Gliclazide vs Victoza

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Does sort of leave one wondering what the hell (in polite terms) finally thought I was getting support and help and left totally deflated and wondering what's next. 😡 😡 😡
Going to have to sleep on it and think of what to do, don't really know where to go. :confused: :confused: :confused:
Personally I'd be tempted to ask for either a second opinion or a referral, but I've read some posts on here in which people have needed to fight for that and then the second opinion isn't much better.

If I was in your position I'd push for insulin instead (although you might not want that, or it might not suit you) since you can have a finer control and gliczade is a bit of a blunt weapon (as it's difficult to match dose to food).

Unfortunately with a HbA1c of 6.2% you probably won't be considered for insulin either (based on NICE rules). You would need to hit about 7-7.5%
Thanks Mark, sounds like I shot myself in the foot a bit as prior to this year I was probably more than once 7.6% and above. In Jan this year my HbA1c was 7.6 % thanks partly me and me listening to the doctors saying don't test will keep an eye on you. 😡

I don't mind if being on insulin if it helps, I have had that many needles stuck in me over the years, if I had a needle phobia its long gone. The only one that hurts is the B12 for a few seconds.

The restrictive driving licence to 3 years is not a problem as I have been on a restricted yearly one before.
Day one on the reduced gliclazide pre tea tonight 10.3, though been in hospital for an x-ray so lunch was a bit messed up.
Without going overboard, I might be inclined to deliberately increase my Hba1C for the next review:D
Without going overboard, I might be inclined to deliberately increase my Hba1C for the next review :D

Its one way, but don't like where it was before it came down, eye sight got worse and the nerve damage pains some nights ridiculous irritating and painful.

Will need to speak to another doc next week as had one of those coughs that won't go away, had it well before Easter, X-ray results next week if they are clear more tests. Will raise the matter again then and ask for a different doctor.
Re: the cough, are you taking an ACE inhibitor (for kidneys or blood pressure) ending in -pril? These drugs have a well-known side effect of a dry cough, but some are worse than others.
I have been on ramipril for as longer than I can remember, probably in excess of 10 years, and have been told not to take them at the moment.
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Good news today spoke to a different doctor 🙂 and they have not ruled out victoza as a aid to help manage the spikes.

Need to stay on the current level of meds until my next HbA1c which is due fairly soon. Explained why I wanted to maintain my current levels without the spikes, which is to give me a more overall better level, and keep the diabetic complications I have at bay.

To go onto victoza they need to show that my previous level of gliclazide might of been too high allowing hypos, and the lower dose is too low allowing to many high's. Just hope its the right way to go with victoza. 🙂

No need to eat all the extra carbs and end up putting on weight as a result of eating all the carbs. Just keep up the good work, and try to keep the hypos at bay, now the weather has returned to a more English weather these have stopped anyway (prob still get the odd one as before).

Was asked again how do I tell when I am having a hypo, which was easy to explain and they were happy with the answers.
That sounds much more positive. I hope you get what works best for you before to long.
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