukky.

I do however like jasmine tea as it is really the Chinese tea you get in Chinese restaurants and I love it but never found a pub that sells that.
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